Coordination rules should be so simple and easy to understand for everyone. I've been assuring people they have nothing to be afraid of regarding these rules and that it's common sense stuff. Basically, are you attacking a country for reasons involving your own country/tag? Or are you attacking this country for the benefit of someone else? Simple as that.
*This is how I've understood coordination rules to work for months under galleri, martian, etc. Very clear and easy.*
This deletion contradicts all that. Red X/tellarion seem to be operating under "first ones to hit this country got dibs!" I don't understand that, as it's rather illogical and that's not how it's worked in the past.
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What is the point of joining in a killrun on a country that grabbed you? There is no way to get the land back at that point, and someone else is already taking care of the situation for you. So what's the point? You get to feel better and have your revenge, and that's about it. If I were truly running a 5-man tag, I'd be glad that someone else is taking care of it and I don't have to...
elves was hit 4 times by this country. Why should he not be allowed to hit back? Tella asks "what's the point," well, how about the fact that the country was still alive and elves was 4x tapped and wants it dead! Isn't that a good justification? As long as it's not actively coordinated with the other hits, people have the right to their revenge. Telling people they're not allowed to hit back people who hit them is just... where did this thinking come from? Why is that restriction necessary? Again, I quote this post:
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so if one team attacks 5 different teams, all 5 teams can hit back. Poor gameplay decisions are not against the rules:P