Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 19 - Mar 23
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2511
Currently Logged in: 178

Top Players - Primary

Next Reset Forty-seventh round: Sep 06, 2017 - Nov 06, 2017 Prev Reset
Jump to Current Reset

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 181 countries in the Primary server.

1 BeE Po bEe po BEe pO (#17)  Game profile 54$97,904,992 HG
2 noita nimod dyni (#59) 47,799$93,359,448 CG
3 Infinite Waters (#3)  Game profile 40,817$84,378,399 RG
4 Policy of Truth (#6)  Game profile 40,877$70,876,563 CG
5 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#29)  Game profile 43,318$64,260,594 CG
6 Entropic Holocaust (#2)  Game profile 36,805$62,590,357 RG
7 Anarcho Syndicalist Commune (#52) 44,706$54,933,096 CG
8 You Cant See Me (#13) 19,088$53,934,165 H
9 DeLpHiNuS (#41) 37,102$52,638,707 DG
10 Tu (#69) 39,203$47,186,041 IG
11 Twin Turbo Lexus ISF (#86)  Game profile 34,985$47,166,399 CG
12 Brick (#73) 29,166$44,161,548 RG
13 X (#88) 27,439$42,807,454 RG
14 dogbarf (#43) 31,484$40,388,485 DG
15 dOgMiLk (#31)  Game profile 32,147$40,384,780 DG
16 Nuke Correa (#21) 25,139$37,121,007 RG
17 Fourth Reich (#67) 34,771$33,882,529 CG
18 Suicidal (#16) 24,974$29,745,302 RG
19 Welcome To The Machine (#9) 23,068$28,409,059 CG
20 ArOOstOOk (#25)  Game profile 17,310$26,726,642 DG
21 DROTW (#49)  Game profile 23,665$25,967,460 CG
22 Bob the builder (#48)  Game profile 15,537$25,469,217 RG
23 Billekans (#36)  Game profile 20,426$24,925,196 RG
24 Dingus (#19) 24,440$24,784,399 CG
25 Ecomer (#54) 25,838$20,900,405 IG
26 aszdsdfffucksdfs (#55) 14,459$20,718,599 HG
27 Cockney Queen (#27)  Game profile 19,273$17,751,719 I
28 Franzeldom (#47)  Game profile 18,422$17,150,125 DG
29 Lactancia (#124)  Game profile 14,450$12,637,096 RG
30 Smackdown Live (#60) 9859$12,453,634 DG
31 Your Education (#11) 16,989$11,458,800 FG
32 Recruit Me (#136) 11,154$10,451,122 HG
33 Fesselania (#61)  Game profile 12,956$10,200,913 DG
34 C R O A T I A (#53)  Game profile 15,652$10,163,595 IG
35 Waiver Weasel (#102)  Game profile 11,593$10,148,184 HG
36 Tits R Us (#24) 12,122$10,089,035 C
37 Solaris (#51) 12,790$9,778,642 F
38 Bricks (#44) 9048$9,250,924 D
39 KIRK (#5) 10,399$8,989,286 CG
40 No Maam (#115)  Game profile 9841$8,745,257 H
41 Newlovia (#80)  Game profile 12,064$8,702,734 HG
42 Flashton (#32) 9399$7,851,576 DG
43 Birds Nest (#105) 7878$7,272,413 F
44 Dalwood (#34) 5330$7,055,596 CG
45 Bunker (#7)  Game profile 12,947$6,952,136 H
46 TanksPHU (#22) 10,178$6,795,126 D
47 Kekistan (#46) 5950$6,787,209 DG
48 Iliketurtles (#96) 10,532$6,506,726 R
49 Jon Snow is Aegon Targaryen (#63) 4509$6,359,643 IG
50 MINOTR (#156) 11,937$5,907,724 CG
51 Leppertia (#12) 11,456$5,586,410 C
52 Znation84 (#18)  Game profile 9660$5,454,049 F
53 Whodawhat (#129) 9181$5,213,905 R
54 The Country of What (#125)  Game profile 6541$5,165,726 FG
55 TRUMPDAMFinBITCH (#45) 6091$5,018,733 HG
56 Kaleanae (#135)  Game profile 14,603$4,955,812 C
57 village idiot (#33) 7750$4,949,322 R
58 Hold my beer (#20)  Game profile 7698$4,904,968 D
59 DISCOMBOBULATOR (#154)  Game profile 10,147$4,846,526 C
60 keybo (#107) 16,320$4,749,369 H
61 in need of hooker money (#50) 10,763$4,690,296 FG
62 Expecting me sir bahahaha (#42) 6782$4,669,116 C
63 Ridsect (#116)  Game profile 9284$4,502,743 T
64 kayden GOT the runs (#1)  Game profile 9131$4,382,879 T
65 Ti Annichilisco (#30) 7197$4,366,196 C
66 JTSLai (#174)  Game profile 10,559$4,180,402 D
67 Lord of War (#15)  Game profile 9837$4,067,629 CG
68 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocio (#100) 5958$4,009,926 HG
69 IPAlandia (#89)  Game profile 10,554$3,860,071 H
70 Crows Milk (#57)  Game profile 7419$3,814,302 TG
71 checking out (#64)  Game profile 7239$3,432,347 F
72 Newfoundland (#162) 7218$3,416,221 RG
73 Mutantville (#83) 5866$3,359,797 M
74 Dominion of Darksun (#143) 10,714$3,329,914 CG
75 HighSpeedThrillCoaster (#71) 2107$3,261,982 I
76 Planetos (#155)  Game profile 10,235$2,785,943 H
77 Bumblebee Tuna (#109) 8878$2,682,718 C
78 Hyrule (#23) 10,540$2,606,033 M
79 kaklakak (#148) 6251$2,454,915 HG
80 Peaceful (#149)  Game profile 4869$2,421,588 C
81 Tandag (#130)  Game profile 7944$2,419,433 C
82 Streblo (#184) 7607$2,363,660 FG
83 Morrean (#111)  Game profile 5120$2,314,077 DG
84 Archevil (#185)  Game profile 7230$2,291,197 T
85 Jekyll (#8)  Game profile 7160$2,251,076 H
86 Unequal (#186) 10,518$2,228,825 R
87 New North Korea (#161)  Game profile 9062$2,120,558 CG
88 Jim Kong (#72)  Game profile 5237$1,986,469 T
89 GoobleGobble (#114) 9312$1,949,455 H
90 Jugoslavija (#56)  Game profile 7087$1,896,115 C
91 Fearless (#103)  Game profile 6794$1,857,786 I
92 JCON (#151)  Game profile 3531$1,823,562 DG
93 LandofConfusion (#175) 3279$1,746,750 R
94 Yours (#87) 8032$1,720,983 D
95 No reason why (#75)  Game profile 4683$1,617,196 T
96 The shire (#35)  Game profile 6180$1,579,724 F
97 Pa (#26) 5413$1,471,281 C
98 farts (#123) 5787$1,426,061 R
99 tiboon (#192)  Game profile 7950$1,345,650 C
100 tara (#78) 5247$1,277,534 I

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