Oct 27th 2012, 20:49:10
I'm just gonna post this here because as a new player, I may not get what the Admins are trying to do fully here, but this did not seem right to me..
The Info as you requested, if I missed something please let me know:
2012-10-27 19:26:04 AB BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 24B
2012-10-27 19:24:35 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 384B 20121 C
2012-10-27 19:24:33 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 400B 23128 C
2012-10-27 19:24:31 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 416B 26583 C
2012-10-27 19:24:24 NM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 554A
2012-10-27 19:24:22 NM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 583A
2012-10-27 14:48:07 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:32 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:30 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:29 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 154B
2012-10-27 14:47:28 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 157B
2012-10-27 14:47:27 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 159B
2012-10-27 14:47:26 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 161B
2012-10-27 14:47:23 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 163B
2012-10-27 14:46:05 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:46:04 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 169B
2012-10-27 14:46:03 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 172B
2012-10-27 14:46:02 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 176B
2012-10-27 14:46:01 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 180B
2012-10-27 14:45:56 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 183B
2012-10-27 14:44:42 CM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 810B 32444 C
2012-10-27 14:44:31 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 66021MU
2012-10-27 14:44:30 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 66658MU
2012-10-27 14:44:25 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 67301MU
2012-10-27 14:43:48 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:43:47 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 190B
2012-10-27 14:43:46 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 194B
2012-10-27 14:43:45 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 198B
2012-10-27 14:43:38 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 202B
2012-10-27 14:43:09 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:42:47 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 204B
msg me if you are new in game (#151) Info:
Government: Theocracy
Land = 11,659 Acres
Enterprise Zones = 0
Residences = 0
Industrial Complexes = 535
Military Bases = 0
Research Labs = 0
Farms = 10,985
Oil Rigs = 0
Construction Sites = 95
Unused Lands = 44
Networth = $5,661,432
Tanks = 468,223 (WHEN I HIT)
Tanks = ~1,708,223 (WHEN HE HIT ME*)
My Country - BigStickPolicy (#7) Info:
Government: Democracy
Land = 27,322
Enterprise Zones = 399
Residences = 389
Industrial Complexes = 644
Military Bases = 19,944
Research Labs = 2224
Farms = 25
Oil Rigs = 8
Construction Sites = 138
Unused Lands = 3551
Networth = $9,673,315
Tanks = ~1,103,753 (WHEN HE HIT ME**)
*I totaled up his tanks from my spy report plus the tanks he lost attacking me with his AB, any other activity I can't see.
**I totaled up my tanks at login plus the tanks lost from his AB attacks, but did not add anything lost from the EM strikes.
*** When he hit me I was fully built with over 22k MB's except for 40 acres that were fee bonus acres. Also, When I logged off I was at about 11.5mil networth, but had military on the market, so maybe about ~10.5mil when he hit me, I don't really know for sure. All buildings and networths above are after his hits.
As for special attacks, he hit me with 15 out of 21 AB's and 3 EM's and 1 CM (if those count). I hit him with 2 NM and 3 CM before sending my 1 AB, then trying 1 Bomb Buildings spy op, but I only got 9 buildings destroyed out of that..
Then I said to myself, "This is doing nowhere near the damage he is doing to me per hit." Its taking me 3 turns (Demo) attacking to do just over half a turn of damage to him just rebuilding. He is doing 3-4 turns of damage just rebuilding to me while spending 2 turns attacking. A country with ~42.67% of my land size and 58.53% of my networth is destroying ~6.42 times the buildings on his worst hits and ~8.5 times on his best hits..
The Info as you requested, if I missed something please let me know:
2012-10-27 19:26:04 AB BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 24B
2012-10-27 19:24:35 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 384B 20121 C
2012-10-27 19:24:33 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 400B 23128 C
2012-10-27 19:24:31 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 416B 26583 C
2012-10-27 19:24:24 NM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 554A
2012-10-27 19:24:22 NM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 583A
2012-10-27 14:48:07 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:32 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:30 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:29 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 154B
2012-10-27 14:47:28 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 157B
2012-10-27 14:47:27 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 159B
2012-10-27 14:47:26 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 161B
2012-10-27 14:47:23 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 163B
2012-10-27 14:46:05 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:46:04 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 169B
2012-10-27 14:46:03 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 172B
2012-10-27 14:46:02 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 176B
2012-10-27 14:46:01 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 180B
2012-10-27 14:45:56 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 183B
2012-10-27 14:44:42 CM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 810B 32444 C
2012-10-27 14:44:31 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 66021MU
2012-10-27 14:44:30 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 66658MU
2012-10-27 14:44:25 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 67301MU
2012-10-27 14:43:48 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:43:47 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 190B
2012-10-27 14:43:46 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 194B
2012-10-27 14:43:45 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 198B
2012-10-27 14:43:38 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 202B
2012-10-27 14:43:09 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:42:47 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 204B
msg me if you are new in game (#151) Info:
Government: Theocracy
Land = 11,659 Acres
Enterprise Zones = 0
Residences = 0
Industrial Complexes = 535
Military Bases = 0
Research Labs = 0
Farms = 10,985
Oil Rigs = 0
Construction Sites = 95
Unused Lands = 44
Networth = $5,661,432
Tanks = 468,223 (WHEN I HIT)
Tanks = ~1,708,223 (WHEN HE HIT ME*)
My Country - BigStickPolicy (#7) Info:
Government: Democracy
Land = 27,322
Enterprise Zones = 399
Residences = 389
Industrial Complexes = 644
Military Bases = 19,944
Research Labs = 2224
Farms = 25
Oil Rigs = 8
Construction Sites = 138
Unused Lands = 3551
Networth = $9,673,315
Tanks = ~1,103,753 (WHEN HE HIT ME**)
*I totaled up his tanks from my spy report plus the tanks he lost attacking me with his AB, any other activity I can't see.
**I totaled up my tanks at login plus the tanks lost from his AB attacks, but did not add anything lost from the EM strikes.
*** When he hit me I was fully built with over 22k MB's except for 40 acres that were fee bonus acres. Also, When I logged off I was at about 11.5mil networth, but had military on the market, so maybe about ~10.5mil when he hit me, I don't really know for sure. All buildings and networths above are after his hits.
As for special attacks, he hit me with 15 out of 21 AB's and 3 EM's and 1 CM (if those count). I hit him with 2 NM and 3 CM before sending my 1 AB, then trying 1 Bomb Buildings spy op, but I only got 9 buildings destroyed out of that..
Then I said to myself, "This is doing nowhere near the damage he is doing to me per hit." Its taking me 3 turns (Demo) attacking to do just over half a turn of damage to him just rebuilding. He is doing 3-4 turns of damage just rebuilding to me while spending 2 turns attacking. A country with ~42.67% of my land size and 58.53% of my networth is destroying ~6.42 times the buildings on his worst hits and ~8.5 times on his best hits..
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games: