
Tmac Game profile


Jul 9th 2020, 0:04:11

Gerdler and molotov have certainly set the bar for the rest of us. Over 130m and 125m respectively! Alot of countries hit high nws this set overall. Good set all!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 9th 2020, 0:19:47

Originally posted by Tmac:
I think it shows we can only accurately predict our own finishes even though we like to guess at others potential.

Honestly, I disagree with that conclusion based on my prediction and the outcome:

Originally posted by Gerdler:

1. Parace
2. Pufluff - BIG, but got his last acres too late perhaps?
3. beavis - C/I NW/A's over the last few years have rarely topped out above 2000 NW/A, If this is the set it happens he may challenge the cashers.
4. Beepoo - Best income by far right now, possibly grabbed too late, how long will market favor him?
5. Anarcho/Beer from hell/delphinius - those 3 I cant separate, Only the market and their respective mistakes can.

Dorsai did a better job of the endgame to get 5th I think, either way it was close. You are correct I couldn't have easily known you were getting ops(+felt threats of missiles/ABs) on you or how low techs you had when you stopped grabbing.
However, because the concievable range of techs that a good player (who is not pressured by ops and missile/AB threats) can have in the end are not that large that it would make a difference normally. Maybe I could have seen those threats on the news if I took more time with my prediction, and in such a case its just my failiure to do the legwork. Or perhaps this was unknowable without an op, making you the outlier that no one could predict. Either way mostly my prediction is what happened, showing that it indeed is quite possible, based on old scores, market prices, govt/strat and acreages, approximate a country's potential decently well.

DeLpHiNuS Game profile


Jul 9th 2020, 0:48:44

haha now that the round has ended, i can comment more stuff.. congrats to gerdler on taking the set and sorry to disappoint u in the predictions lol

well i shouldnt have started reminding stockers about the abnormal high food price and the losses cashers would suffer if they destock too late.. the next moment is food getting cheaper and im not able to sell my stock food at good price.. ended up selling most of my stocked food at 43 bucks, and the rest i throw it in private market cos i simply cant sell the food.. i was targeting 100mil nw with assumption of able to sell my stock food at average price 50 bucks.. so im kinda screwed by market dynamics.. even at good times, i only manage to sell my food at max 65 bucks.. so those who parked food at 80+ bucks or so could be some cashers who have stocked up early at lower food price and earning from the differences..

so in summary, i didnt undercut food prices too aggressively, which results in being late in getting my income to get the money to mass buy cheap military units.. ended up i sell food cheaply and have to buy from my private market lol.. double whammy in my ending..

dict/farmer is fun though, i would try out again coming round and probably try a tech start.. so those farmers who tech start, u can pm me tech alliances:)