Sep 12 - Nov 10
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Oct 2 - Oct 30
Aug 24 - Oct 22
Sep 3 - Oct 2
Active countries: 3477
Currently Logged in: 193

Game Profile for Vic on the Alliance Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Second

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10014#144
Top 104#55
Best 3$274,185,484#137
Attack Success96.27%#373
Pop Killed3,231,995#330

Countries on this server

51 84 gerdler emoticon (#26) 27,095$23,418,955 T LaF
50 20 text based agro helpline (#56) 4$269,084,589 HG LaF
49 176 my alliance is bigger than yours (#386) 5535$9,495,048 T LaF
49 legislating morality on 1a (#27) 36,769$19,336,680 F LaF
48 238 nub hunter (#566) 5616$2,263,684 T LaFx
48 worst alliance mates ever (#449) 11,321$3,496,353 T LaFx
48 you are out of range still (#428) 2637$514,200 T LaFx
48 elders tnw is funny (#416) 3672$661,603 M LaFx
48 elders is bad at life (#328) 8699$1,263,276 T LaFx
48 hit em up (#128) 4399$372,492 T LaFx
47 281 test for time (#521) 3310$986,053 M  
47 Must suck sucking irl (#388) 9178$2,739,763 T LaF
47 (#18) 13,215$15,049,512 T LaFxGerd
46 277 all trump all the time (#556) 3267$1,174,098 M  
46 hi all sol and elders friends (#471) 8511$3,133,998 T LaF
46 Restart (#441) 7625$5,276,381 T LaF
46 give net a chance (#124) 16,287$12,411,471 T LaF
45 283 boring (#447) 758$1,724,039 T  
45 1990s style laf (#150) 8076$2,668,198 T LaF
44 75 restart (#597) 12,053$33,126,620 T LaF
44 Laf (#17) 34,893$34,314,958 D LaF
43 84 lafing all the way (#150) 132,056$27,102,060 F LaF
42 349 Laf hates war (#282) 3616$422,224 T  
41 256 restart (#483) 4559$4,743,069 T LaF
41 Laf war beasts (#10) 22,318$17,269,738 T LaF
40 211 no desire to play (#32) 34,480$7,794,707 F LaF
39 8 1st country killed (#296) 1$288,897,366 H LaF101
39 Retry (#7) 0$20,607 M  
38 117 oil failure (#24) 2$58,010,012 H LaF
37 15 1st world destock problems (#147) 22,148$184,740,868 HG LaF
36 11 all set mbr (#26) 1$198,101,183 HG LaF
35 10 magic 23 dollar bushels (#23) 1$264,574,498 HG LaFisWiN
34 38 90s style laf (#119) 16$125,841,375 H LaF
33 342 has a soler ever finished first (#599) 2276$1,105,363 M  
33 took you long enough (#539) 5769$3,812,953 T LaF
33 laf game break (#11) 13,917$11,224,319 TG LaF
32 25 en4some w tob gains and cx (#54) 52$180,071,893 HG LaF
26 (#135) 0$23,348 T  
25 8 AfaikBlidCrestDontEverFinish1a (#87) 43,029$177,309,277 HG OMEGA
24 Mr Lemon Chiffon (#852) 1955$454,134 M  
24 Mr Lemon Chiffon (#225) 30,996$8,650,449 T RDxLC
23 2 HAnlOng2 (#112) 37,776$258,608,350 DG ResDogs
22 627 Mr Clear is pissed off (#1477) 2449$122,002 M  
22 (#725) 5590$2,218,627 T LaF
22 (#231) 6442$719,901 T LaF
21 183 eug was nude on ventrilo warchat (#37) 29,284$32,814,843 T LaF
20 99 (#262) 33,438$132,979,295 D ResDogs
19 22 LelpacodanielAgrambertoFviper (#54) 40,851$175,200,000 DG LaF
18 364 Mr Lemon Chiffon (#925) 13,498$15,487,984 F ResDogs
18 Mr Clear return set win (#587) 19,724$3,649,184 I  
18 Xinhuan for President (#73) 140$6517 M  
17 226 ode to hanlong (#167) 18,677$68,445,423 HG LaF
16 301 return of the vic (#1709) 17,102$6,658,457 I LaF

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism