Active countries: 2435
Currently Logged in: 184
Currently Logged in: 184
Game Profile for dream85885 on the Free For All Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: 159th
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $622,349,352 | #413 |
Land | 1,233,652 | #294 |
Top 100 | Unranked | N/A |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $60,806,693 | #376 |
Attack Success | 95.47% | #470 |
Kills | 0 | N/A |
Deaths | Unranked | N/A |
Pop Killed | 10,065 | #1369 |
Attacks | 1680 | #658 |
Missiles | 0 | N/A |
Defends | 4 | #2778 |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
76 | 2235 | Vegemite (#2339) | 13,765 | $9,376,177 | C | FOOD |
76 | 2221 | Pineapple (#2338) | 25,825 | $10,013,553 | R | FOOD |
76 | 2215 | Orange (#2337) | 16,631 | $10,266,329 | C | FOOD |
76 | 2210 | Meat (#2336) | 17,806 | $10,372,202 | C | FOOD |
76 | 2124 | Lemon (#2335) | 21,079 | $12,097,716 | C | FOOD |
76 | 2260 | Kimchi (#2334) | 14,680 | $7,585,238 | C | FOOD |
76 | 2268 | Jackfruit (#2333) | 32,839 | $7,163,494 | R | FOOD |
76 | 2274 | Icecream (#2332) | 36,746 | $6,824,540 | R | FOOD |
76 | 2276 | Hamburger (#2331) | 21,070 | $6,734,762 | R | FOOD |
76 | 2243 | Goat Cheese (#2330) | 20,064 | $8,947,729 | R | FOOD |
76 | 2264 | Fried Chicken (#2329) | 40,482 | $7,362,554 | R | FOOD |
76 | 2156 | Eggplant (#2328) | 34,224 | $11,702,738 | M | FOOD |
76 | 1913 | Durian (#2327) | 36,833 | $15,030,687 | C | FOOD |
76 | 1439 | Cucumber (#2326) | 37,464 | $19,567,749 | C | FOOD |
76 | 1102 | Banana (#2325) | 46,197 | $22,473,367 | C | FOOD |
76 | 1490 | Apple (#2324) | 35,421 | $19,157,512 | C | FOOD |
75 | 213 | 1010101 (#2281) | 107,023 | $52,159,834 | I | 101 |
75 | 203 | 10101010 (#2280) | 94,502 | $58,036,449 | I | 101 |
75 | 201 | 1111 (#2279) | 129,591 | $60,968,005 | I | 101 |
75 | 210 | 11110000 (#2278) | 100,524 | $52,941,275 | C | 101 |
75 | 206 | 1001010 (#2277) | 98,697 | $56,375,840 | C | 101 |
75 | 193 | 10110101 (#2276) | 100,547 | $63,415,624 | C | 101 |
74 | 1386 | Target finding (#2489) | 32,764 | $16,325,025 | RG | PAD |
74 | 683 | Found Him (#288) | 52,409 | $26,854,355 | HG | PAD |
74 | 159 | Waiting for a Mate (#287) | 66,469 | $50,596,598 | C | PAD |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |