Feb 10th 2012, 16:36:28
EE is something I do in my free time. It's a hobby.
Leading PDM is something I do in my free time. It's a hobby.
but since you want to criticize me... maybe I should criticize you a little too, eh?
how about that time you put yourself ahead of the game/community by giving all those Jared Loughner posts to the Wall Street Journal in exchange for a free dinner? did you think you would get more than a dinner?
that nearly caused Boxcar's server to be taken by the FBI, and if it wasn't for some good negotiating by me+TC, it would have been taken. it also wasted a lot of me, qz and slag's time dealing with the fallout + media + bullfluff. it was also a black eye on this game and something that shouldn't have been made public in the first place.
you have no right to criticize me for anything I do after you pulled that stunt.
Deflect, deflect, deflect! I did what I thought was right in getting the information out there, Jared was obviously facing some sort of psychotic illness and getting that information out there helped put a lot of perspective on the situation that hurt a lot of groups of people. If you think I did it for a free dinner you're an idiot, what more could have I expected? I refused even to give my name. Not to mention I ended up having face to face meetings with the FBI to help expose any further information I had on the situation.
Do you also not recall telling me that EE had got tons of traffic from it? And you did not sound like you viewed that as a bad thing at all. In fact, you treated that as a bright point in the situation.