Sep 12 - Nov 10
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Oct 2 - Oct 30
Aug 24 - Oct 22
Sep 3 - Oct 2
Active countries: 3477
Currently Logged in: 193

Game Profile for Juden on the Alliance Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Twelfth

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10012#180
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$185,575,614#254
Attack Success97.99%#111
Pop Killed2,161,816#463

Countries on this server

33 98 VAT (#160) 10,059$50,105,045 D evoDJB
32 60 My parents Bed (#137) 32,565$124,322,192 H EvoAzN
31 82 MyPhallusIsFrozen (#147) 31,222$105,397,157 H EvoAzN
30 12 Landhungry (#323) 65,557$176,753,640 HG EVOtella
29 195 Don Handles my Dong (#710) 12,972$9,846,425 C EvoAzN
29 Don Lord Fluffer (#27) 4976$1,525,527 C EvoAzN
28 24 MND (#273) 45,604$136,368,779 HG EvOsso
27 24 RaspSheep4Osso (#53) 74,453$179,622,538 H EVOsso
26 22 Red Stormtrooper (#139) 56,719$200,350,665 HG EVOsso
25 34 Jizzed in my pants (#520) 46,005$116,072,441 HG EVOvince
23 Hobo reerected (#616) 12,016$3,093,098 T EVOtella
23 Hobo Erectus (#314) 1823$183,482 M EVOtella
22 Cannonfodder (#1246) 7842$1,743,941 I TiVo
22 Lafs a bitch (#1101) 4455$357,087 T TiVo
22 I hate Laf (#799) 4599$925,605 CG TiVo
22 Son of lIar (#224) 8644$934,397 T TiVo
21 46 Public Urinator (#177) 38,438$121,577,533 HG EVOosso
20 85 New golden age (#92) 29,917$138,411,434 DG EVOtella
19 119 SantadoesAnon (#81) 25,411$90,391,023 HG Evolve
18 614 Constipated Duck (#1302) 4700$372,973 M EVOvince
18 Penis Strikes Again (#1204) 8119$1,820,603 T EVOvince
18 EvoPenis (#126) 31,404$15,030,168 RG EVOvince
17 186 Create Your Country (#38) 10,974$78,758,006 HG EVOlve
16 410 Mr Snow Job (#1748) 4128$1,216,032 T  
16 Mr Joe Blob (#1289) 4821$511,167 T EVOvince
16 Yesterday I got a Joe Blob (#950) 6554$930,853 T EVOvince
16 MyMomRapedDiez (#204) 8348$1,392,462 T EVOvince
15 187 Marvel (#294) 42,281$50,997,261 C EVOwhore
14 53 TrippleCrownAgain (#214) 26,660$132,989,599 HG EVOqz
13 DiezIsMyButtplug (#1013) 5336$1,028,260 TG EVOkj
13 ICDeadSofers (#681) 13,397$5,684,381 T EVOkj
13 BigFatPanda (#331) 1826$323,087 C EVOkj
12 I will always be back (#1339) 1935$663,708 T  
12 LaFlikesItInTheAss (#1192) 2148$564,766 M EVOdiez
12 Pounding LAFs ANUS (#775) 4108$663,826 TG EVOdiez
12 diezPOKEdmyMOM (#26) 10,096$896,291 R EVOdiez
11 31 Thrombosis (#254) 27,372$150,245,610 HG EVOlens

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism