
Capt Obvious


Jun 5th 2024, 23:31:12

Yeah! Don't muddy things up with your fancy facts and so-called agreements!

Josey Wales


Jun 5th 2024, 23:33:18

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Coalie:
I just don’t get it.. of all the m4d guys he could’ve FAed, he picked the worst 2 guys.

If I was to FA m4d from the sidelines I’d look for the real killers like Vic, Llarr or Leto.

Just don’t make sense to me but then again cath is a certified idiot so it doesn’t surprise me there.

You’re assuming FA was sent.

Just to clarify.
You are acknowledging that a trade pact betwixt Jwalesco leadership and M4D was formed?
This occurred during a war with SoL vs M4D?
When this pact was formed you had agreed to peaceful terms with SoL.

You are assuming that. Like you assumed that FA was sent. Like you assumed that we were going to attack Evo. Like you assumed that we were a threat because we had 70 missiles each. Like you assumed that we were going to use those missiles. Like you assumed that because we did Non-Harmful Spy Ops, that that somehow meant we were going to attack. You are the ones that said non-harmful spy ops were ok. So we tested that theory. I non-harmful spy opped Suicidal. He asked me if I was out of my mind. Clearly he had an issue with NH-spy ops. Spied Evo to tease them a little bit. Then you kill us.

Turns out, non-harmful spy ops are only ok when you guys do them. So your word is garbage.

You fell for the bait and couldn’t control your emotions. Your sincerity is about as thin as pi$$ on a rock.

Let’s not even mention 426. We’ll find out who he is in a couple of weeks. We’ll find out who his associates are.

No problem though and nothing personal Gonzo.

Total War.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2024, 23:38:18

Get fckd
EZ Clap

<Earthnews> *** IT IS A KILL ***
<Earthnews> GS - Black Cat Crossing (#4) [SoLxTTM] -> Ipso facto (#620) [JWALESCO] 1C 0F
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 23:51:20

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Coalie:
I just don’t get it.. of all the m4d guys he could’ve FAed, he picked the worst 2 guys.

If I was to FA m4d from the sidelines I’d look for the real killers like Vic, Llarr or Leto.

Just don’t make sense to me but then again cath is a certified idiot so it doesn’t surprise me there.

You’re assuming FA was sent.

Just to clarify.
You are acknowledging that a trade pact betwixt Jwalesco leadership and M4D was formed?
This occurred during a war with SoL vs M4D?
When this pact was formed you had agreed to peaceful terms with SoL.

You are assuming that. Like you assumed that FA was sent. Like you assumed that we were going to attack Evo. Like you assumed that we were a threat because we had 70 missiles each. Like you assumed that we were going to use those missiles. Like you assumed that because we did Non-Harmful Spy Ops, that that somehow meant we were going to attack. You are the ones that said non-harmful spy ops were ok. So we tested that theory. I non-harmful spy opped Suicidal. He asked me if I was out of my mind. Clearly he had an issue with NH-spy ops. Spied Evo to tease them a little bit. Then you kill us.

Turns out, non-harmful spy ops are only ok when you guys do them. So your word is garbage.

You fell for the bait and couldn’t control your emotions. Your sincerity is about as thin as pi$$ on a rock.

Let’s not even mention 426. We’ll find out who he is in a couple of weeks. We’ll find out who his associates are.

No problem though and nothing personal Gonzo.

Total War.

So you believe, as the leader of your clan, that you were executed for nonharmful spy ops, and not the FA pact with M4D during a war?

Who violated the peace agreement between SoL and Jwalesco?

Suicidal Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 0:14:18

When you do ANY ops on a country at war, many assumptions can be made.

Then you ask me "what are you going to do about it?"

U fukd around and found out I guess.....

Devo Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 0:58:43

[quote poster=Josey Wales; 52845; 1037809][quote poster=g0nz0; 52845; 1037797]
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Like you assumed that we were a threat because we had 70 missiles each.

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Drow:

Someone will have to pay for this.

We have agreements with Mercs, Sol, & Sof, but not with anyone else.

We’ve been peaceful.

It’s a dispatch country that knows how to build. Experienced.

But now exposed.

So, I ask again:

Who is running #426 Monarchy of Collective Punishment?

The alternative is that we build for War for the coming sets and take everyone with us to Hell again.


Originally posted by Josey Wales:
We demand reparations.


Originally posted by Josey Wales:
You’ve got the money.

Posting right after you mass opp'd our tag and the SoL country.

Originally posted by Cathankins:

I attacked superfly and merc because he kept threatening us and then when they couldn’t handle us. They called for help and your coalition attacked us.

At that point we retalled and hit evo because it’s the obvious weak point.

No idea what you think you are accomplishing with the silly gotcha game. If you haven’t noticed I don’t actually care about fitting in or what others think in general.

I don’t even care if everyone thinks I am the bad guy in all of this. This silly virtue signaling behavior is just so goofy imo.

Clear statement about attacking us for no reason. You are supremely bad at justifying your positions... whatever that might be.

It's very clear as to what the threats were and weren't. And then when you opp'd folks that you were targeting that was action on intent and we had plenty of reason to prosecute. There was confirmation about aiding warring alliances (for anyone being neutral on the war, seeing that is clear justification). The list goes on.

I truly hope you can turn your ship around at some point.

Edited By: Devo on Jun 6th 2024, 1:00:49
See Original Post

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 1:10:30

Lmao I am never going to stop warring you guys after this stunt. You better get ready for the long run. Every set evo nets will be with a FS now.

I won’t even play alliance except to war evo from this point forward.

Devo Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 1:46:48

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Lmao I am never going to stop warring you guys after this stunt. You better get ready for the long run. Every set evo nets will be with a FS now.

I won’t even play alliance except to war evo from this point forward.

You did the same thing this set iirc and we're killing it and you're dead like 5x. Because we have the best allies, the best community, and really excellent players*. Good luck.

Devo Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 1:50:20

Anyone old enough to remember MIM?

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 2:54:38

FYI guys, just like spy ops, FA packages are visible at end of set so every one will know which side is making stuff up.

But please carry on we have a few days left until the truth will set every one free!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 6th 2024, 3:37:00

What some people call war, I call mass suicide, but that's just my opinion.

Carry on.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Capt Obvious


Jun 6th 2024, 4:22:41

Originally posted by Devo:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Lmao I am never going to stop warring you guys after this stunt. You better get ready for the long run. Every set evo nets will be with a FS now.

I won’t even play alliance except to war evo from this point forward.

You did the same thing this set iirc and we're killing it and you're dead like 5x. Because we have the best allies, the best community, and really excellent players*. Good luck.

Unless they've finished top 10 in Primary then they are clearly not intelligent in any fashion and therefore cannot be the best players. As such, Sir Cath shouldn't be bothered with even reading your drivel.

Get on your knees and repent!

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 9:25:57

This game is chock full of inbred deliverance style clans that are long in the tooth and think they own the game and set policy.

Whoever owns it should sell it soon. You’re not going to get any new players with the way the inbreds of this game have formed their own lord of the flies rules.

No new player will have a chance.

When was the last time a new player signed up for this game?

Pull the rip cord and Sell it off for scrap. While you can.

Or you could sell it off as a psychological experiment to some university where they study mice.

If you put it on a microscope slide it would be like looking at a bunch of vicious geriatrics in a knitting club.

This once great game is now circling the drain.

Suicidal Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 10:35:32

You got a purty mouth boy

Drow Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 11:00:53

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Y’all better take all that to doctor Phil I am not reading your lifelong diaries about your emotions. That is the exact behavior I was describing. I bet women boss you guys around irl a lot. That’s some major office energy where you guys get offended over literally everything and then always follow with some passive aggressive life advice. Save it and shove it.

Perfect, I'll take that as a 'yes, I'd like to play'.

Let's start with the easy stuff.

1. You clearly can't read. Like literally, I don't think you can read. Because if you could, you would see nothing in my post that even resembles being offended.

2. You're insulting women? That's interesting. Because you're the first person to cry victim about your feelings being hurt when people personally insult you and your religion. I'm not a bible expert, but I think there's a saying that goes 'don't throw stones in a fluffing glass house you idiot', or something to that effect. Maybe the Jewish Bible didn't have that verse though? Ever consider becoming a Christian?

3. Just for the record, and so that we are super clear (not that it needs clarifying). Women are awesome, amazing, and perfectly capable of bossing me, or anyone else around. In fact, the leadership team at my company is comprised of all women. Because they are the best qualified to do the work I ask them to do. And they do amazing things in this world. So maybe stop the women bashing you fluffing lunatic. I want you to get banned, but maybe in like a week or two. Not today!

4. Now the fun stuff. You, like TC, think you're the smartest person in the room. I disagree. My evidence is your words. You write like an emo child. I'm fairly certain you get your talking points from 4chan. And your ideas don't hold up to basic scrutiny.

Take for example your "Clearly BH is over socialized and it comes out in the form of these feminine social shaming tactics."

Can you explain to me how you think socialization causes feminine social shaming tactics? In fact, like start with what feminine social shaming tactics are. Define that for me, and then provide some evidence that indicates that over-socialization causes individuals to exhibit that behavior.

Oh what's that. You checked out, didn't read what I wrote, went on to a different topic, made up an excuses, or levied some new, completely ridiculous insult?

Yea, that's what I thought.

Smart people, Cat, can defend their words. Stupid people, people like you, throw fluff at the wall, and then walk away as soon as someone asks them to defend what they said.

Prove me wrong, but I think you're a stupid person. Not a smart person.

Holy fluff, do I actually agree with BlackHole on something here?

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Drow Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 11:03:27

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I’m going to missile first strike evo now for sure. Repeatedly and every set. You guys want total war and now you have it. I will continue my war against every clan name involved as long as they exist.

BH: I don’t care about all of that drama. I was I insulting weak guys not women. I love women. Women love me. It’s just the way it is son. I raised you better than that.

You can't profess to love women by comparing "weak men" to women. In order to love something, you need to respect it. You clearly have no respect for women at all if you use it as a pejorative.

and again, this.

I have wondered about Cath's hate for women, given his constant equating anything at all he doesn't like with being "feminine".

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Drow Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 11:09:11

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
This game is chock full of inbred deliverance style clans that are long in the tooth and think they own the game and set policy.

Whoever owns it should sell it soon. You’re not going to get any new players with the way the inbreds of this game have formed their own lord of the flies rules.

No new player will have a chance.

When was the last time a new player signed up for this game?

Pull the rip cord and Sell it off for scrap. While you can.

Or you could sell it off as a psychological experiment to some university where they study mice.

If you put it on a microscope slide it would be like looking at a bunch of vicious geriatrics in a knitting club.

This once great game is now circling the drain.

Dude, you yourself professsed peace treaties with those alliances.
If you're then trade pacting countries they are at war with, without damn good cause (such as reparations for example), then yeah, by extension, you're violating those very treaties you agreed to.
Ya can't have it both ways man.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 11:10:15

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I’m going to missile first strike evo now for sure. Repeatedly and every set. You guys want total war and now you have it. I will continue my war against every clan name involved as long as they exist.

BH: I don’t care about all of that drama. I was I insulting weak guys not women. I love women. Women love me. It’s just the way it is son. I raised you better than that.

You can't profess to love women by comparing "weak men" to women. In order to love something, you need to respect it. You clearly have no respect for women at all if you use it as a pejorative.

and again, this.

I have wondered about Cath's hate for women, given his constant equating anything at all he doesn't like with being "feminine".

Why do you equate feminine with negative?

Seems like you guys hate women if your mind jumps straight to them being lesser just because I thought it’s funny you guys here act like that.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 11:11:16

The truth is even if someone did hate women (and I don’t) they couldn’t say this in 2024 without having your cult go insane so i would never dare to blaspheme the god of equality

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 11:13:28

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
This game is chock full of inbred deliverance style clans that are long in the tooth and think they own the game and set policy.

Whoever owns it should sell it soon. You’re not going to get any new players with the way the inbreds of this game have formed their own lord of the flies rules.

No new player will have a chance.

When was the last time a new player signed up for this game?

Pull the rip cord and Sell it off for scrap. While you can.

Or you could sell it off as a psychological experiment to some university where they study mice.

If you put it on a microscope slide it would be like looking at a bunch of vicious geriatrics in a knitting club.

This once great game is now circling the drain.

Dude, you yourself professsed peace treaties with those alliances.
If you're then trade pacting countries they are at war with, without damn good cause (such as reparations for example), then yeah, by extension, you're violating those very treaties you agreed to.
Ya can't have it both ways man.

We never agreed to anything like that. Again your history doesn’t apply to other people. We agreed to stop the fighting and in typical fashion merc and darkness is a crowd of liars lmao

I knew you guys would lie lol It’s literally the only thing that comes out of their mouths. Lies lies and lie lies and bs

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 11:18:37

Originally posted by Suicidal:
You got a purty mouth boy

lol. That movie was crazy.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 11:20:52

Once I’m out of protection….. man… I’m telling you right now…

Drow Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 11:33:12

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
This game is chock full of inbred deliverance style clans that are long in the tooth and think they own the game and set policy.

Whoever owns it should sell it soon. You’re not going to get any new players with the way the inbreds of this game have formed their own lord of the flies rules.

No new player will have a chance.

When was the last time a new player signed up for this game?

Pull the rip cord and Sell it off for scrap. While you can.

Or you could sell it off as a psychological experiment to some university where they study mice.

If you put it on a microscope slide it would be like looking at a bunch of vicious geriatrics in a knitting club.

This once great game is now circling the drain.

Dude, you yourself professsed peace treaties with those alliances.
If you're then trade pacting countries they are at war with, without damn good cause (such as reparations for example), then yeah, by extension, you're violating those very treaties you agreed to.
Ya can't have it both ways man.

We never agreed to anything like that. Again your history doesn’t apply to other people. We agreed to stop the fighting and in typical fashion merc and darkness is a crowd of liars lmao

I knew you guys would lie lol It’s literally the only thing that comes out of their mouths. Lies lies and lie lies and bs

" We have agreements with Mercs, Sol, & Sof, but not with anyone else. "

You made peace treaties with those alliances, by Josey's own words.
By ANY standard, providing aid to an enemy of those alliances (in this case M4D and SoL specifically, to make it crystal clear for you) is a breach of a peace treaty, because you are providing aid and provenance to their enemies.

Josey professed peace agreements. He then had your countries pact those countries enemies. Did you contact SoL in any way, shape or form to explain, in advance to them, why you would be potentially supplying FA to them?

and then, the first thing you do is accuse everyone else of "lying"
Spyops don't lie. If someone has the hard op of your countries being pacted to M4D countries, that's fact.
By the looks of it, it seems that op information might have been posted here to confirm it too, and then amended by the mods, OR by the OP.

This literally isn't mocking you, it's genuine questions.

for someone so determined to scream and yell about how they are more intelligent than anyone else in the game, you really do choose to do the stupidest things.

Now, on to your not hating women comment.
You choose to attempt to belittle people by comparing them to women, you choose to belittle things you don't like as being feminine.
That is a straight up demonstration that you believe women to be inferior, and that you lack any respect for women whatsoever.
You got a LOT of maturing and growing up to do.
You made claims in the past about quote "realising what a PoS you are", and yet, you really haven't done anything at all to change that behaviour.
Instead, you go out of your way to exude a victim complex, claim everyone is out to get you, we're all just bullying you, you're smarter than all of us, etc etc.
You make claims about "winning in primary" as your reasoning for that.

You also make claims of having "been tested"
being tested means Sweet. fluff. All.
it's a demonstration of capacity for learning, and the POTENTIAL you may or may not have.
If you don't actually use that, it's meaningless.

You make all these grandiiose claims and excuses about why everyone is out to get you, and never considered that maybe, just maybe, it's your own offputting, self aggrandising behaviour and arrogance that does it.

when it's literally everyone else saying YOU are the poor person, maybe, just MAYBE, it's time to consider that maybe it IS you.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 12:02:11

Again, any agreements that other clans have made in past has no bearing on us agreeing to stop the war.

I have no way of knowing who other clans enemies even are. You didn’t send us a list. I don’t keep up with you goofballs. Gimme a break

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 12:04:34

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
This game is chock full of inbred deliverance style clans that are long in the tooth and think they own the game and set policy.

Whoever owns it should sell it soon. You’re not going to get any new players with the way the inbreds of this game have formed their own lord of the flies rules.

No new player will have a chance.

When was the last time a new player signed up for this game?

Pull the rip cord and Sell it off for scrap. While you can.

Or you could sell it off as a psychological experiment to some university where they study mice.

If you put it on a microscope slide it would be like looking at a bunch of vicious geriatrics in a knitting club.

This once great game is now circling the drain.

Dude, you yourself professsed peace treaties with those alliances.
If you're then trade pacting countries they are at war with, without damn good cause (such as reparations for example), then yeah, by extension, you're violating those very treaties you agreed to.
Ya can't have it both ways man.

We never agreed to anything like that. Again your history doesn’t apply to other people. We agreed to stop the fighting and in typical fashion merc and darkness is a crowd of liars lmao

I knew you guys would lie lol It’s literally the only thing that comes out of their mouths. Lies lies and lie lies and bs

" We have agreements with Mercs, Sol, & Sof, but not with anyone else. "

You made peace treaties with those alliances, by Josey's own words.
By ANY standard, providing aid to an enemy of those alliances (in this case M4D and SoL specifically, to make it crystal clear for you) is a breach of a peace treaty, because you are providing aid and provenance to their enemies.

Josey professed peace agreements. He then had your countries pact those countries enemies. Did you contact SoL in any way, shape or form to explain, in advance to them, why you would be potentially supplying FA to them?

and then, the first thing you do is accuse everyone else of "lying"
Spyops don't lie. If someone has the hard op of your countries being pacted to M4D countries, that's fact.
By the looks of it, it seems that op information might have been posted here to confirm it too, and then amended by the mods, OR by the OP.

This literally isn't mocking you, it's genuine questions.

for someone so determined to scream and yell about how they are more intelligent than anyone else in the game, you really do choose to do the stupidest things.

Now, on to your not hating women comment.
You choose to attempt to belittle people by comparing them to women, you choose to belittle things you don't like as being feminine.
That is a straight up demonstration that you believe women to be inferior, and that you lack any respect for women whatsoever.
You got a LOT of maturing and growing up to do.
You made claims in the past about quote "realising what a PoS you are", and yet, you really haven't done anything at all to change that behaviour.
Instead, you go out of your way to exude a victim complex, claim everyone is out to get you, we're all just bullying you, you're smarter than all of us, etc etc.
You make claims about "winning in primary" as your reasoning for that.

You also make claims of having "been tested"
being tested means Sweet. fluff. All.
it's a demonstration of capacity for learning, and the POTENTIAL you may or may not have.
If you don't actually use that, it's meaningless.

You make all these grandiiose claims and excuses about why everyone is out to get you, and never considered that maybe, just maybe, it's your own offputting, self aggrandising behaviour and arrogance that does it.

when it's literally everyone else saying YOU are the poor person, maybe, just MAYBE, it's time to consider that maybe it IS you.

I grew up in the hood a lot of years so I am a product of urban culture. We tend to clown around a lot. That doesn’t mean we hate people.

It pretty common to clown on dudes like that. I think you just hate urban culture and want to force liberals secular world views on everyone and you are upset I don’t care

Drow Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 12:19:27

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Again, any agreements that other clans have made in past has no bearing on us agreeing to stop the war.

I have no way of knowing who other clans enemies even are. You didn’t send us a list. I don’t keep up with you goofballs. Gimme a break

Now you're outright lying.
SoL and M4D being at war has been common knowledge for nearly 3 weeks.

By Josey's own words, you had a peace agreement with SoL.
You chose to then send aid, by your own admission, to M4D.
Who is actively at war with SoL.

There's no spinning this for you.
You violated your own peace agreement.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Drow Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 12:24:52

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
This game is chock full of inbred deliverance style clans that are long in the tooth and think they own the game and set policy.

Whoever owns it should sell it soon. You’re not going to get any new players with the way the inbreds of this game have formed their own lord of the flies rules.

No new player will have a chance.

When was the last time a new player signed up for this game?

Pull the rip cord and Sell it off for scrap. While you can.

Or you could sell it off as a psychological experiment to some university where they study mice.

If you put it on a microscope slide it would be like looking at a bunch of vicious geriatrics in a knitting club.

This once great game is now circling the drain.

Dude, you yourself professsed peace treaties with those alliances.
If you're then trade pacting countries they are at war with, without damn good cause (such as reparations for example), then yeah, by extension, you're violating those very treaties you agreed to.
Ya can't have it both ways man.

We never agreed to anything like that. Again your history doesn’t apply to other people. We agreed to stop the fighting and in typical fashion merc and darkness is a crowd of liars lmao

I knew you guys would lie lol It’s literally the only thing that comes out of their mouths. Lies lies and lie lies and bs

" We have agreements with Mercs, Sol, & Sof, but not with anyone else. "

You made peace treaties with those alliances, by Josey's own words.
By ANY standard, providing aid to an enemy of those alliances (in this case M4D and SoL specifically, to make it crystal clear for you) is a breach of a peace treaty, because you are providing aid and provenance to their enemies.

Josey professed peace agreements. He then had your countries pact those countries enemies. Did you contact SoL in any way, shape or form to explain, in advance to them, why you would be potentially supplying FA to them?

and then, the first thing you do is accuse everyone else of "lying"
Spyops don't lie. If someone has the hard op of your countries being pacted to M4D countries, that's fact.
By the looks of it, it seems that op information might have been posted here to confirm it too, and then amended by the mods, OR by the OP.

This literally isn't mocking you, it's genuine questions.

for someone so determined to scream and yell about how they are more intelligent than anyone else in the game, you really do choose to do the stupidest things.

Now, on to your not hating women comment.
You choose to attempt to belittle people by comparing them to women, you choose to belittle things you don't like as being feminine.
That is a straight up demonstration that you believe women to be inferior, and that you lack any respect for women whatsoever.
You got a LOT of maturing and growing up to do.
You made claims in the past about quote "realising what a PoS you are", and yet, you really haven't done anything at all to change that behaviour.
Instead, you go out of your way to exude a victim complex, claim everyone is out to get you, we're all just bullying you, you're smarter than all of us, etc etc.
You make claims about "winning in primary" as your reasoning for that.

You also make claims of having "been tested"
being tested means Sweet. fluff. All.
it's a demonstration of capacity for learning, and the POTENTIAL you may or may not have.
If you don't actually use that, it's meaningless.

You make all these grandiiose claims and excuses about why everyone is out to get you, and never considered that maybe, just maybe, it's your own offputting, self aggrandising behaviour and arrogance that does it.

when it's literally everyone else saying YOU are the poor person, maybe, just MAYBE, it's time to consider that maybe it IS you.

I grew up in the hood a lot of years so I am a product of urban culture. We tend to clown around a lot. That doesn’t mean we hate people.

It pretty common to clown on dudes like that. I think you just hate urban culture and want to force liberals secular world views on everyone and you are upset I don’t care

"clown around"
Nah, this isn't clowning around.
You do it constantly and consistently.
a one off might be considered clowning around.
It's a consistent pattern for you.

Ditto the whole "beta" thing.

Clowning on the other hand, would be when I asked you about whether your "beta" comment was a fish, or furry thing.
Something that, the incredibly intelligent person that you are, completely missed the references to at the time.
And still probably don't get.

"Nobody cares about your various clan agreements"
Actually, we all do. They're one of the fundamental cores of the game.

You break pact with people, you get blatted.
You consistently threaten alliances more powerful than you, you get blatted.
It really, REALLY isn't rocket science.

In this case, you broke pact, you knowingly and deliberately aided the enemies of the people you declared peace with.
Whether it was your intent or not, SoL, and Stones in particular are justified in their killing you.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 12:35:39

Yea that’s the feminine stuff that would get you clowned on in my hood ^^^ I think you just hate hood culture. I suspect you are possibly racist and just hate it because of that. I have no proof of this but i suspect it.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 6th 2024, 12:51:03

cath i didn’t know you were from Compton,

Crazy motherfluffer named Ice Cath,
From the gang called Hebrewz with Attitude
When you’re called off you get a sawed off

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:33:56

Originally posted by Coalie:
cath i didn’t know you were from Compton,

Crazy motherfluffer named Ice Cath,
From the gang called Hebrewz with Attitude
When you’re called off you get a sawed off

Haha there’s many things you don’t know about me, you are very foolish to assume I am some trailer park dude though. Maybe I am a hood dude. Maybe I’m not. If I WAS some crazy gang affiliated felon you would never know though because the real ones don’t need to talk about it because everyone already knows haha miss me with the passive aggressive seething this is getting boring

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 6th 2024, 13:38:07

Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:39:07

no the real ones talk shxt online because they can’t do it in person in real life because they’re too much of puss. Cathy, you’re a sad little man with a sad little fluffing life. You have no interpersonal skills whatsoever. Your social skills are limited because you can’t get along with an online community for God sake so you act all big and bad and smarter than everybody else when in reality, you’re a stupid fxxk can’t society because somebody would beat the hell out of here

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:41:00

Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:42:07

Originally posted by Doug:
no the real ones talk shxt online because they can’t do it in person in real life because they’re too much of puss. Cathy, you’re a sad little man with a sad little fluffing life. You have no interpersonal skills whatsoever. Your social skills are limited because you can’t get along with an online community for God sake so you act all big and bad and smarter than everybody else when in reality, you’re a stupid fxxk can’t society because somebody would beat the hell out of here

Way off base. You seem angry I’m going to need you to calm it down.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 6th 2024, 13:46:00

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:49:53

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.

After 3 days of banging his head into a wall we’d have to send in police and fire to rescue him.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:51:21

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.

Lmao dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. First ten seconds yo gotti says it as good as can be said.

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:58:36

Jewish mobsters did exist. In the 1950’s it was called MURDER INCORPORATED and they worked for the mob after leaving Europe after the Second World War.

Edited By: Doug on Jun 6th 2024, 14:02:12

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:01:49

What does that have to do with anything lmfao

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 14:02:57

How long does it take to get out of protection? I’ve got scores to settle.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:03:26

Murder inc posted in the X boy haha nah I don’t know what you are referring to sir

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:05:38

Originally posted by Cathankins:
What does that have to do with anything lmfao

Lightening the mood with random party facts?

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:06:31

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Murder inc posted in the X boy haha nah I don’t know what you are referring to sir

I’m not referring to anyone. I was stating fact about the early 50s through about 54 was the most active and then people started getting wiped out in the early 60s. I happen to know a lot about murder incorporated

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:06:59

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
How long does it take to get out of protection? I’ve got scores to settle.

You better hurry up old friend says it’s almost over

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:08:50

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Murder inc posted in the X boy haha nah I don’t know what you are referring to sir

I’m not referring to anyone. I was stating fact about the early 50s through about 54 was the most active and then people started getting wiped out in the early 60s. I happen to know a lot about murder incorporated

Murder inc posted in the x

Let me translate that for you: they hung out in the famous x crossing in New York

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:12:18

When fat joe said “you already know the X is where the team be at” that’s what he was talking about

Listen close to this song

Ja Rule - New York (Official Music Video) ft. Fat Joe, Jadakiss

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 14:25:47

We did not attack anyone. That was the deal. We left the Aristocrats in Evo alone. Asked them for a little money and they responded with cookies.

Then you guys ruthlessly attacked us because you THINK we did something.

Sure. We had about 100 missiles but so what?

Are you going to attack someone because they have 200 missiles on hand?

We can’t Net peacefully and also have 300 missiles on hand?

We’re only supposed net Peacefully and have half a missile in stock?

Where does it say in the rules that a player can’t grow and bonzai 400 missiles and admire the artistry in the privacy of his own land?

How did you cretins even know that we had a lot of missiles?

Oh… right. Because you spied us incessantly with the help of 426.

But we can’t spy you?

Suicidal couldn’t even take one spy op over the bow. Totally ruffled his feathers and ruined his day. I told him not to be so grumpy. That must have put him over the edge.

Let me guess… did he go running to management to lodge some formal complaints?

And then everyone became paranoid and lost control of their emotions?

Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

And all goalie or conzo (I can’t remember which) can say is: “get f x cked”

Total projection.

TCO_NBK Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:34:19

*grabs popcorn*

I missed this drama for the past 10 years :-)

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 14:49:52

Originally posted by TCO_NBK:
*grabs popcorn*

I missed this drama for the past 10 years :-)

So…. What you’re saying is that you like the Hawaiian Floor Show and you approve

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 14:52:57

By the way, Drow… I need a solid.

What’s your country number?

Need to send you an FA pact.

I’ll need some money in order to get back up and running to inflict as much damage as possible before the end of the set.