Jun 3rd 2013, 2:51:20
Prediction for the set...
military prices are down to $136 jets/turrets average. Should expect it to fall nicely down to $100-110 in another 2 weeks.
food is still hovering around $36-40. With tech prices this depressed, techers might start stocking a bit later. So I'm guessing we'll see be seeing <$40 food for a couple more days at least.
Tech prices are rubbish (sorry techers out there, you have no shot this round).
Oil prices are surprisingly calm this set.
Indies should do well this set but likely to see a lower finish than usual due to the higher building costs although military prices this set are higher than usual and that might balance it out. We'll see.
We might get a big farmer finish if food spikes, which I believe will be spiking (soon). Watch this self fulfilling prophecy =P
Techers, like I mentioned previously, sorry, no shot at winning or top10.
This set's looking like a casher set again. The reps will dominate. If a demo can pull off some insane reselling, they might have a shot.
EE analyst