
Josey Wales


Jun 9th 2019, 21:56:23

I agree Jayr......You know what's so Great? Being a Conservative Straight White Male that loves my country! I stand with the Babies. Should I have to apologize for that? Peace on Earth!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 9th 2019, 23:25:15

Babies can't stand.

You can stand alongside them I guess, but you certainly can't stand with them. Their heads are too heavy for their fat little legs to support...

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 1:00:49

Edited By: Jayr on Jul 2nd 2019, 0:46:02
wasn't me...


New Member

Jun 10th 2019, 1:24:42

Here for the protection of trumptards.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 1:29:53

I love the alt nick, weaksauce.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 2:03:29

Edited By: Jayr on Jul 2nd 2019, 0:45:57
wasn't me...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 2:07:04

Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by TrumpTardSecurity:
Here for the protection of trumptards.
We dont need ur protection...go dye ur blue or smthn u liberal crybaby

Stop being an asshole to them, it is exactly what they want....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 4:57:01

On the contrary, per our previous dicussion KoH, it's stuff like this that i always thought the purpose was to "trigger libtards," not the other way around.

Meaning the "response" is what cons want and not that being treated like an asshole that libs want. And then you go "OWWWW LOOK HOW TRIGGERED LOL TRUMP FOR 1000 YEARS"

Nah mean? That's why responses like yours still make me a lil confused...

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 10th 2019, 5:03:07
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 5:07:56

I think what happens is the prevailing voices are just the loudest ones and they are also the least rational in general...

Paints a negative picture of the more intelligent people on both sides.

sinistril Game profile


Jun 10th 2019, 5:40:47

That's bound to happen when you don't have an open forum for discussion and each side retreats to their respective echo chambers to bask in how correct they are.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 5:59:02

Yeah. Those echo chambers make a pile of money tho. It's not like CSPAN is raking in ratings to run the congressional hearings in their entirety. Having an old guy yell about it falsely is where that real money is. The rules of capitalism always meant people would monetize our mutual decline in compromise and understanding. But they would also monetize our willingness to come together.

I feel like the source is people's disdain and distrust for each other and not necessarily the echo chambers themselves. That's just capitalism's response to us being douchebags.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 10th 2019, 6:04:59
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 6:08:05

I mean. Misinformation is obviously a problem, don't get me wrong. People are just very easily radicalized and entrenched right now is all i mean. Capitalism is just a vessel.

sinistril Game profile


Jun 10th 2019, 6:23:17

I prefer my misinformation up front. If someone slows down a video of Nancy Pelosi, I don't care if it's shown without a warning. People with a brain understood it was bullfluff real quick. If there are Nazis at a pride parade, I prefer to see the dozen or so pictures of the same 4 guys. People with a brain understand there isn't a big Nazi problem in America. What worries me is when the misinformation is not up front. If there isn't a steady stream of conflicting information to help us make judgement calls, then there is a problem. Pre- the instantaneous stream of real time information provided by the internet, people had to rely on the narrative put out by a small conglomerate of likeminded news organizations that could censor at will. People are worried about 1984 becoming a reality, but it was a reality when Orwell wrote it, and continued to be until the internet outcompeted the 'free' press. Sadly, people being put into silos will make it harder to evaluate whether something is false or not. If you get all your information from Twitter, you might still think thousands of Nazis descended on a pride parade. If you get all your information from whatever the right-wing alternative to Twitter is, you might still think Pelosi went on a drunken rant about Trump. I'd rather have everyone on the same platform making arguments as to why everyone on the other side is an idiot.

Also, people may be even more easily radicalized if there aren't conflicting voices to keep them in check. If someone listens exclusively to TYT or exlusively to Infowars, they could be radicalized due to the exclusivity. (Just pulled those two examples out because AFAIK both those organizations have resulted in active shooters. TYT has for sure, and I seem to recall the Pizzagate dude watched Infowars)

Edited By: sinistril on Jun 10th 2019, 6:29:10
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Tokyousr Game profile


Jun 10th 2019, 9:27:02

Freedom is Slavery Without Economic Freedom, and all that pumpkin haired piece of shat has done since he took office is make sure you continue to be a slave.

Healthcare? FU! ill take tens of millions of people off afa just because obama created it.

TAX? FU! ill give the top 1% tens of billions in tax cuts while ill continue to squeeze more and more out of the middle/low class because they're so stupid they wont know what hit them.

JOBS? FU! ill put tariffs on over 10 billion dollars worth of imports from China, the government will squeeze your d!ck harder and tax that sh!t, in the end consumers will pay the price.

Enviroment? FU! im too stupid to understand global warming

Education? FU! im gonna cut billions out of education but I wont stop there. Im gonna put the most unqualified capitalist retard fluff in charge.

Im going to promise you the world and deliver nothing, but you stupid turds will still continue to support me, you know why? because I make white people feel superior, and idiots with low IQ feel smart.


New Member

Jun 10th 2019, 12:57:10

Originally posted by Tokyousr:
Freedom is Slavery Without Economic Freedom, and all that pumpkin haired piece of shat has done since he took office is make sure you continue to be a slave.

Healthcare? FU! ill take tens of millions of people off afa just because obama created it.

TAX? FU! ill give the top 1% tens of billions in tax cuts while ill continue to squeeze more and more out of the middle/low class because they're so stupid they wont know what hit them.

JOBS? FU! ill put tariffs on over 10 billion dollars worth of imports from China, the government will squeeze your d!ck harder and tax that sh!t, in the end consumers will pay the price.

Enviroment? FU! im too stupid to understand global warming

Education? FU! im gonna cut billions out of education but I wont stop there. Im gonna put the most unqualified capitalist retard fluff in charge.

Im going to promise you the world and deliver nothing, but you stupid turds will still continue to support me, you know why? because I make white people feel superior, and idiots with low IQ feel smart.
Telling the truth is against the law here in trumpnation. This is strike one under article I section (a) of the sarah sanders decree. Violation of this law is death my khashoggied.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 14:46:45

Originally posted by sinistril:
I prefer my misinformation up front. If someone slows down a video of Nancy Pelosi, I don't care if it's shown without a warning. People with a brain understood it was bullfluff real quick. If there are Nazis at a pride parade, I prefer to see the dozen or so pictures of the same 4 guys. People with a brain understand there isn't a big Nazi problem in America. What worries me is when the misinformation is not up front. If there isn't a steady stream of conflicting information to help us make judgement calls, then there is a problem. Pre- the instantaneous stream of real time information provided by the internet, people had to rely on the narrative put out by a small conglomerate of likeminded news organizations that could censor at will. People are worried about 1984 becoming a reality, but it was a reality when Orwell wrote it, and continued to be until the internet outcompeted the 'free' press. Sadly, people being put into silos will make it harder to evaluate whether something is false or not. If you get all your information from Twitter, you might still think thousands of Nazis descended on a pride parade. If you get all your information from whatever the right-wing alternative to Twitter is, you might still think Pelosi went on a drunken rant about Trump. I'd rather have everyone on the same platform making arguments as to why everyone on the other side is an idiot.

Also, people may be even more easily radicalized if there aren't conflicting voices to keep them in check. If someone listens exclusively to TYT or exlusively to Infowars, they could be radicalized due to the exclusivity. (Just pulled those two examples out because AFAIK both those organizations have resulted in active shooters. TYT has for sure, and I seem to recall the Pizzagate dude watched Infowars)

I think the right wing alternative to twitter is just also twitter. At least the POTUS thinks so. I mean, unless you wanna go a little deeper and say 4chan. Twitter seems to me to have a way where you can tailor your experience to believe that either pelosi is a drunk, or that the pride parade was rife with nazis. You can still build up a silo tho, because you choose who and what you see. There isn't really conflict in the information if i follow only conservative or liberal radical voices.

I get what you're saying, but i feel like the radicalization occurs more organically than that. How does a person wind up watching only TYT or Infowars or something? You'd think it's because those people are saying things that you want to hear. Conspiracy has always found its foundation in the farthest fringes, and people have always had access to it seemingly. From area 51 to 9/11 to the holocaust to the atomic bomb, there's always been theories that rest on the fringe. Imo, the fringe itself has just gotten more popular as people push themselves further and further from the middle, and movements of psycho fringe become a talking point in the mainstream.

A perfect example of this was Trump's birther conspiracy he got from like Alex Jones or something. People, even rich people, have laid out some crazy fluff before, but it's really not all that common up until recently that over a third of the nation believed the president was born in Kenya. Usually only the very most fringe radicals would believe such a thing, but instead better than half of conservatives did because party support is over half radicals. Instead of him looking crazy, it got him elected president because so many of his supporters also live on the fringe. 20 years ago that level of conspiracy would have made middle america turn you off because you are seen as too radical, and too crazy. Look at how people like Sharpton's credibility was derailed by his more fringe behavior. Nowadays that would only seem to make him more credible in his base and a TYT celebrity.

It's sort of a "what came first? Chicken or egg" conversation. It seems to me that people are flocking to the silos, and since they are a popular place to be, prominent voices started serving the Kool-Aid. Kinda not the other way around. You can in part blame misinformation tho.

Like, Blue/Black Lives Matter, as a fair declassified example, was started by a Russian Troll farm. The intention being to sew discord in topical political discussion, and drive the people to a side of the furthest fringe. That sort of thing is a gateway to radicalization. Things like fox or tyt or whatever are a symptom only of our radicalization tho.



Jun 10th 2019, 15:08:48

wtf are u talking about derrick, you were doing so well on this thread...

obama is a gay kenyan muslim and his "wife" michael is a tranny

you acn go on the youtube to verify
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m



Jun 10th 2019, 15:09:05

Originally posted by sinistril:
I prefer my misinformation up front. If someone slows down a video of Nancy Pelosi, I don't care if it's shown without a warning. People with a brain understood it was bullfluff real quick. If there are Nazis at a pride parade, I prefer to see the dozen or so pictures of the same 4 guys. People with a brain understand there isn't a big Nazi problem in America. What worries me is when the misinformation is not up front. If there isn't a steady stream of conflicting information to help us make judgement calls, then there is a problem. Pre- the instantaneous stream of real time information provided by the internet, people had to rely on the narrative put out by a small conglomerate of likeminded news organizations that could censor at will. People are worried about 1984 becoming a reality, but it was a reality when Orwell wrote it, and continued to be until the internet outcompeted the 'free' press. Sadly, people being put into silos will make it harder to evaluate whether something is false or not. If you get all your information from Twitter, you might still think thousands of Nazis descended on a pride parade. If you get all your information from whatever the right-wing alternative to Twitter is, you might still think Pelosi went on a drunken rant about Trump. I'd rather have everyone on the same platform making arguments as to why everyone on the other side is an idiot.

Also, people may be even more easily radicalized if there aren't conflicting voices to keep them in check. If someone listens exclusively to TYT or exlusively to Infowars, they could be radicalized due to the exclusivity. (Just pulled those two examples out because AFAIK both those organizations have resulted in active shooters. TYT has for sure, and I seem to recall the Pizzagate dude watched Infowars)

pretty good post
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 21:54:17

Edited By: Jayr on Jul 2nd 2019, 0:45:21
wasn't me...

sinistril Game profile


Jun 10th 2019, 22:48:23

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by sinistril:
I prefer my misinformation up front. If someone slows down a video of Nancy Pelosi, I don't care if it's shown without a warning. People with a brain understood it was bullfluff real quick. If there are Nazis at a pride parade, I prefer to see the dozen or so pictures of the same 4 guys. People with a brain understand there isn't a big Nazi problem in America. What worries me is when the misinformation is not up front. If there isn't a steady stream of conflicting information to help us make judgement calls, then there is a problem. Pre- the instantaneous stream of real time information provided by the internet, people had to rely on the narrative put out by a small conglomerate of likeminded news organizations that could censor at will. People are worried about 1984 becoming a reality, but it was a reality when Orwell wrote it, and continued to be until the internet outcompeted the 'free' press. Sadly, people being put into silos will make it harder to evaluate whether something is false or not. If you get all your information from Twitter, you might still think thousands of Nazis descended on a pride parade. If you get all your information from whatever the right-wing alternative to Twitter is, you might still think Pelosi went on a drunken rant about Trump. I'd rather have everyone on the same platform making arguments as to why everyone on the other side is an idiot.

Also, people may be even more easily radicalized if there aren't conflicting voices to keep them in check. If someone listens exclusively to TYT or exlusively to Infowars, they could be radicalized due to the exclusivity. (Just pulled those two examples out because AFAIK both those organizations have resulted in active shooters. TYT has for sure, and I seem to recall the Pizzagate dude watched Infowars)

I think the right wing alternative to twitter is just also twitter. At least the POTUS thinks so. I mean, unless you wanna go a little deeper and say 4chan. Twitter seems to me to have a way where you can tailor your experience to believe that either pelosi is a drunk, or that the pride parade was rife with nazis. You can still build up a silo tho, because you choose who and what you see. There isn't really conflict in the information if i follow only conservative or liberal radical voices.

I get what you're saying, but i feel like the radicalization occurs more organically than that. How does a person wind up watching only TYT or Infowars or something? You'd think it's because those people are saying things that you want to hear. Conspiracy has always found its foundation in the farthest fringes, and people have always had access to it seemingly. From area 51 to 9/11 to the holocaust to the atomic bomb, there's always been theories that rest on the fringe. Imo, the fringe itself has just gotten more popular as people push themselves further and further from the middle, and movements of psycho fringe become a talking point in the mainstream.

A perfect example of this was Trump's birther conspiracy he got from like Alex Jones or something. People, even rich people, have laid out some crazy fluff before, but it's really not all that common up until recently that over a third of the nation believed the president was born in Kenya. Usually only the very most fringe radicals would believe such a thing, but instead better than half of conservatives did because party support is over half radicals. Instead of him looking crazy, it got him elected president because so many of his supporters also live on the fringe. 20 years ago that level of conspiracy would have made middle america turn you off because you are seen as too radical, and too crazy. Look at how people like Sharpton's credibility was derailed by his more fringe behavior. Nowadays that would only seem to make him more credible in his base and a TYT celebrity.

It's sort of a "what came first? Chicken or egg" conversation. It seems to me that people are flocking to the silos, and since they are a popular place to be, prominent voices started serving the Kool-Aid. Kinda not the other way around. You can in part blame misinformation tho.

Like, Blue/Black Lives Matter, as a fair declassified example, was started by a Russian Troll farm. The intention being to sew discord in topical political discussion, and drive the people to a side of the furthest fringe. That sort of thing is a gateway to radicalization. Things like fox or tyt or whatever are a symptom only of our radicalization tho.

4chan isn't really right wing, it's just 4chan. There are right wing alternatives to Twitter, I just can't recall what they are but I've heard several mentioned. I don't do the whole Twitter/Twitter alternative thing because I don't enjoy talking to people that have the attention span of a goldfish. But yeah, I agree, people choose what they see. That was actually reported as a problem with news organizations in the last election cycle iirc.

I think that problem is the same as the next one you point out - how do people only watch TYT or Infowars... well, if you start watching either, you are getting advertising that is tailored to what you have previously watched because these companies are invested in keeping you clicking. So you watch one of these shows once, and you get recommendations; keep clicking and you'll only similar see shows and nothing else. I don't call that organic. I call that an experience that is manufactured by an algorithm.

I don't think people have gotten more radical in the last 20 years, to be completely honest. To think so, you'd have to think the media and the government lying to us is new or at least that the lies have gotten bigger, rather than smaller, in an era where it is easier to fact check them. Jesus christ (no pun intended) man, evolution wasn't taught in US schools till the 1960's and creationism was brought back to some schools since the 1980's. Think about that. Someone ran on that platform and was elected. The Patriot Act was nearly unanimously voted in by many people still in political office right now. The same people in the media that are telling us that #MeToo is important are also the people that were telling us Bill Clinton using a position of power to fluff the most subordinate of his employees in the oval office is none of our business. Stories of the holocaust were buried in the back of the New York Times. There are dozens of examples of regime change, which US involvement in is now well documented. How many of those did the government or media even bother to mention to US citizens prior to 20 years ago?

Edited By: sinistril on Jun 10th 2019, 22:50:40
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.