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Top Clans - Free For All

Next Reset Seventy-seventh round: Oct 11, 2022 - Dec 10, 2022 Prev Reset
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Top 11 (out of 11) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Natural Born Killers zNBKz 128 $38,876,496,042 $303,722,625
Insane Clownz w/Dope xICDx 45 $22,205,317,461 $493,451,499
Lords of ChAoS LoC 51 $8,096,031,443 $158,745,715
WILD ANIMALS WILD 16 $5,472,672,159 $342,042,010
Super Heroes n Movie Monsters SHMM 16 $2,010,639,961 $125,664,998
Its alive IA 16 $1,674,444,895 $104,652,806
Yodal33t Yodal33t 6 $1,443,293,815 $144,329,382
Dark Water Dark 13 $1,022,783,460 $78,675,651
TheReLicHunteR xXRHXx 16 $589,491,498 $36,843,219
ww WW 7 $22,823,023 $2,282,302
The Blackhole Hole 1 $6,210,249 $621,025

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