
braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 21:04:08

Originally posted by ironxxx:
I bet your color was Mr. Yellow

I ducking god damned wish people thought of me in the same respect as Yellow.

You say it as an insult but I'd take that yellow colour, sit Don and listen to the discography of the hip..

Yes. I'm Mr Yellow. You think that is coward but you couldn't be further from the truth.

Yellow is like the ducking greatest. You lost that insult, son.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 21:06:14

The fact you don't know my colour says a lot about you and a little about me.

Yellow and lc are the bosses mother fluffers ever in this game. Coward and uninformed.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 21:07:34

Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by ironxxx:
I bet your color was Mr. Yellow

nah he wont yellow

But violet yellow and crimson sponsored me. Also colour has a u.

Red X Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 21:15:56

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by ironxxx:
I bet your color was Mr. Yellow

nah he wont yellow

But violet yellow and crimson sponsored me. Also colour has a u.

Maybe in Canada. You talk to Vic any these days?
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 21:17:29

Look where it all got you.

You are too afraid to even make a country because of the thought of a single land grab occurring in a war game where it resets no matter what and everything is non-persistent.

That sure does say alot about you.

What happened in a text based game over and around 20 years ago has such little bearing on my life that I am astonished you would try to use that as an insult against me.

At first I was trying to implore you to fight back

Now I'm just frankly trying not to respond anymore and failing haha

I think you should make a country and a tag man. Be a man. There is no conspiracy against you and as far as I am aware there is no plan to seek you out.

You and your buddy making threads like this and conducting yourself like idiots is what is making you giant targets. Self regulation.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2020, 21:26:40

Iron dropped a metaphor.

Race to understanding begins now.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 21:28:23

Yeah. You want my land. I've played since i was eleven. I will play after you. Take my land. Go take it take it take it take it.. im here to fix da boila.

Ignorance is taught from parents.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 21:29:15

To even make splits an infinitive. Google gramnur and talk to me.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 21:31:26

What happened in a text based game over and around 20 years ago has such little bearing on my life that I am astonished you would try to use that as an insult against me."

Yet you tried t use my colour being yellow against me?
You just don't know your greatest ever players, son.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 21:34:02

At first I was trying to implore you to fight back"

I stopped pressing attack when I was fifteen.

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 21:35:56

There is no conspiracy but unless I stop being friends with my best friend you'll hit me?

I play alliance. Hit me there coward.

I never going to say archaic is wrong. Bullies driving players from the game if pang ever wants to make a dollar from a worthwhile honest and fair game then you need to leave.

Edited By: braden on Feb 12th 2020, 21:39:28
See Original Post

braden Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 21:37:54

Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by ironxxx:
I bet your color was Mr. Yellow

nah he wont yellow

But violet yellow and crimson sponsored me. Also colour has a u.

Maybe in Canada. You talk to Vic any these days?

Masshole moved to utah to vote for Romney, didn't he? I miss Victor Victoria.

Boltar Game profile


Feb 23rd 2020, 20:07:30


DruncK Game profile


Mar 2nd 2020, 21:30:02

TTT I guess?

I hope you still stroll thru TT Braden, so you can understand why I wasn't about to consider any pact with a team that would be harboring a suicider.

Apparently you never talk to Archaic either because he's still dead set that I RoR'd you and FORCED you to land trade all because I have some grudge against him(I'll say it until I'm blue in the face that I forgot all about the moron until last set)

Your awesome "friend" has insulted you, lied to you and screwed your safe tree hugging home up for good.

archaic Game profile


Mar 3rd 2020, 4:34:21

Drunk, what world do you live in dude? 3 years ago you guys raped us nonstop for 2 sets. After we thought we had a deal with you, you tag killed us the 3rd set. After that Weedy left the server for 3 years, comes back for a little reunion and guess who starts the same fluff again - you motherfluffer, always you.

Nothing but griefing hits last set, no attempt to net, just weak ass fluff to keep us from netting. Rokkie literally paused in the middle of a kill run while you were warring to topfeed one of us - then he finished with 10k acres and a 6M NW. Not a single grab on another netting tag all set but us. fluff you Drunk, we're not stupid dude.

Nobody is going to ever tag weedy as long as you exist and you made sure of that, not me.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Soy Sauce


Mar 9th 2020, 19:02:12


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 9th 2020, 19:49:23

Just because you used to cheat and make more countries than others doesn’t mean fluff now son!
- Premium Patron Member

Rokkie Game profile


Mar 10th 2020, 14:10:34

Originally posted by archaic:
Rokkie literally paused in the middle of a kill run while you were warring to topfeed one of us - then he finished with 10k acres and a 6M NW. .

Mistake on my part, I'm sticking to all-x in teams from now on its easier this way..