
Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2019, 5:15:30

To be a straight white male that voted for Trump and will vote again in 2020...MAGA

Demonrats want boys to be girls and wld like to continue murdering innocent unborn babies...oh and their immigration stance is laughable.

Keep America sane plz...dont let these blue haired weirdos turn us into a turd box...we can do this
wasn't me...

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2019, 5:37:07 feels good to be a gangster
wasn't me...

daspheebsie Game profile


Jun 5th 2019, 5:59:51

What I know about you... MAGA!

Edited By: daspheebsie on Jun 5th 2019, 6:11:27. Reason: Fiiiiiiiiiiine
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2019, 6:04:49

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
What I know about you...

Stop making my obvious troll obvious...jeez
wasn't me...

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2019, 6:28:50

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
What I know about you... MAGA!

Much better...
wasn't me...

daspheebsie Game profile


Jun 5th 2019, 6:29:12

Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

Red X Game profile


Jun 5th 2019, 14:24:13

/face palm
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Karnage XZ


Jun 5th 2019, 14:44:50

Jayr what do you look like? You're like the poster boy redneck of America.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Suicidal Game profile


Jun 5th 2019, 15:18:15

Originally posted by Jayr:
To be a straight white male that voted for Trump and will vote again in 2020...MAGA

Demonrats want boys to be girls and wld like to continue murdering innocent unborn babies...oh and their immigration stance is laughable.

Keep America sane plz...dont let these blue haired weirdos turn us into a turd box...we can do this

^^ Same ^^

Neil Game profile


Jun 5th 2019, 20:26:52

When was America great and when did it end ? Not trolling just curious.

ebert00 Game profile


Jun 5th 2019, 21:25:29

trump 2020 all the way. we dont need leftist socialists running our country. AOC go away.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2019, 21:36:34

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2019, 21:49:15

fluff politics.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2019, 22:04:50

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Jayr what do you look like? You're like the poster boy redneck of America.
wasn't me...

commander1972 Game profile


Jun 6th 2019, 12:49:08

awesome video Jayr

If I was a mod XZ

New Member

Jun 6th 2019, 13:22:00

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Jayr what do you look like? You're like the poster boy redneck of America.

Why judge how much of a redneck he is though? You think a lagrangian is a ZZ Top song. Gtfo



Jun 6th 2019, 13:35:14

Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Jayr what do you look like? You're like the poster boy redneck of America.

Dev encouraging it

Mobster Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 2:50:05

Count me a Jayr fan

Brigg Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 8:40:59

Check out my Novel Before they ban it!

Medusas Rage


Jun 7th 2019, 9:04:14

Ooo evil ginger is at it again. Yeah must feel good to support a potato who can't even spell United States Of America. STFU GayR

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 11:06:08

Originally posted by Medusas Rage:
Ooo evil ginger is at it again. Yeah must feel good to support a potato who can't even spell United States Of America. STFU GayR
Liberal tears...yuuummmmmmm
wasn't me...

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 11:10:35

Originally posted by Medusas Rage:
Ooo evil ginger is at it again. Yeah must feel good to support a potato who can't even spell United States Of America. STFU GayR
Dusting off a handle u havent used in 5 years just to tlk fluff about me is absolutely golden...u must be BIG mad lmfao
wasn't me...

Medusas Rage


Jun 7th 2019, 15:22:32

Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by Medusas Rage:
Ooo evil ginger is at it again. Yeah must feel good to support a potato who can't even spell United States Of America. STFU GayR
Dusting off a handle u havent used in 5 years just to tlk fluff about me is absolutely golden...u must be BIG mad lmfao

How could i be mad at someone who looks like carrot top? Or who starts political posts to try to anger people? Get over yourself fatfluff

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 15:25:12

Originally posted by Medusas Rage:
Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by Medusas Rage:
Ooo evil ginger is at it again. Yeah must feel good to support a potato who can't even spell United States Of America. STFU GayR
Dusting off a handle u havent used in 5 years just to tlk fluff about me is absolutely golden...u must be BIG mad lmfao

How could i be mad at someone who looks like carrot top? Or who starts political posts to try to anger people? Get over yourself fatfluff
lol...ok aphrodite
wasn't me...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 15:54:19

Aphrodite if that's you, you're doing everything you say you hate about Republicans... You are supposed to be about tolerance and acceptance, just because you don't like Trump doesnt give you a pass for being an intolerant bigot towards his supporters, step back and think about it.

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:06:36

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Aphrodite if that's you, you're doing everything you say you hate about Republicans... You are supposed to be about tolerance and acceptance, just because you don't like Trump doesnt give you a pass for being an intolerant bigot towards his supporters, step back and think about it.

It is her...lmfao
wasn't me...

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:21:01

The new letterman interview with kanye on netflix kind of brought that to light for me.

Whenever i see someone in a MAGA hat i slap it off their head and then tell them to fluff off. Even so, i never really thought of conservatives as feeling "bullied." I kinda thought the whole point of being so brazen as to have unite the right rallies and fluff was to trigger liberals, as it does nothing for the party to show off it's white nationalist aspects. It's not like I'm walking into a trailer park wearing obama gear ffs. And if i did I'm sure I'd get a what for.

Even some of the stuff Trump says has no place in respectful discourse with anyone let alone with our cultural leaders (i.e. calling warren Pocahontas to navajo code-taker descendant. Just racist enough to trigger libs, while doing nothing for his own base).

What surprised me, honestly, is the point you just made KoH. Kanye sorta made the same point. That liberals are currently bullying conservatives. I always thought the point was to see us act that way.

Turns out everyone is a bunch of fluff snowflakes at heart.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 7th 2019, 16:24:45
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:24:53

I'm going to have to check that out later when I get home, Derrick.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:29:20

He's a little bizarre but he speaks really well about bipolar disorder as well. Dave is a staunch liberal so the politics part is a little uncomfortable, but it's still interesting to hear that perspective imo.

I always had assumed the right was like "HAHAHA, YEAH, LOOK AT THAT fluff LIBERAL ALL TRIGGERED. LOLZ"

I'm honestly v surprised that's not how many feel.

The political climate is so toxic rn i guess we're almost looking at each other thru the same lens. Like damn that dudes being real crazy and disrespectful lol.

I guess maybe we are all just a little crazy and disrespectful, and respect leaving the national discourse makes an environment of sides fighting instead of working together. I'm not smart enough to understand how to stop the badgering and fighting so more policy can get passed, and if i were I'm sure I'd make a pile of money.

It's honestly a shame that we can't pass meaningful legislation anymore with out a no-holds barred brawl. That's not how the system is intended to work. It's supposed to be based on compromise and dignity.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 7th 2019, 16:37:03
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:38:28

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
He's a little bizarre but he speaks really well about bipolar disorder as well. Dave is a staunch liberal so the politics part is a little uncomfortable, but it's still interesting to hear that perspective imo.

I always had assumed the right was like "HAHAHA, YEAH, LOOK AT THAT fluff LIBERAL ALL TRIGGERED. LOLZ"

I'm honestly v surprised that's not how many feel.

The political climate is so toxic rn i guess we're almost looking at each other thru the same lens. Like damn that dudes being real crazy and disrespectful lol.

I guess maybe we are all just a little crazy and disrespectful

We lost ourselves as a nation, the government has launched a war to divide us decades ago and they are winning, it is the enemy within or as many of us call it...the deep state.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:39:29

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
The new letterman interview with kanye on netflix kind of brought that to light for me.

Whenever i see someone in a MAGA hat i slap it off their head and then tell them to fluff off. Even so, i never really thought of conservatives as feeling "bullied." I kinda thought the whole point of being so brazen as to have unite the right rallies and fluff was to trigger liberals, as it does nothing for the party to show off it's white nationalist aspects. It's not like I'm walking into a trailer park wearing obama gear ffs. And if i did I'm sure I'd get a what for.

Even some of the stuff Trump says has no place in respectful discourse with anyone let alone with our cultural leaders (i.e. calling warren Pocahontas to navajo code-taker descendant. Just racist enough to trigger libs, while doing nothing for his own base).

What surprised me, honestly, is the point you just made KoH. Kanye sorta made the same point. That liberals are currently bullying conservatives. I always thought the point was to see us act that way.

Turns out everyone is a bunch of fluff snowflakes at heart.
Im ordering a maga hat rn and i dare somebody to slap it off my head lmfao
wasn't me...

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:45:11

I can tell you which one of us will win if you fight back in south philly bro and its me. You'd be lucky not to get shot for fighting back.

I can also tell you which one of us will win if i did that same thing to you at a bar in the suburbs and it aint me.

In a standard 1v1 fight you might win. You might lose. Idk. But you know everyone with an opinion will get involved because people kind of want to punch their frustrations with politics out rn...

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 7th 2019, 16:48:24
See Original Post

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:52:39

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I can tell you which one of us will win if you fight back in south philly bro and its me.

I can also tell you which one of us will win if i did that same thing to you at a bar in the suburbs and it aint me.

In a standard 1v1 fight you might win. You might lose. Idk. But you know everyone with an opinion will get involved because people kind of want to punch their frustrations with politics out rn...
I wasnt saying id fight u personally, im just saying its legal to carry in my state and if somebody assaults me and i start getting jumped im gnna start stacking bodies faster than u can say maga. But i do see what you're saying and with the political climate these days i wldnt be surprised if there werent slobbering packs of deranged liberals running around assaulting people for showing pride in our president, but hey to each his just swerving around in my lane cuz i like to drive drunk
wasn't me...

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:59:51

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
He's a little bizarre but he speaks really well about bipolar disorder as well. Dave is a staunch liberal so the politics part is a little uncomfortable, but it's still interesting to hear that perspective imo.

I always had assumed the right was like "HAHAHA, YEAH, LOOK AT THAT fluff LIBERAL ALL TRIGGERED. LOLZ"

I'm honestly v surprised that's not how many feel.

The political climate is so toxic rn i guess we're almost looking at each other thru the same lens. Like damn that dudes being real crazy and disrespectful lol.

I guess maybe we are all just a little crazy and disrespectful

We lost ourselves as a nation, the government has launched a war to divide us decades ago and they are winning, it is the enemy within or as many of us call it...the deep state.
I honestly hear all that, and while half of that stuff is marred with conjecture and conspiracy, I wish they had it more than half right too.

If you believe that stuff you should be smarter than to support a billionaire mogul believing he's somehow different. That's a bit of a farce imo. Career party jocks like Lindsey Graham wouldn't be flocking to S his D right now if he wasn't in line.

I think whether you're conservative or liberal has very little to do with whether or not you believe in the deep state stuff. And if you do believe in it, you should see that the brand of nationalism that Steve Bannon is selling is an elite globalist movement to turn profit for the banks. It's the same pony with a different tail. The swamp is very much not drained.

It's just a little dance dance dance to keep us talking about social issues while our money slips away to the top.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 7th 2019, 17:05:42
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 17:29:32

If people really paid attention in the 2016 primary then they would have seen the deep state claws, they do a very good job hiding it but it was evident from the start, even more so with the DNC as they bluntly robbed Bernie the nomination, then he bends over and makes millions of $$...hello?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 17:48:28

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
If people really paid attention in the 2016 primary then they would have seen the deep state claws, they do a very good job hiding it but it was evident from the start, even more so with the DNC as they bluntly robbed Bernie the nomination, then he bends over and makes millions of $$...hello?
wasn't me...

Boltar Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 20:46:50

Aphrodite Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 20:59:40

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Aphrodite if that's you, you're doing everything you say you hate about Republicans... You are supposed to be about tolerance and acceptance, just because you don't like Trump doesnt give you a pass for being an intolerant bigot towards his supporters, step back and think about it.


So you're with GayR? I'll remember that. Bye now. Intolerant Bigot lmao
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 20:59:56

Originally posted by Boltar: can we get back to trolling the liberals?
wasn't me...

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 21:00:18

Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Aphrodite if that's you, you're doing everything you say you hate about Republicans... You are supposed to be about tolerance and acceptance, just because you don't like Trump doesnt give you a pass for being an intolerant bigot towards his supporters, step back and think about it.


So you're with GayR? I'll remember that. Bye now. Intolerant Bigot lmao
Shutup hoe lol
wasn't me...

Aphrodite Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 21:03:27

Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Aphrodite if that's you, you're doing everything you say you hate about Republicans... You are supposed to be about tolerance and acceptance, just because you don't like Trump doesnt give you a pass for being an intolerant bigot towards his supporters, step back and think about it.


So you're with GayR? I'll remember that. Bye now. Intolerant Bigot lmao
Shutup hoe lol

Suck a fat one you ugly piece of fluff
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

archaic Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 21:04:21

This is just Jayr's mating call. He's trying to induce Cerberus to come and mate with him so then they can lie in bed afterwards and sing the song of the incel people together.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Aphrodite Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 21:07:23

Originally posted by archaic:
This is just Jayr's mating call. He's trying to induce Cerberus to come and mate with him so then they can lie in bed afterwards and sing the song of the incel people together.

Screw This Game
Derrick <3

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 21:19:01

You just made a casual homophobic insult and then called someone else an intolerant bigot in the next sentence. I am by no means defending any political positions here. I just want to point out the massive hypocrisy bluntly on display.

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 21:52:42

Originally posted by ironxxx:
You just made a casual homophobic insult and then called someone else an intolerant bigot in the next sentence. I am by no means defending any political positions here. I just want to point out the massive hypocrisy bluntly on display.

Shes one of those sjw weirdos that blames the white man for all her problems...its ok if shes dishing it out, but once shes served a plate YOU'RE the bad guy lmao
wasn't me...

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 21:56:45

Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Originally posted by archaic:
This is just Jayr's mating call. He's trying to induce Cerberus to come and mate with him so then they can lie in bed afterwards and sing the song of the incel people together.



KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 22:00:12

Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Aphrodite if that's you, you're doing everything you say you hate about Republicans... You are supposed to be about tolerance and acceptance, just because you don't like Trump doesnt give you a pass for being an intolerant bigot towards his supporters, step back and think about it.


So you're with GayR? I'll remember that. Bye now. Intolerant Bigot lmao

I'm not on anyone's side and you're making my point :-(
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 22:02:25

Originally posted by ironxxx:
You just made a casual homophobic insult and then called someone else an intolerant bigot in the next sentence. I am by no means defending any political positions here. I just want to point out the massive hypocrisy bluntly on display.

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 22:20:15

Originally posted by Boltar:

Good article and I agree with it, I personally don't surround myself with like minded people because that in it of itself isn't healthy, you need to be challenged in order to advance your knowledge, my family is split in political views yet we all love each other and respect one another, same with friends, both sides and in the middle, we hang out and have fun together every time we get a chance to.

It's NOT difficult at all.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Aphrodite Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 22:49:32

Originally posted by ironxxx:
You just made a casual homophobic insult and then called someone else an intolerant bigot in the next sentence. I am by no means defending any political positions here. I just want to point out the massive hypocrisy bluntly on display.

Wait are you fluffing serious right now? I'm fluffing bisexual myself i can't be homophobic. As far as intolerant bigot no i did not call anyone that. You misread the fluffing sentence. I was laughing at the fact that KoHeartsGPA who i thought was a very close friend of mine turned on me and called me an Intolerant Bigot. As far as the situation goes if you don't know all the details please don't insert yourself in the conversation. Yes i called him GayR after he called me a stupid fluff (which he got kicked out of Elders chat for) because we have completely different political views. Then the hoe comment. I'm completely flabbergasted that anyone would defend a fluffhead like that. Not once did i name call until this son of a fluff start it in IRC
Screw This Game
Derrick <3