
braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 16:44:21

Darkness vs weedy?
Can't we just admit you win, you get to feel your fluff is big?

So weedy large runs 3k acre techers or commies and you got no land to grab?

Public opinion will eventually turn against them. I asked to be friends and they said no bullies.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 16:52:09

Talk to the right peeps?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 17:10:34

I'm tying to reach out to somebody with whom I play alliance but drunk seems to be set on taking land. So we ain't got land to take nigga. What happens now?

I just want to drink, to be honest.

And playing in alliance with those who kill me on team is a very precarious situation.

Drink and friends, please? Or fight and I'm forced to leave bolts.

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 17:15:43

I guess your only option is to suicide ;p

JK ;)
Just shut up and have another beer

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 17:17:46

If you offer us zero path to netgain then what is our motivation to play?

If land is what you want how does driving four innocent netters and a fluffing geologist from the server benefit your end game?

Ya'll ain't finishing 100mil every reset without ruining the server?

Have fun running a tech with no betters buying net techs, idiots.

We blanket statement friends, and yall say no its we take your land?

Take what isn't there, moron, that calculates?

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 17:19:30

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
I guess your only option is to suicide ;p

JK ;)

Fight flight or freeze. I just won't hold land worth taking. You still win but Im not stolen from. I have nothing to lose if I have nothing to begin with.

This is the server you want to get your dock hard on? Really?

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 17:23:10

I asked politely and was turned down rudely.
I'd be surprised if any of them even tag weedy.

You are winning against nobody. You might as well save bandwidth and just play on your phone calculator.

My playing in myrmidons is contingent on Stryke.

If we ain't trying to be friends then we aren't friends.

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 17:25:42

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
I guess your only option is to suicide ;p

JK ;)

Fight flight or freeze. I just won't hold land worth taking. You still win but Im not stolen from. I have nothing to lose if I have nothing to begin with.

This is the server you want to get your dock hard on? Really?

I'm not in Darkness. Just trying to point out land grabbing on team usually leads to suicides. I play all ex and probably hug trees harder than you do lol.
Just shut up and have another beer

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 17:38:42

I would run high jets and lots of military strat tech and make the retals hurt worse than original grab.
- Premium Patron Member

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 17:44:27

I apologize if I got any gender specific pronouns incorrect. That's my bad and no insult intended; I apologize.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 17:50:05

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
I guess your only option is to suicide ;p

JK ;)

Fight flight or freeze. I just won't hold land worth taking. You still win but Im not stolen from. I have nothing to lose if I have nothing to begin with.

This is the server you want to get your dock hard on? Really?

I'm not in Darkness. Just trying to point out land grabbing on team usually leads to suicides. I play all ex and probably hug trees harder than you do lol.

That is a bet I'd wager five dollars Canadian. Nobody wants to make enemies less than me. I'm trying to be friends between my tag my friend and the bullies.

Let's look at this as if I explain it to my five year old neice -- I am no threat and want to be friends and they say we are an enemy and a threat? She knows who the bad guy is. I teach her only ever to make friends. When she's eighteen if I'm alive in thirteen years I'll teach her scotch also.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 18:25:32

Originally posted by Requiem:
I would run high jets and lots of military strat tech and make the retals hurt worse than original grab.

I agree with this statement. If a Darkness country wants to make 1 PS every 48hrs on a single tag than the defending tag should go all jets and deter Darkness from LGing them.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 18:27:14

For the record Getafix also came into the darkness channel looking to get a DNH. He was also politely declined.

If Weedy and HCnFC want to PS Darkness than please go for it. If Darkness PS you than please retal and max out your militery strat and make the retal hurt.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 18:42:02

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Requiem:
I would run high jets and lots of military strat tech and make the retals hurt worse than original grab.

I agree with this statement. If a Darkness country wants to make 1 PS every 48hrs on a single tag than the defending tag should go all jets and deter Darkness from LGing them.

If 3 or 4 tags farm one tag we could never keep the reals.

Our only defense is we aren't your enemy. So we die? When will you allow weedylar to net in peace?

You want our land so we aren't allowed to have land?

And you say it's something other than driving the nicest people from the server?

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 18:44:47

Originally posted by SuperFly:
For the record Getafix also came into the darkness channel looking to get a DNH. He was also politely declined.

If Weedy and HCnFC want to PS Darkness than please go for it. If Darkness PS you than please retal and max out your militery strat and make the retal hurt.

fluff I wake up tomorrow and drink whisky. You really think I'm setting up a coalition to war?

You are fighting a non existent enemy one who asks we be friends. You are stealing lunch money from third graders. Take pride. Go touch yourself imagining stealing from 9 year Olds.

Pride. Really?

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 18:45:46

Cowards. The lot of you.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 18:53:52

No one is farming Weedy Braden. FYI you were not farmed last set either. Weedy was LG'ed by 3 countries and Weedy retaled all of them.

Here is the news from last set:

2020-01-28 22:23:59 PS Sax and Violins (#21) weedylar Trippy (#2) Darkn3ss 648A (1038A)
2020-01-28 17:16:19 PS Trippy (#2) Darkn3ss Sax and Violins (#21) weedylar 1415A (2016A)

2020-01-25 23:02:45 PS Zilch (#5) weedylar Trippy (#2) Darkn3ss 607A (966A)
2020-01-25 20:45:15 PS Trippy (#2) Darkn3ss Zilch (#5) weedylar 1249A (1852A)

2020-01-27 02:27:46 PS nina dobrev is an angel (#1) weedylar Hellrush Cheated (#20) Darkness 2052A (2923A)
2020-01-26 23:07:49 PS Hellrush Cheated (#20) Darkness nina dobrev is an angel (#1) weedylar 2021A (2881A)
2020-01-26 14:08:58 PS nina dobrev is an angel (#1) weedylar Hellrush Cheated (#20) Darkness 1727A (2461A)
2020-01-25 23:13:24 PS Hellrush Cheated (#20) Darkness nina dobrev is an angel (#1) weedylar 2036A (2901A)
2020-01-21 21:22:31 PS nina dobrev is an angel (#1) weedylar Needle in a Hempstack (#10) D4rkness 1153A (1598A)
2020-01-21 14:01:45 PS Needle in a Hempstack (#10) D4rkness nina dobrev is an angel (#1) weedylar 534A (943A)

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 18:55:13

Here is a great example of what I posted earlier in which you raped the darkness country on the retal. Now tell me if that country touched Weedy again the rest of the set?

2020-01-21 21:22:31 PS nina dobrev is an angel (#1) weedylar Needle in a Hempstack (#10) D4rkness 1153A (1598A)
2020-01-21 14:01:45 PS Needle in a Hempstack (#10) D4rkness nina dobrev is an angel (#1) weedylar 534A (943A)

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 18:55:58

Any nicety that might have been made is lost and like I'm not even going to play.

fluff the people who drive us from a slight semblance of enjoyment.

Really? fluff you you fluffing fluff. Pang asks why people aren't willing to pay? Or even worse he asks us to pay? I'm going to give him money so you can extort my land?

Have fun ruining the game you fluffing piece of fluff fluff whore.

I suppose friendships are done and we shouldn't even try?

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 18:57:38

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Here is a great example of what I posted earlier in which you raped the darkness country on the retal. Now tell me if that country touched Weedy again the rest of the set?

2020-01-21 21:22:31 PS nina dobrev is an angel (#1) weedylar Needle in a Hempstack (#10) D4rkness 1153A (1598A)
2020-01-21 14:01:45 PS Needle in a Hempstack (#10) D4rkness nina dobrev is an angel (#1) weedylar 534A (943A)

HI. Can we make an agreement not to LG and war?
--NO. Buy defense we're taking your land

Don't try to play referee Mano I already tried that.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 18:59:23

Still like five tags vs one?

That's how cowards run a war. I let lc bot ucn for a decade so I know, essay.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:01:46

Or we could just agree never to hit one another unless mutually agreed before hand so we can match land and nw and mstrat but no its drive the four kindest people from the server?

What is your end game here?

DruncK Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:06:47

To have fun, nobody's gonna apologize for using game mechanics. I thought I was being nice in my reply to you lol

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:10:35

Yeah aND on team I'm being killed by somebody in my tag on alliance?

If that isn't a slap in the face I don't know what is.

I lost a gag on team and alliance. I hope none of you play in my third choices.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:10:43

i played all-x last set not sure why you are taking it out on me but let me say this Braden.

Yourself and Archy want to play with 0 defense so that you run turns with little to no expenses per turn. You want to hold the biggest advantage possible against everyone else on this server.

tags like ZigZag, Villians and Darkness have to forcefully run defense because we are targets for suiciders. Why do we have suiciders? Because we kill countries and half the time it is to protect ungrateful assholes like yourself.

which players came and threw away set after set to fight TSO who terrorized cry baby netters like Weedy? I personally did as did the original guys from Elders/Darkness and ZigZag players. What did you fluff ass babies in Weedy do? Pack up and run away until we drove off TSO.

You are all ungrateful players and if you want to leave over trying to play fairly within the standard LG and retal protocols then please go ahead and leave. Personally I will not miss you guys because you guys have never lifted a finger to protect this server or netters. Your tag brings no value especially if you do not want to interact with our tags. You just wanna come here and enjoy peace without making any sacrifices.

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 12th 2020, 19:13:06

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:18:24

You know what I am going to say something super positive about HCnFC, Getafix & KoH and the guys who play in that tag.

The players in HCnFC are actually very valuable to this server. They stand up, they fight and they interact well with other teams. They dont come here to cry and fluff over one LG. They buy militery tech and weapons tech and they rape in retals.

That is what real players do. They come back and they take their land. They earn their respect. I always give Getafix grief over the AB retal that caused our two teams to war but you know what Getafix has some big F'in balls and he is a solid player.

HCnFC is a tag that I would totally consider playing in for the sole fact that they stand up and fight. They dont run away and wait for someone else to solve their problems....

Anyways, I have also liked you Braden and I consider you a friend here. So sorry if I lost my cool on you but your insults at my really ticked me off man as I have actually fought for this server and everyone else that comes and crys on the boards has not done a damn thing ever other than try to net and cry when things dont go their way....

archaic Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:20:04


Edited By: archaic on Feb 13th 2020, 3:25:51
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:22:13

archaic, darkness is not TSO.

if we were TSO we could have literally farmed you and killed you. 3 countries making LGs on you is not driving you off the server.

You guys just want to play without interacting with anyone else. You want to play 0 defence, 0 cost per turn to get big old NWs. Ask Pang for a server without an attack button and go play there.

archaic Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:23:33


Edited By: archaic on Feb 13th 2020, 3:25:32
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

archaic Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:26:51


Edited By: archaic on Feb 13th 2020, 3:26:31
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:29:58

Originally posted by archaic:
I have no problem with getting grabbed and doing retals, but griefing is griefing and you guys were griefing. Rokki topfeeding 3 netters and then only having a 6m NW finish is ficking griefing SF and you know it.

Number of time darkness tags grabbed HCFC - 0, Villains - 0, zigzag - 0

It's bullfluff and you are better than that

dude I posted this already many times. I played all-x. Last set and the set prior that i LG'ed I PS'ed ever tag but ZigZag because they had a commie that could rape me in the retals.

I am going to LG this set. I am Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria #6 this set and I will PS HCnFC and Villians and everyone else.
Hell I will farm every untagged this set as well because I hit everyone and I do not discriminate when it comes to LGing and everyone on this server knows that.

If you are mad at me personally than feel free to AB me. I really do not care....

Rokkie Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:35:34

Originally posted by archaic:
I have no problem with getting grabbed and doing retals, but griefing is griefing and you guys were griefing. Rokki topfeeding 3 netters and then only having a 6m NW finish is ficking griefing SF and you know it.

Number of time darkness tags grabbed HCFC - 0, Villains - 0, zigzag - 0

It's bullfluff and you are better than that

set ends at midnight here, sorry i fell asleep, missed my jump what can i say.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:35:52

Sf: we don't play with zero defense.. we play with zero offense. You say pact better? I asked for a pact. Drop tag and come over to weedy and be the military arm of the kindest group of people on the server?

Something tells me not to hold my breath.

So we can't be friends in the past and enemies and still be friends.. if I font have the friends why the fluff did I ever come back? To use my thumbs to fight you?

Heh. I'm so fluffing glad I never gave them cent one.

You really want to ruin this game for me?

archaic Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 19:54:23


Edited By: archaic on Feb 13th 2020, 3:26:11
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 20:03:31

Braden. You know i like you and zorp. And neither of you have threatened me with a band of ex weedy members to suicide us. And I've never grabbed weedy in my life.

I won't be landgrabbing weedy still, but if I'm under threat from a band of ex weedy, im not pacting weedy. That's just common sense. If a group of weedy wanna hit us, seems weedy is dtf. If weedy is not dtf, it needs to get control of its members.

I won't take pleasure hitting weedy, but will for the first time in my ee career if I'm targeted by weedy players. That's what it is.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 20:28:08

I can barely keep five us together every 30 days.. you think I have a gaggle of guys chomping at the bit considering I've never in my life endorsed a scone notrd/weedy tag?

Weedy players? the hiccup is in the name- we smoke pot and make friends and our friends don't attack us. This is our 'family policy'

If they kill us they are ashamed because they killed starving African children and not a threat.

You guys make yourself look bad.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 20:30:48

Darkness times like six tags or whatever they all sit around and say yes let's kill Braden !!!

I didn't hear a no so I left myrmidons on alliance because on team I can not be bullied by a friend on alliance. That is not friendship.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 20:32:10

Also perkster would be ashamed that we are fighting. Seawolf era. Literally 1999 2000 era.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 20:37:23

Haha. You know i won't hit you bro. If i ever was going to lord knows i would have by now. We won't be fighting nor do i want to be. Frankly i think both of us want to all x net. I donno what all the hub bub is about. Just read a really lengthy post about how weedy members were gonna suicide me and responded by building an oop missiler aimed at weedy. It's more of a cuban missile crisis scenario than a crimea annex scenario.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 20:41:32

Weedy by charter by law demands nobody use one or three turns to hit anybody.

What in the history of weedylar suggests a threat of war?

Our long history of fsing 4 tags vs our 1?

The agressors are obvious and archaic stands up where I try to make friends and now you suggest one person against 4 gull tags is a weedy fs against you?

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 20:43:43

Yeah except in this scenario we are Cuba without the help from the Soviets.

Who are you fighting a war against? A tag that likely won't exist again?

I guess you got all that land you were interested in you fluffing idiots.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 20:47:15

I mean tbf i did laugh when i read the post. The idea of archy trying to do damage to my country is at least a little humorous. I haven't walled newbs in a while so should be fun. Also will be fun to watch him die online 5 minutes after he starts hitting.

Like i said bro, just play. I think your actual friends will look after you better than those suiciding in your name and causing problems. We both want the same thing. I won't take any solace in blowing thru netters nor will many other wardogs. We've had far too many wars to enjoy killing the weakest or non participants

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 12th 2020, 20:49:22
See Original Post

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 20:52:40

I would heed Derricks warning

And I would stop insulting darkness and stop making ridiculous and insulting incorrect statements about who our leader is and how we conduct ourselves.

I am not going to warn you like Derrick. You will just die, repeatedly.

No need to respond to this post. Silence will be taken as acceptance.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 20:55:13

Your 5600 acre techer will hit my 17680 acre all explore farmer in the middle of his stocking phase.

Do not try to tell me that wouldn't have happened and please do not try and tell me it would benefit them both.

There is an honest to God understanding help vs understanding hurt. Buddy hits 100m nw every reset? The tags know the difference.

Do not pretend to think I'm as dumb as I play off to be.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 20:56:37

No tag to kill, fluff.

Hit me in laf or monsters.

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 20:57:08

I suggest you wipe your tears and do something about it.

Conducting yourself like a 4 year old isnt going to cut it.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 20:58:02

Originally posted by ironxxx:
You will just die, repeatedly.

Your threat is against nobody, sand pig.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 20:59:06

My best friends are Derrick drunk and well you.

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 20:59:33

I bet your color was Mr. Yellow

Red X Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 20:59:57

Originally posted by ironxxx:
I bet your color was Mr. Yellow

nah he wont yellow
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin