
Suicidal Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 8:26:36

Hi, my name is Suicidal, I am here to provide a few pointers:

If you feel the need to blow yourself up, then do it in a secluded place, do it in a place where no one else is around. To kill anyone else in the act of blowing yourself up would be a Suicidal fail. It would then be homicide and thus a major Suicidal foul.

If you feel the need to harm innocent women and children, then immediately find a place where you can be alone and perform the Suicidal act. You would be a hero to society.

Everyone, at some point in their life, will contemplate the act of Suicide. So, if you are having a bad day, or going through a rough period in life, stick around. To actually contemplate Suicide means you have hit rock bottom. A good time to stick around. It can only get better from there. Suicide may be painless to you, but it hurts everyone around you.

If you are of the belief that suicidal homicide will be met with 40 virgins, let me inform you.....they are 40 virgin little boys with ebola. (too soon?)


Edited By: Suicidal on Oct 9th 2014, 8:29:44
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