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Top Clans - Team

Next Reset 157th round: May 14, 2023 - Jun 14, 2023 Prev Reset
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Top 14 (out of 14) clans ranked by member count
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
The Lights LIGHTS 5 $147,654,526 $29,530,905
Dark Snakes Dsnakes 5 $118,758,481 $23,751,696
FastCars FastCars 5 $153,255,489 $30,651,098
Brotherhood of the Snake Snake 5 $326,746,617 $65,349,323
FREEDOM FREEDOM 5 $108,419,412 $21,683,882
The Light LIGHT 5 $147,419,236 $29,483,847
Bad Ass Forces United Bad4U 4 $217,169,940 $54,292,485
Up In Smoke xUISx 4 $157,427,578 $39,356,895
The Rohirrim Rohirrim 3 $40,453,467 $13,484,489
False Flag One FF1 3 $69,279,811 $23,093,270
Light snakes Lsnakes 2 $45,941,424 $22,970,712
L1GHT L1GHT 1 $8,731,692 $8,731,692
Pokemon net Pikachu 1 $164,565 $164,565
Grump xGoMx 1 $21,999,688 $21,999,688

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