
Hawkster Game profile


Oct 31st 2014, 15:03:10

Originally posted by Colonel Chaos:

We agreed action needed to be taken and worked together to deal with the issue at hand. MD, LaF, SoL, SoF, Evo, Rage, PDM, TPA, etc working together to solve the problem of early wars making the server suck. Imagnum wants to play with the other alliances, they need to keep up on current events.

Is it too long to wait? Maybe. Should it be changed? Sure, why not? To what I don't know, but maybe reduce it to Day 21? 14? Will it last forever? Nope. But it will leave an impression on the server and hopefully help relations to the point where we can respect our enemy enough to make this game fun again.

14 seems too short, that leaves potentially 6 weeks of a long drawn out war.
21 at first seems short I admit as that still leaves maybe a 5 week long war. However looking from opposing viewpoint as it stands now with 4 weeks which is half the set. A whole half set of declared peace in a war game seems kinda silly.

As I posted before in the other thread, I see 3 distinct phases. Building up phase, stocking phase and de-stocking phase. What makes sense to me is war after the first building phase. So the question that needs to be answered is when the end of that is here and make that the de-facto peace period. 2 - 3 weeks building phase depending on the strat you run but will leave that to more experienced vets to answer. Imho 21 days is about right.

BILL_DANGER Game profile


Oct 31st 2014, 17:57:16

Originally posted by galleri:

DAMMIT I see what you all have done here. Well played.
Next.....I do not believe SAM....he tricked us before by saying he was quitting along with DANGER, but they had hidden ulterior motives!



Brille Game profile


Oct 31st 2014, 18:19:56

Oh well. Even though I am a member of MD, I disagree with the destroying of iMag.

But again, iMag could also have read the pact, and you would have avoided this!

Sifos Game profile


Oct 31st 2014, 18:53:02

Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Heston Game profile


Oct 31st 2014, 19:50:11

Originally posted by Brille:
Oh well. Even though I am a member of MD, I disagree with the destroying of iMag.

But again, iMag could also have read the pact, and you would have avoided this!
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Celestia Game profile


Oct 31st 2014, 20:45:39




Was this not danger pretty much saying they don't agree with the EWPP, and yet they tell the Signers that they would want them to invoke it?

Seems kinda lame.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 1st 2014, 14:48:40

Originally posted by Celestia:
Originally posted by JOE DANGER:



Was this not danger pretty much saying they don't agree with the EWPP, and yet they tell the Signers that they would want them to invoke it?

Seems kinda lame.

You're an idiot



Nov 1st 2014, 15:28:18



Celestia Game profile


Nov 1st 2014, 16:51:50

Originally posted by JOE DANGER:


As it should Joe Danger, not even the Ewwwww PeePee should stop anyone from doing what they want.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 1st 2014, 17:47:24


Cause that obviously means attacking people, I guess? I honestly don't see how you decided Danger! was against the EWPP from this sentence.....boggles my mind, really.

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 1st 2014, 18:46:33

Originally posted by Brille:
But again, iMag could also have read the pact, and you would have avoided this!
The EWPP applies to everyone. The signatories have made certain that there is no way to avoid it, either through actions or through diplomacy. This was unavoidable.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Celestia Game profile


Nov 1st 2014, 18:58:38

Originally posted by tellarion:

Cause that obviously means attacking people, I guess? I honestly don't see how you decided Danger! was against the EWPP from this sentence.....boggles my mind, really.

I thought they were using it as metaphor for attacking, which sends a message of POWER and EXPLOSIONS to the ones they attacked. Because in the pact where does it say they cannot send recruitment messages or threats? No where, which means the only relevance such post would have is if they were referring to attacking.

DANGER likes to add EXPLOSIVE FLAIR and POWERFUL METAPHORS instead of dull normal text in their messages. So you have to look at their overall meaning behind what they say not the literal meaning of the words.

Now if I am misunderstanding DANGERS intent with that message I would be fine, but no one from DANGER has clarified.

Cokesplash Game profile


Nov 1st 2014, 20:51:52


Heston Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 2:19:43

Fdf, cc and tella all claim to write the ewpeepee, all are poooooossssieeees...
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

tellarion Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 6:19:35

Originally posted by Heston:

Fdf, cc and tella all claim to write the ewpeepee, all are poooooossssieeees...

I haven't seen so much angst since the emo/goth trends in high school....

Heston Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 6:36:51

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Heston:

Fdf, cc and tella all claim to write the ewpeepee, all are poooooossssieeees...

I haven't seen so much angst since the emo/goth trends in high school....

I havent ever seen so many people in line getting their ewpeepee redwings and smile.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

tellarion Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 6:37:44

Originally posted by Celestia:
Originally posted by tellarion:

Cause that obviously means attacking people, I guess? I honestly don't see how you decided Danger! was against the EWPP from this sentence.....boggles my mind, really.

I thought they were using it as metaphor for attacking, which sends a message of POWER and EXPLOSIONS to the ones they attacked. Because in the pact where does it say they cannot send recruitment messages or threats? No where, which means the only relevance such post would have is if they were referring to attacking.

DANGER likes to add EXPLOSIVE FLAIR and POWERFUL METAPHORS instead of dull normal text in their messages. So you have to look at their overall meaning behind what they say not the literal meaning of the words.

Now if I am misunderstanding DANGERS intent with that message I would be fine, but no one from DANGER has clarified.

What the hell are you talking about? Danger doesn't attack people unless attacked first. I'll forgive you for not knowing a thing about them, despite the fact that they've been around for several years at this point, but that's kind of their thing. They don't attack.

But making a joke about not being allowed to send ingame messages has NOTHING to do with the pact, and considering Danger wanted nothing to do with you guys when you blindsided them, no, they are not against the pact.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 6:40:10

Originally posted by Viceroy:
Originally posted by Brille:
But again, iMag could also have read the pact, and you would have avoided this!
The EWPP applies to everyone. The signatories have made certain that there is no way to avoid it, either through actions or through diplomacy. This was unavoidable.

The way to avoid it is to wait until day 29, and then the pact is void. They could have waited one more week, and then we wouldn't have had a situation where we either enforce the pact as it was written, or get laughed at(by the same people who fluff at us enforcing it) for the pact having no meaning and no teeth.

Honestly, it was pretty effing clear what would happen. It's not our fault that the leaders of imag didn't bother to read AT. Hell, breeze(who says he's the president), didn't even have an account until this happened. Shoddy FA work, if you ask me.

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 7:00:25

Shoddy FA work? The pact did all the FA work for DANGER. They didn't even need to ask.

If this pact only held for the signatories, nobody would care. You are free to play as you see fit, but this only goes so far as your own country. As it is, you are bullies enforcing your style of gameplay on those who neither wanted it nor knew about it. The game has no prohibition on early wars, just as reading AT is not mandatory. Stop metagaming everyone else's games.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 7:10:36

Shoddy FA work. Ask anyone with legit FA experience on this server. AT is required reading if you want to know wtf is going on in the politics of this game. It has always been that way. You're right, there are no ingame prohibitions on anything except running multies, and formula limitations such as nw restrictions and gdi. EEEVVEEERRRYYTTHHIIINNGGG else in this game is a political construct and a set of norms that alliances abide by, both formally and informally.

L:L retals, automatic(mostly) warDNHs, Retal policies in general, Pacting in general. All are added to the game by alliances and their evolving relationships. This is the latest iteration of that process.

And yeah, you're right, imag doesn't have to read these boards to have an alliance. They also don't have to abide by the pact. But, as we can all see from the ingame news, this is what happens if you don't do either of those things.

All that being said, it's still shoddy FA work. Galleri and Soviet know that too.

Heston Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 7:21:22

Alot of shoddy fa work and leaders got what we have today. Bath in your success. Lol
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Celestia Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 7:25:05

Shoddy FA may have caused this exact situation, doesn't stop the fact that the EWPP is still stupid and unfun. All that has been brought up from this is proving that it really is a pointless thing and silly.

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 7:51:17

Originally posted by tellarion:
All that being said, it's still shoddy FA work. Galleri and Soviet know that too.
So all the grudge matches, reset long wars, wars that spilled into multiple resets, everything that forced the creation of such a pact... what was that exactly?

To paraphrase the old Jonathan Edwards song... you can't even run your own alliance, I'll be damned if you run mine.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

breeze Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 14:31:37

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Viceroy:
Originally posted by Brille:
But again, iMag could also have read the pact, and you would have avoided this!
The EWPP applies to everyone. The signatories have made certain that there is no way to avoid it, either through actions or through diplomacy. This was unavoidable.

The way to avoid it is to wait until day 29, and then the pact is void. They could have waited one more week, and then we wouldn't have had a situation where we either enforce the pact as it was written, or get laughed at(by the same people who fluff at us enforcing it) for the pact having no meaning and no teeth.

Honestly, it was pretty effing clear what would happen. It's not our fault that the leaders of imag didn't bother to read AT. Hell, breeze(who says he's the president), didn't even have an account until this happened. Shoddy FA work, if you ask me.

Yes I should have read AT before we attacked. That you are correct.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 14:41:24

Originally posted by Viceroy:
Originally posted by tellarion:
All that being said, it's still shoddy FA work. Galleri and Soviet know that too.
So all the grudge matches, reset long wars, wars that spilled into multiple resets, everything that forced the creation of such a pact... what was that exactly?

To paraphrase the old Jonathan Edwards song... you can't even run your own alliance, I'll be damned if you run mine.

That's regular FA work :D

Celestia Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 19:37:00

Tellaion, you stick to your guns, I respect that. I do hope you keep doing that, because without debate and discussion there is no way for the EWPP to be changed, errata'd or stripped.

Home Turf Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 19:45:26

Yes the pact was very very very shady, shoddy, fa work. Anyway you spin this, that pact was ignored and had no validity from the time it was put on paper. It was an open-ended pact to allow alliances to gangbang, as has been witnessed.

bstrong86 Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 20:37:01

How was it constructed to make gang banging possible? It was put in place to stop early wars with the threat of being systematically killed by the server if you got out of line.

After seeing the alliance numbers down set after, with the same wars going earlier and earlier... something had to be done. Will this last? Probably not, but i can almost bet there will be a form of it from here on out. Some tweals and changes need to be made, sure. But the pact worked the way it was intended too.
The Death Knights


Viceroy Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 20:49:14

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Viceroy:
Originally posted by tellarion:
All that being said, it's still shoddy FA work. Galleri and Soviet know that too.
So all the grudge matches, reset long wars, wars that spilled into multiple resets, everything that forced the creation of such a pact... what was that exactly?

To paraphrase the old Jonathan Edwards song... you can't even run your own alliance, I'll be damned if you run mine.

That's regular FA work :D
Yes, it is. The fact that it has become the norm on this server does not exclude it from being shoddy.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 20:56:09

Originally posted by bstrong86:
How was it constructed to make gang banging possible? It was put in place to stop early wars with the threat of being systematically killed by the server if you got out of line.

After seeing the alliance numbers down set after, with the same wars going earlier and earlier... something had to be done. Will this last? Probably not, but i can almost bet there will be a form of it from here on out. Some tweals and changes need to be made, sure. But the pact worked the way it was intended too.
Simple tweak: it only applies to signatories, whether they be offending or defending. Suddenly, everyone would be happy because nobody has their policies dictated to them by the latest super-alliance incarnation, which is exactly what this creates for the first 28 days or so. If you want to really go next level, clauses could also be included to allow an alliance to, for example, avenge DANGER or any other blind-sided alliances.

The intent was not necessarily the problem as the motives behind the EWPP are not inherently evil. The problem is the heavy handed execution. All that changed from previous resets is that the core group of alliances dictating gameplay this set include every major alliance instead of just SoF and friends or LaF and friends or whatever.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.



Nov 2nd 2014, 22:41:21

And then what's to stop an alliance tagging 30 of their members over to a non-signatory and FS'ing OOP?
Originally posted by Viceroy:
Originally posted by bstrong86:
How was it constructed to make gang banging possible? It was put in place to stop early wars with the threat of being systematically killed by the server if you got out of line.

After seeing the alliance numbers down set after, with the same wars going earlier and earlier... something had to be done. Will this last? Probably not, but i can almost bet there will be a form of it from here on out. Some tweals and changes need to be made, sure. But the pact worked the way it was intended too.
Simple tweak: it only applies to signatories, whether they be offending or defending. Suddenly, everyone would be happy because nobody has their policies dictated to them by the latest super-alliance incarnation, which is exactly what this creates for the first 28 days or so. If you want to really go next level, clauses could also be included to allow an alliance to, for example, avenge DANGER or any other blind-sided alliances.

The intent was not necessarily the problem as the motives behind the EWPP are not inherently evil. The problem is the heavy handed execution. All that changed from previous resets is that the core group of alliances dictating gameplay this set include every major alliance instead of just SoF and friends or LaF and friends or whatever.

And then what's to stop an alliance tagging 30 of their members over to a non-signatory and FS'ing OOP?

Home Turf Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 22:47:34

whats to stop a group of 30-40 don't even tag and than strike. What if a meteor fell and destroyed Tokyo, we should make a pact for that eventuality. Goes from dumb to dumber.


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2014, 22:47:38

Well I think I'm getting bored.
- Premium Patron Member

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 22:50:32

Originally posted by justtaint:
Originally posted by Viceroy:
Originally posted by bstrong86:
How was it constructed to make gang banging possible? It was put in place to stop early wars with the threat of being systematically killed by the server if you got out of line.

After seeing the alliance numbers down set after, with the same wars going earlier and earlier... something had to be done. Will this last? Probably not, but i can almost bet there will be a form of it from here on out. Some tweals and changes need to be made, sure. But the pact worked the way it was intended too.
Simple tweak: it only applies to signatories, whether they be offending or defending. Suddenly, everyone would be happy because nobody has their policies dictated to them by the latest super-alliance incarnation, which is exactly what this creates for the first 28 days or so. If you want to really go next level, clauses could also be included to allow an alliance to, for example, avenge DANGER or any other blind-sided alliances.

The intent was not necessarily the problem as the motives behind the EWPP are not inherently evil. The problem is the heavy handed execution. All that changed from previous resets is that the core group of alliances dictating gameplay this set include every major alliance instead of just SoF and friends or LaF and friends or whatever.

And then what's to stop an alliance tagging 30 of their members over to a non-signatory and FS'ing OOP?

Nothing, unless they FS a signatory.

As it currently stands, what is there to stop a brazen alliance from quad-tapping someone every 48 hours? It isn't an extreme act of war, but legitimate wars have been started for far less...
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Furious999 Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 23:03:02

Firstly it would be dishonourable; secondly it would be seen through. But most importantly the signatories didn't enter this pact because they had guns to their heads, they all WANT to stop early wars. The notion that one would suddenly change its mind and set out to undermine the thing is not realistic.

I am glad that tweaks are being talked of among those who signed.

I have previously posted a suggested new form for the pact

" The signatory clans have agreed not to war each other during the first four weeks of the set and any signatory which launches a FS on another during that time will be gang banged by all the rest. "

iTarl Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 4:47:27

want in one hand and fluff in the other, see which one fills up first

archaic Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 5:23:05

This is too sad to even troll
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Celestia Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 6:16:33

Can we all agree nobody fluffs with canada?

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 3rd 2014, 6:50:38

Originally posted by tellarion:

All that being said, it's still shoddy FA work. Galleri and Soviet know that too.

Again you act as if both us were here since the beginning of the set.
And again I will remind you that in TWO different threads I already stated I did not agree with what iMag did to DANGER. But that is not stopping me from making sure things get fixed, reminding people how they are contradicting themselves etc and lastly I will repeat myself...that pact is tad bit bullying (not to forget it is controlling, almost like the control TSO had on team server ;) )

I have yet to get an answer to my question which I have asked twice now. It has continually been avoided. Why was iMag never contacted? I was told by a leader involved in the EWPP that iMag was discussed that they were not a spamtag etc.... so why were they not attmepted to be contacted? And why were they not added to the list?
Also why is it many people from different clans including in leadership have sent me messages telling me "While I don't think what iMag did was right, I also don't feel they should of been attacked the way they did and I also don't agree with the EWPP even though my clan leaders signed it". How many members of those clans were "polled" or questioned about how they felt?

Moving forward: These arguments are continually going to go round and round and nothing is coming out of it productive at all on this forum. You will disagree with me and I will disagree you, but that is nature of the game and the human race.

In my final words (no I am not writing a will): If iMag were to hit a clan already in war with someone and we came in as defense to the other clan are we in violation? Do the Great Mighty Masters of this server allow this?

Thank you for reading!

Edited By: galleri on Nov 3rd 2014, 7:04:59

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

iccyh Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 7:02:45

Reading the same people posting the same things in so many threads getting really tiresome.

xenu Game profile

New Member

Nov 3rd 2014, 10:55:36

The worst thing you can do to iMag is leave us alone :)

Killa Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 13:00:27

From the looks of things all the important people have quit earth and now Tella is top dog. Good on ya, but you are sounding like more of a dink then RD colors back in swirve days


trumper Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 13:38:55


tellarion Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 15:08:15

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by tellarion:

All that being said, it's still shoddy FA work. Galleri and Soviet know that too.

Again you act as if both us were here since the beginning of the set.
And again I will remind you that in TWO different threads I already stated I did not agree with what iMag did to DANGER. But that is not stopping me from making sure things get fixed, reminding people how they are contradicting themselves etc and lastly I will repeat myself...that pact is tad bit bullying (not to forget it is controlling, almost like the control TSO had on team server ;) )

I know you weren't here. I'm talking about whoever has been leading imag until now(breeze?). You know that reading AT is necessary to keep tabs on what's going on. Apparently everyone knew about the pact EXCEPT imag.

I have yet to get an answer to my question which I have asked twice now. It has continually been avoided. Why was iMag never contacted? I was told by a leader involved in the EWPP that iMag was discussed that they were not a spamtag etc.... so why were they not attmepted to be contacted? And why were they not added to the list?

I don't consider imag to be a spamtag, and I don't know why they weren't added to the list. That being said, it doesn't matter if they're on the list or not, cause Danger is explicitly stated on the list. As far as not contacting alliances directly, again, you are responsible for finding out what will happen if you attack another alliance. You and Soviet(yes, I know you weren't here), know that it's not a good idea to hit Danger, even without the ewpp. Do some FA work and figure out who your target is pacted with before attacking. Hell, they could have had an FDP with MD or someone for all you guys know, and the result would have been the same. I will not apologize for someone not reading a post that has been stickied for a month, not to mention debated multiple times on the forums for weeks.

Also why is it many people from different clans including in leadership have sent me messages telling me "While I don't think what iMag did was right, I also don't feel they should of been attacked the way they did and I also don't agree with the EWPP even though my clan leaders signed it". How many members of those clans were "polled" or questioned about how they felt?

As I already responded to someone in another thread, I don't know exactly what each alliance does when signing a pact like this. Most alliances share lots of info with their members. If the majority of members of an alliance disagree with their leaders' decisions, they should get new leaders or get a new alliance. Pretty simple if you ask me.

Moving forward: These arguments are continually going to go round and round and nothing is coming out of it productive at all on this forum. You will disagree with me and I will disagree you, but that is nature of the game and the human race.

In my final words (no I am not writing a will): If iMag were to hit a clan already in war with someone and we came in as defense to the other clan are we in violation? Do the Great Mighty Masters of this server allow this?

Thank you for reading!

Again, the 'Great Mighty Masters' of this server are comprised of MD, Sol, Sof, Lcn, PDM, Laf, Evo, Rage, Rival, TPA, and Omega. Your references to TSO are amusing, but this is not a single alliance forcing everyone to submit to their whims. This is a unanimous decision among the leadership of the majority of the server. I'm sorry you are part of the only alliance that didn't seem to get the memo. Keep in mind that even Titans and OMA knew about the ewpp....

And you're right, this argument will probably continue back and forth and nothing will come of it. But I think you deserve a response, cause I like you :)

tellarion Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 15:09:16

Originally posted by Killa:
From the looks of things all the important people have quit earth and now Tella is top dog. Good on ya, but you are sounding like more of a dink then RD colors back in swirve days

I'm top dog? Wow, wish someone had told me. Someone should go tell Laf, Sof, MD, Sol and Rage that I'm now running their alliances too...

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

Nov 3rd 2014, 15:40:14

hail telly, czar of ee?

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 3rd 2014, 17:44:26

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by tellarion:

All that being said, it's still shoddy FA work. Galleri and Soviet know that too.

Again you act as if both us were here since the beginning of the set.
And again I will remind you that in TWO different threads I already stated I did not agree with what iMag did to DANGER. But that is not stopping me from making sure things get fixed, reminding people how they are contradicting themselves etc and lastly I will repeat myself...that pact is tad bit bullying (not to forget it is controlling, almost like the control TSO had on team server ;) )

I know you weren't here. I'm talking about whoever has been leading imag until now(breeze?). You know that reading AT is necessary to keep tabs on what's going on. Apparently everyone knew about the pact EXCEPT imag.

I have yet to get an answer to my question which I have asked twice now. It has continually been avoided. Why was iMag never contacted? I was told by a leader involved in the EWPP that iMag was discussed that they were not a spamtag etc.... so why were they not attmepted to be contacted? And why were they not added to the list?

I don't consider imag to be a spamtag, and I don't know why they weren't added to the list. That being said, it doesn't matter if they're on the list or not, cause Danger is explicitly stated on the list. As far as not contacting alliances directly, again, you are responsible for finding out what will happen if you attack another alliance. You and Soviet(yes, I know you weren't here), know that it's not a good idea to hit Danger, even without the ewpp. Do some FA work and figure out who your target is pacted with before attacking. Hell, they could have had an FDP with MD or someone for all you guys know, and the result would have been the same. I will not apologize for someone not reading a post that has been stickied for a month, not to mention debated multiple times on the forums for weeks.

Also why is it many people from different clans including in leadership have sent me messages telling me "While I don't think what iMag did was right, I also don't feel they should of been attacked the way they did and I also don't agree with the EWPP even though my clan leaders signed it". How many members of those clans were "polled" or questioned about how they felt?

As I already responded to someone in another thread, I don't know exactly what each alliance does when signing a pact like this. Most alliances share lots of info with their members. If the majority of members of an alliance disagree with their leaders' decisions, they should get new leaders or get a new alliance. Pretty simple if you ask me.

Moving forward: These arguments are continually going to go round and round and nothing is coming out of it productive at all on this forum. You will disagree with me and I will disagree you, but that is nature of the game and the human race.

In my final words (no I am not writing a will): If iMag were to hit a clan already in war with someone and we came in as defense to the other clan are we in violation? Do the Great Mighty Masters of this server allow this?

Thank you for reading!

Again, the 'Great Mighty Masters' of this server are comprised of MD, Sol, Sof, Lcn, PDM, Laf, Evo, Rage, Rival, TPA, and Omega. Your references to TSO are amusing, but this is not a single alliance forcing everyone to submit to their whims. This is a unanimous decision among the leadership of the majority of the server. I'm sorry you are part of the only alliance that didn't seem to get the memo. Keep in mind that even Titans and OMA knew about the ewpp....

And you're right, this argument will probably continue back and forth and nothing will come of it. But I think you deserve a response, cause I like you :)

Thank you for your answer. I like you too. Can we send flowers? :P Wait soviet I think owes me flowers from our wedding 3 weeks ago. Sheesh.
Titans and OMA spam this forum as much as you and I (when I am here) do. Shoot they probably know about threads that we don't know about because they don't exist to us, but they do for them! HA!
Can someone answer my part about if we join in a current war?? Thanks!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 3rd 2014, 17:45:51

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Killa:
From the looks of things all the important people have quit earth and now Tella is top dog. Good on ya, but you are sounding like more of a dink then RD colors back in swirve days

I'm top dog? Wow, wish someone had told me. Someone should go tell Laf, Sof, MD, Sol and Rage that I'm now running their alliances too...

Confirmed! You are like Suncrusher whom is FA of all of Alliance! He will be by to confirm soon! Along with RLenga!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 5:26:03

Originally posted by tellarion:
You and Soviet(yes, I know you weren't here), know that it's not a good idea to hit Danger, even without the ewpp. Do some FA work and figure out who your target is pacted with before attacking. Hell, they could have had an FDP with MD or someone for all you guys know, and the result would have been the same. I will not apologize for someone not reading a post that has been stickied for a month, not to mention debated multiple times on the forums for weeks.

Originally posted by Viceroy:
Was Imag killed because they started an early war or were they killed because they started an unfair war?

If any part of the answer includes an unfair war as part of the justification for invoking the EWPP in this instance, then it instantly loses credibility due to the arbitrary nature of its enforcement.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

TAN Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 6:34:01

The simple solution to all of this is to read everything on AT. iMag should call the war off if they haven't already, and just admit fault (if they haven't already). We can put this all behind us and move on. Besides, this pact expires after next set, right? Hold your grudges until then if it's that important.