Feb 16th 2014, 18:42:05
I guess its no secret this was coming. If this is a surprise to you idk what to say. We've had our share of disagreements over the past few sets, just like any other smaller alliances. In this we are not unique. Needless to say we've had enough of that and have decided to do something about it by planning for war this set alongside NeoFed. It'll be an uphill battle, but RAGE hasn't been an alliance known for bowing down to anyone, especially the alliance that killed us over clean retals just a couple sets ago.
Since that was pretty plain, here is a video for you:
Just replace SoF with LaF and its all good :P
Cute, isn't it? :)
Here's to a fun war
Fail Diego Fail aka FailDiegoFail aka FDF aka why do i have 3 handles on this site....