Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2433
Currently Logged in: 188

Game Profile for Mathais on the Free For All Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: 154th

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100UnrankedN/A
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$37,338,398#464
Attack SuccessUnrankedN/A
Pop Killed605,166#644

Countries on this server

9 3133 Moosehead (#2745) 100$4717 M  
9 3132 Alexander Keiths (#2744) 100$4717 M  
9 3131 Sleemans (#2743) 100$4717 M  
9 3130 Rickards Red (#2742) 100$4717 M  
9 3129 Canadian (#2741) 100$4717 M  
9 3128 Carlsberg (#2740) 100$4717 M  
9 3127 Dos Equis (#2739) 100$4717 M  
9 3126 Red Cullin (#2738) 100$4717 M  
9 3125 Tetleys (#2737) 100$4717 M  
9 3124 Boddingtons (#2736) 100$4717 M  
9 3123 Fullers London Pride (#2735) 100$4717 M  
9 3122 Harp (#2734) 100$4717 M  
9 3121 Bass (#2733) 100$4717 M  
9 3120 Kilkenny (#2732) 100$4717 M  
9 3119 Smithwicks (#2731) 100$4717 M  
9 3118 Guinness (#2730) 100$4717 M  
8 1289 Carlsberg (#4234) 15,374$10,619,428 R FoCuSxGD
8 1197 Becks (#4177) 15,437$12,050,818 R FoCuSxGD
8 1218 Velvet (#4176) 15,676$11,579,528 R FoCuSxGD
8 1216 Tenents (#4175) 15,225$11,613,844 R FoCuSxGD
8 1195 Belhaven Best (#4174) 15,351$12,148,537 R FoCuSxGD
8 1114 Hebridean Gold (#4173) 15,300$14,623,680 R FoCuSxGD
8 1122 Corona (#4172) 14,971$14,507,051 R FoCuSxGD
8 1088 Sol (#4171) 15,674$15,133,320 R FoCuSxGD
8 1098 MGD (#4170) 15,532$14,942,270 R FoCuSxGD
8 1094 Dos Equis (#4169) 15,456$14,989,958 R FoCuSxGD
8 1095 Hoegarten (#4168) 15,545$14,973,638 R FoCuSxGD
8 1101 Lowenbrau (#4167) 15,458$14,878,415 R FoCuSxGD
8 1105 Magners (#4166) 15,256$14,846,328 R FoCuSxGD
8 1091 Strongbow (#4165) 15,557$15,032,712 R FoCuSxGD
8 1150 Harp (#4164) 15,304$13,650,167 R FoCuSxGD
8 1288 Deuchars IPA (#4163) 15,921$10,635,838 R FoCuSxGD
8 Moosehead (#2670) 9345$1,821,993 C FoCuSxGD
8 Alexander Keiths (#2669) 9634$3,123,179 C FoCuSxGD
8 Sleemans (#2668) 9434$2,762,971 C FoCuSxGD
8 Rickards Red (#2667) 8150$2,521,160 C FoCuSxGD
8 Molson Stock Ale (#2666) 9129$2,725,349 C FoCuSxGD
8 Canadian (#2665) 7988$2,393,371 C FoCuSxGD
8 Stella Artois (#2664) 7670$2,329,853 C FoCuSxGD
8 Tetleys (#2663) 7828$2,698,850 C FoCuSxGD
8 Fullers London Pride (#2662) 8265$2,079,005 C FoCuSxGD
8 Black Cuillin (#2661) 9537$2,619,656 C FoCuSxGD
8 Red Cuillin (#2660) 8475$2,185,452 C FoCuSxGD
8 Bass (#2659) 8149$2,181,786 C FoCuSxGD
8 Smithwicks (#2658) 9719$2,341,761 C FoCuSxGD
8 Kilkenny (#2657) 8774$2,272,580 C FoCuSxGD
8 Boddingtons (#2656) 9722$2,538,732 C FoCuSxGD
8 Guiness (#2655) 9970$2,887,304 C FoCuSxGD
7 193 All your base are belong to UP (#1664) 12,031$29,937,614 D UP
7 181 Empire of UP (#1663) 11,161$31,487,280 D UP
7 166 UP yours (#1662) 12,123$34,208,858 D UP
7 158 UPlicious (#1661) 12,482$35,853,685 D UP
7 196 Way UP (#1660) 12,427$29,389,654 D UP
7 161 The only direction is UP (#1659) 12,413$34,817,789 D UP
7 154 UNITED Paradigm (#1658) 13,128$36,831,873 D UP
7 224 The people UNITED (#1657) 25,462$25,076,205 C UP
7 236 UNITED way (#1656) 25,192$23,959,659 C UP
7 219 UNITEDicity (#1655) 25,064$25,841,845 C UP
7 223 UNITED Empire (#1654) 26,144$25,382,308 C UP
7 233 Remember UNITED (#1653) 24,970$24,188,020 C UP
7 222 When you stand UNITED (#1652) 25,140$25,658,933 C UP
7 214 Forever UNITED (#1651) 25,013$26,802,823 C UP
7 226 Always UNITED (#1650) 25,152$24,840,936 C UP
7 295 xUNITEDx (#1649) 23,567$20,100,734 C UP
6 449 All your base are belong to xUNI (#3499) 20,887$26,898,505 R xUNIx
6 435 I cant believe its not xUNITEDx (#3498) 21,524$27,786,014 R xUNIx
6 427 Got xUNITEDx (#3497) 22,013$28,396,189 R xUNIx
6 455 do you do xUNITEDx (#3496) 22,117$26,086,194 R xUNIx
6 454 xUNITEDx way (#3495) 22,000$26,173,646 R xUNIx
6 519 xUNITEDxicity (#3494) 21,302$21,875,189 R xUNIx
6 425 when you stand xUNITEDx (#3493) 21,421$28,474,270 R xUNIx
6 436 Always xUNITEDx (#3492) 21,041$27,750,537 R xUNIx
6 459 xUNITEDx we stand (#3491) 21,671$25,972,487 R xUNIx
6 441 Memories of xUNITEDx (#3490) 20,951$27,324,721 R xUNIx
6 409 xUNITEDx Empire (#3489) 19,588$30,369,592 R xUNIx
6 390 I am xUNITEDx (#3436) 20,130$32,148,216 R xUNIx
6 381 Remain xUNITEDx (#3435) 20,937$32,889,391 R xUNIx
6 395 xUNITEDx Forever (#3434) 20,878$31,706,885 R xUNIx
6 407 Remember xUNITEDx (#3433) 20,049$30,470,280 R xUNIx
6 334 xUNITEDx (#3432) 19,811$39,329,635 R xUNIx

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism