

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2013, 12:37:33

Originally posted by LATC:
I'm always up for a fight. Plus I'm not gonna let someone sell off all his turrets and produce just jets for 3 days straight to retal me. I was tempted to do it before he retalled since he had even less turrets then, but I wanted to see if he'd give up trying.

And dang it I should almost be at 60k acres!
Do you realize he probably did that so he could retal more promptly? He could have had higher defense if he wasn't trying to retal in a timely fashion, which I'm pretty sure you've had experience with countries requiring. I don't even know who this guy is, but he looked like he was primed to finish top ten to me, so really, it was just a bad grab. No matter how up you are for a fight, I don't think you picked a reasonable cause.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

oldman Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:57:42

well, fighting a 50k indy this late in the game is akin to kamikaze IMO. Bomb structure hurts like hell.

crest23 Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 13:18:14

Lol. I like how's he's continuing to grab like "hmm, nothing to see here" even with all the empty acres. That'll stop soon though. He'll be needing that cash OIL IS TOO DAMN HIGH!
The Nigerian Nightmare.

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 13:25:46

why are food prices going down not up:(?


EE Patron

Aug 19th 2013, 14:04:23

Maybe a techer is trying to get out on top.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 14:13:38

Yup. If you want top dollar, now is the time.
The EEVIL Empire

Chewi Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 14:15:05

Anyone that had stock is probably dumping right now.


EE Patron

Aug 19th 2013, 14:15:39

Originally posted by oldman:
well, fighting a 50k indy this late in the game is akin to kamikaze IMO. Bomb structure hurts like hell.
Yah he's toast

Perhaps some war tracking is in order. After he ROR'd he was at $39,002,948 nw and 55,552 acres. Dumsnill was $25,568,426 and 50,820 acres. LATC was over 50% bigger than his opponent.

Now, Dumsnill's net has gone up by 500k and LATC's net has dropped by 4m+. 35m to 26m, or a 33% advantage. Soon enough Dumsnill will probably be bigger than LATC. LATC's land is up to 57k now but he's lost 10k buildings so far not counting any possible spy ops.

Edited By: blid on Aug 19th 2013, 14:20:54
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 15:14:01

I now see the wisdom in his ways. "How hard can a I get kicked in the teeth, asked LATC, then he proceeded to find out."
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 15:17:51

Bobby, maybe food is tanking because we have a 55k area Rep who decided to permit genocide on his citizens and is playing more like a 40k Rep going no where fast. Plus, Gogy seems to have converted to a farmer.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 16:36:54

How can anyone convert anything at this point? Bld expense bonus is mandatory if so.
The EEVIL Empire

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 16:41:37

How come 208 never suicided 190? Had many days of opportunity to do so after being farmed. Weird. You would think at least one missile would fly.
The EEVIL Empire


EE Patron

Aug 19th 2013, 17:12:52

It doesn't always happen. #208 himself has attacked someone 7 times and that player never retaled him either. Especially funny is that he hit I AB Retal Landgrabs (#154) four times without being retaled either
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 19:34:21

Lmao. Luck sack I guess.
The EEVIL Empire

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 21:05:48

Originally posted by Chewi:
Anyone that had stock is probably dumping right now.

bah people are just starting to stock now. Food will climb!

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 5:39:23

Lol. Nice try bobby.
The EEVIL Empire

PaleMoon Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 6:32:08

Do people still stock these days; how VERY 1990's of them... :P
"imo the true issue over there is and always has been palemoon." - Vic (Mr. Clear)

La Famiglia

h2orich Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 7:10:39

Funny how #55 drops land from those ABs burnt then goes grab some random dude again

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 9:25:57

Maybe their war ended?

h2orich Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 9:33:22

2013-08-19 20:31:33 PS What is this a center for ants (#55) Failing as a wombat (#89) 488A (1092A)
2013-08-19 19:29:39 CM What is this a center for ants (#55) Dumsnill (#136) 1845B 69119 C

#136 signed the peace treaty after getting one CM?

crest23 Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 12:58:50

You guys don't understand, that was a very scary CM.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

PaleMoon Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 13:23:34

Originally posted by crest23:
You guys don't understand, that was a very scary CM.

It wasn't a CM = "Missile", it was a CM = "Candy Man". You try having one of those thrown at your country... you'll surrender in seconds!
"imo the true issue over there is and always has been palemoon." - Vic (Mr. Clear)

La Famiglia

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 20:46:35

Originally posted by PaleMoon:
Do people still stock these days; how VERY 1990's of them... :P

You do when you have a beach vacation come up in the middle of a set:P

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 20:49:25

also, whoever is destocking needs to calm down a bit and stop crashing the food market lol...

eManny Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 21:06:57

I'm having the world's flufftiest stock.
I'm so far out of loop it's funny. Bought food for $65 now it's trending @ $45.

Next set I'm going to git PHAT and blow my shiet on the PM.

Strategies changed in the last 10 years rofl :))


EE Patron

Aug 20th 2013, 21:20:07

Yeah, stocking at $65 is really really dangerous because it's hard to get out at that price. I speak from the experience of having a good tech set blow up in my face.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

eManny Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 21:24:41

hmm yeah, I was expecting it to stay at like $60 until a week from the end. But people are responding to the price drop and even the farmers are selling @ $40-$45

Won't make prices go up unless people are going to stock food.


EE Patron

Aug 20th 2013, 21:56:05

It's really delicate, because it's not worth it for non-Demo cashers to stock food unless food drops to like $40 or maybe sub $40 prices, and techers get stuck stocking at such high prices that there's a lot of pressure for them to get out on top. What makes the whole house of cards collapse is that one techer's food stock at this point in the set is going to be MORE than the entire server eats in a day. In trying to dump that stock, farmers have to sell lower, and it also signals to other techers that it's time to get out (before it's too late!)...this leads to a big collapse, wrecks practically all the techers except the first one out (or those who might have gone corruption bonus), and ends the farmers' party.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Aug 21st 2013, 1:18:36

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

h2orich Game profile


Aug 21st 2013, 2:57:18

Originally posted by blid:


BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 21st 2013, 21:48:46

Oh look food prices creeping back up.

And blid, how do you get the $40 figure? Just guessing, I would think a rep casher right about now would be good stocking food even with prices in the 50-55 range. Perhaps even more


EE Patron

Aug 21st 2013, 22:31:54

Well the question at this point is a choice between stocking food and growing... buying tech, gaining land, y'know... so you're not comparing stock losses to, say, spending the money on military and having higher expenses, or eating corruption, or what have you.

If you're buying food for $50 that's $53 after commission... if you get stuck selling for $35 at set's end (which is all you can guarantee) then that's a 34% land of your stock. Seems kind of bad.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 21st 2013, 23:10:08

sure, but if you are building on say 60k acres with no building cost bonus you are spending over 300M every 1k acres.

Let's say you are a farmer (since that is easy to calculate). That 1k farms will produce roughly 13000 food per turn. So over the last 12 days that is roughly 8.5M bushels of food. Let us say an average price of $40 and no commisssions (all of this a bit generous) and you get 340M in the end.

I'd say losing 34% of stock is much better than investing 300M now to build (not to mention lost jets) to get 340M in the end.

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 21st 2013, 23:22:56

plus cashers have the cash button. A casher with 100 bpt takes 10 turns to build 1k acres. Another 4 let us say to spy/grab target. That is 14 turns of not cashing and a serious hit to production.

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 21st 2013, 23:38:42

Originally posted by BobbyATA:

I'd say losing 34% of stock is much better than investing 300M now to build (not to mention lost jets) to get 340M in the end.

This is very poorly worded. I'm trying to say that when factoring in income lost to jets, oil, building costs and income lost from not using cash button, the ROI to grabbing seems probably worse than the ROI of stocking at $50/bushel, to me at least.


EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2013, 1:22:27

2013-08-22 00:46:09 PS C R O A T I A (#106) Scrap the System (#190) 6119A (9409A)

Lol Gogy is such a menace.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

oldman Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 14:51:46

I can only say ouch.

11+ days left.
Food to stay above $45 at least for at least another 5-6 days as the demos are working their magic.
Military to continue its way up.
Oil prices above $200, might go up still if people continue to grab. Supply sure is low
Tech prices are falling. Might see a rebound if people start to tech up now.

crest23 Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 15:32:34

Originally posted by blid:
2013-08-22 00:46:09 PS C R O A T I A (#106) Scrap the System (#190) 6119A (9409A)

Lol Gogy is such a menace.

Let's see if Scrap the System will indeed scrap the system and go for seconds to make up for the hit. I can't imagine he feels that losing 1.2 mill NW from the hit and a ton more when he retaled, having to blow turns jumping 10 mill NW, rebuilding the land he already built, etc etc is made up by the 843 acres he gained.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 15:34:11

Also, wonder why the country isn't named DumBsnill (#136).
The Nigerian Nightmare.


EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2013, 15:47:52

Rebuilding 6119 land at this point, for a commie so probably no building cost bonus, at 69341 acres, is $2,181,222,211... Also lost 750k net in turrets from the hit, so probably ~750k net in jets from the retal, so that's 1.5m net lost more, and also the cost of oil, probably an additional $200m. I'm so sick of Gogy. He's a special sort of freak also who doesn't even seem to care if he wars or not, so you can hit again to get more land back, but then he'll war you and not care, and he'll still play the same way again next round. I really wish he didn't play at all.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2013, 15:49:05

Originally posted by crest23:
Also, wonder why the country isn't named DumBsnill (#136).
What's wrong with him?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 16:14:16

190 must have oil rigs or something. Either that of he stocked enough oil for the set just in time. He was grabbing hard during the big oil spikes. About the time when I gave up on this disaster set. Everything on our market is too volatile.
The EEVIL Empire

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 16:20:12

Originally posted by Serpentor:
190 must have oil rigs or something. Either that of he stocked enough oil for the set just in time. He was grabbing hard during the big oil spikes. About the time when I gave up on this disaster set. Everything on our market is too volatile.

You only gotta build 1k oil rigs or something insanely small to produce for yourself. I do it most sets, unless it is clear oil is oversupplied.

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 16:26:14

Everyone keeps saying how good the military prices have been. They've actually been below average or average at best. The max sold prices are deceiving as they are one offs from time to time. Goods went very low this set when there was an excess of indies, and now that the smaller ones have faded or warred its back to average. I've had goods stuck so many times this set at bargain basement pricing. Actually I got stuck again yesterday only a few jets sold.
The EEVIL Empire

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 17:17:09

Serp, jets/turrets have been about or above $120 avg for the past 10 days. That's pretty damn good seeing that almost all the resets prior to the previous one all have them at or below $110.

I'll put this set's mil prices above average. Prices only dipped below $105 for 5 days where compared to past sets, they stayed that low for 1-2 weeks.

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 17:27:24

I think its bigger fluctuations this set too. You had goods go super low and still have difficulty selling, then a spike to $150 then hammered low again and everyone stuck again. I found it very strange anyways. Maybe my timing , I dunno. Volatile market all round.
The EEVIL Empire


EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2013, 17:33:14

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
Originally posted by Serpentor:
190 must have oil rigs or something. Either that of he stocked enough oil for the set just in time. He was grabbing hard during the big oil spikes. About the time when I gave up on this disaster set. Everything on our market is too volatile.

You only gotta build 1k oil rigs or something insanely small to produce for yourself. I do it most sets, unless it is clear oil is oversupplied.
Rigs make 2 oil... so 1k rigs * 2 * 54 = 108k barrels produced per day. 108k barrels * 25 units per = 2.7m jets powered per day. You need more like 3-4k rigs to grab on your own oil... or you'll have to supplement from the market.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2013, 18:00:02

Looks like #296, a 40k acre commie, just got butt-raked for an accidental double tap. Probably a 0 tank situation. Fortunately for him he only had 13k acres wiped out and not something approaching 40k but he probably has 0 c-sites now and is best off not building for the rest of the reset...
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 18:08:04

I don't know about accidental, he has multi tapped several ppl and triple tapped the last guy. He also seems to have 0 tanks so is quite brave (stupid). He should count himself lucky that he hasn't actually got his clock thoroughly polished.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 18:13:56

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by crest23:
Also, wonder why the country isn't named DumBsnill (#136).
What's wrong with him?

He tried to be an angel to a demon by letting LATC get off for several days, dumb move. He forgot he was at war. Let's see if he removes the kiddies glove and has some fun now.
The Nigerian Nightmare.