Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 19 - Mar 23
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2511
Currently Logged in: 181

Top Players - Primary

Next Reset Forty-eighth round: Nov 06, 2017 - Jan 05, 2018 Prev Reset
Jump to Current Reset

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 189 countries in the Primary server.

1 relax lah is my hero (#74) 47,290$96,421,459 FG
2 Icanteven (#62)  Game profile 28,314$94,925,877 HG
3 Policy of Truth (#6)  Game profile 45,120$91,083,815 CG
4 BeE Po bEe po BEe pO (#20)  Game profile 50,267$81,161,770 DG
5 X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA (#12) 37,674$69,139,590 RG
6 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#75)  Game profile 38,236$67,274,111 CG
7 Sorry KoD I have let you down (#68) 29,899$65,371,317 RG
8 Tu (#84) 28,887$62,106,911 DG
9 Anarcho Syndicalist Commune (#78) 49,711$60,444,811 CG
10 Lets do this (#66) 41,128$58,003,880 CG
11 DeLpHiNuS (#37) 36,149$56,219,501 DG
12 TECHFX (#1)  Game profile 19,208$50,256,702 HG
13 Atlantis (#105) 31,889$48,990,227 C
14 vociferous (#55)  Game profile 12,391$42,806,105 HG
15 billekans (#99)  Game profile 20,041$41,729,679 RG
16 Cumorah (#22) 33,153$39,830,391 CG
17 dOgMiLk (#5)  Game profile 25,923$37,402,231 RG
18 DROTW (#67)  Game profile 21,173$35,790,089 RG
19 Time4LaiF (#56)  Game profile 12,655$35,731,973 H
20 Lactancia (#9)  Game profile 27,227$35,070,713 IG
21 Infidel Dogs (#90) 27,399$34,357,990 DG
22 Dalga (#64) 29,142$31,080,082 CG
23 BurfsBasement (#50)  Game profile 24,544$28,917,503 R
24 X (#43) 17,890$27,794,217 RG
25 Suicidal (#58) 23,420$25,611,238 I
26 ArOOstOOk (#7)  Game profile 16,299$23,362,342 D
27 Surrender to the Void (#61) 24,374$22,035,900 T
28 Fourth Reich (#38) 22,583$19,267,090 DG
29 Kaleanae (#21)  Game profile 16,151$16,765,139 C
30 Streblo (#80) 14,823$14,233,726 FG
31 2bad4u (#45) 16,997$13,612,656 IG
32 KIRK (#19) 12,625$13,335,432 CG
33 hello (#114) 9525$13,242,282 R
34 Mr Janne is back (#106) 9492$11,967,336 R
35 HighSpeedThrillCoaster (#42) 15,846$11,703,662 I
36 Brick (#44) 10,453$11,259,683 DG
37 Ross Chandlers and Joey (#51) 4258$10,625,125 HG
38 Winterpeg (#95) 11,654$10,435,106 D
39 Dingus (#24) 19,787$10,319,595 CG
40 Kingdon Come (#16)  Game profile 10,993$9,967,027 DG
41 Znation84 (#32)  Game profile 11,951$9,850,299 CG
42 solaris (#59) 13,557$9,544,473 F
43 Your Education (#8) 11,756$8,844,014 FG
44 BingBong (#28) 13,102$8,389,938 C
45 go f yourself (#152)  Game profile 12,539$8,031,348 FG
46 C R O A T I A (#41)  Game profile 12,754$7,758,038 T
47 Skankhunt42 (#107) 13,464$7,729,313 H
48 sdkflsffucklksjdlfjasdf (#2) 10,448$7,618,342 R
49 LessDor (#118)  Game profile 14,576$7,251,442 IG
50 Zorp (#30)  Game profile 3388$7,182,500 TG
51 White Rabbit (#108) 10,335$7,086,248 IG
52 gouche douche (#69) 5096$6,820,417 R
53 ButtStuff (#102) 11,176$6,741,721 M
54 Riddler (#136) 8240$6,360,082 TG
55 Flashton (#34) 9358$6,017,519 MG
56 Jekyll (#27)  Game profile 10,881$6,004,568 CG
57 Bicycle Cyclery (#4)  Game profile 8488$5,797,637 HG
58 Ipso facto (#52) 10,760$5,711,125 TG
59 Martha the builder (#10)  Game profile 5376$5,649,215 FG
60 Trudeaumania (#137)  Game profile 16,676$5,467,656 C
61 UAE (#72)  Game profile 7833$5,065,691 H
62 Voorhees (#60) 13,892$4,909,116 H
63 IPAlandia (#93)  Game profile 13,529$4,861,749 H
64 Cyber (#13) 9776$4,800,886 R
65 Bassetville (#129)  Game profile 5622$4,604,361 RG
66 Anto (#125) 7785$4,513,522 DG
67 Xenosaga (#166)  Game profile 9090$4,510,352 C
68 Not playing (#122)  Game profile 6717$4,371,783 CG
69 Canadian man (#133) 6696$4,249,787 F
70 Fantasy football (#47) 5272$4,202,150 MG
71 Mutantville (#70) 6843$4,175,272 M
72 Oceania (#123) 7125$4,002,535 C
73 Brylandia (#159) 7119$3,934,954 D
74 Bobs Bar Grill (#18) 10,727$3,926,447 C
75 checking out (#36)  Game profile 8062$3,909,846 F
76 Bamb00zle (#23) 8447$3,835,915 T
77 TutignRR (#3) 6377$3,656,712 HG
78 Sarnia (#177)  Game profile 8257$3,633,997 H
79 Pitman (#178)  Game profile 6296$3,605,486 H
80 Pangea (#49) 7497$3,584,542 CG
81 Decembers Gift (#174)  Game profile 8411$3,572,275 I
82 ASTER (#87)  Game profile 10,246$3,271,145 F
83 Sanders Land (#156) 11,217$2,960,688 CG
84 Acoma (#29) 10,802$2,945,078 I
85 DISCOMBOBULATOR (#101)  Game profile 5921$2,657,560 CG
86 Dunasrevenge (#86)  Game profile 7268$2,493,087 RG
87 USSR (#146)  Game profile 8222$2,389,900 R
88 King Bentacon (#158)  Game profile 8554$2,374,140 C
89 Byzantine Holocaust (#25)  Game profile 4442$2,358,413 RG
90 Weasel (#94) 7595$2,342,414 F
91 Equinox Alpha (#135)  Game profile 6901$2,340,789 H
92 Pakistan (#100) 7029$2,021,014 R
93 Peaceful (#39)  Game profile 3841$1,815,741 C
94 Flashwood (#190) 8187$1,772,074 R
95 tara (#92) 5856$1,481,470 I
96 ZOMBIELAND (#111) 4448$1,447,575 C
97 Mine (#138) 8259$1,260,256 D
98 Newlovia (#63)  Game profile 7340$1,256,071 RG
99 Have Jets will travel (#167) 6044$1,221,603 F
100 RickRonkulous (#148)  Game profile 5776$1,039,995 C

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