Active countries: 2436
Currently Logged in: 186
Currently Logged in: 186
Game Profile for Attack2025 on the Free For All Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: N/A
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | Unranked | N/A |
Land | Unranked | N/A |
Top 100 | Unranked | N/A |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | Unranked | N/A |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Kills | 2 | #695 |
Deaths | 22 | #559 |
Pop Killed | 1,966,466 | #422 |
Attacks | 875 | #768 |
Missiles | 636 | #314 |
Defends | 2559 | #850 |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
59 | Phoenix (#3146) | 5485 | $964,135 | M | INAB | |
59 | Phoenix (#3145) | 5340 | $1,011,754 | M | INAB | |
59 | Phoenix (#3144) | 5599 | $1,058,985 | M | INAB | |
59 | Phoenix (#3143) | 5864 | $990,416 | M | INAB | |
59 | Phoenix (#3142) | 5404 | $958,821 | M | INAB | |
59 | Phoenix (#3132) | 5647 | $818,865 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2728) | 7620 | $2,284,026 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2727) | 8638 | $2,499,083 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2726) | 7922 | $2,424,409 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2725) | 7464 | $1,941,525 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2724) | 5950 | $2,130,716 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2723) | 7192 | $2,208,168 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2722) | 7657 | $2,323,091 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2721) | 6563 | $2,126,840 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2720) | 7400 | $2,091,940 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2719) | 7384 | $2,220,586 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2718) | 8107 | $2,358,947 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2717) | 8329 | $2,362,237 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2716) | 7936 | $2,093,594 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2715) | 8235 | $2,372,393 | M | INAB | |
59 | IANAB (#2714) | 8129 | $2,173,774 | M | INAB | |
59 | IAmNotABot (#2713) | 8815 | $2,548,932 | M | INAB | |
58 | rif15 (#3378) | 9192 | $5,352,899 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif14 (#3377) | 9506 | $5,981,539 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif13 (#3376) | 9197 | $5,838,136 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif12 (#3375) | 9268 | $5,801,530 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif11 (#3374) | 8824 | $4,347,264 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif10 (#3373) | 9687 | $5,913,912 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif9 (#3372) | 9523 | $5,921,539 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif8 (#3371) | 9407 | $5,812,505 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif7 (#3370) | 9715 | $5,416,537 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif6 (#3369) | 9269 | $5,655,712 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif5 (#3368) | 9322 | $5,683,476 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif4 (#3367) | 9160 | $5,745,253 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif3 (#3366) | 9320 | $5,770,592 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif2 (#3365) | 9592 | $5,822,711 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif1 (#3364) | 9752 | $6,246,171 | M | UKC | |
58 | rif (#3363) | 9753 | $5,793,484 | M | UKC |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |