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Top Clans - Team

Current round: Sep 02, 2024 - N/A Prev Reset

Top 10 (out of 10) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Bad Ass Forces United Bad4U 4 $58,324,256 $14,581,064
Shadow Hunters Darkness 5 $41,295,613 $8,259,123
Darks Darks 5 $38,173,866 $7,634,773
Freedom Freedom 5 $20,849,331 $4,169,866
The Light Lights 5 $8,402,972 $1,680,594
MidKnight Riders squires MKRjr 3 $7,407,209 $2,469,070
Weedy netgaining alliance weedylar 2 $4,829,089 $2,414,545
MIDKNIGHT RIDERS MKR 5 $4,690,344 $938,069
Fierce Allegiance FA 1 $4,013,764 $4,013,764
Alpha ALPHA 1 $466,066 $466,066

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