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We flat out said we were going to do this last set, yet none of you listened. Hell, I even topped the thread earlier this set, posted an old thread about organizing resistance, and changed my sig to reflect an idea for killing us. How could I have made it more obvious? Hell, I even gave out the FS time in the most public IRC channel EE has.
Where was the warning ha? And if you link the thread mob made then prepared to be laughed at, because like I said on that thread no one takes mob seriously for obvious reasons.
And to requote myself from another thread and to continue on that thought:
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TSO are the the third group of tags most of us have seen come in and take control of the server. The server as a whole doesn't like each other enough (let alone care) to organize themselves to take down the 'bad guys.' Probably because most of us realize in all likelyhood if we just weather the storm then somewhere down the line another group of people will come in and do it for us or TSO will get bored and leave, and someone else will just take their place.
The real (and only) challenge in all of this was whether or not you would give yourself enough time to pull it off NOT if the server could keep you from doing it. Because to most people here this server really isn't worth the time or effort for people to put up a fight against actions like these because there is no reassurance that this won't happen again.
Honestly (and obvious to most people that know me at all) I don't really give a fluff this happened as I am just here to fluff around and snipe kills and I believed it was bound to happen eventually. TSO's actions are a reflection of their character not the server's. To quote a very wise man Ben Parker "With great power comes great responsibility." People might have more respect (or something resembling it) for your actions if you just owned up to it being a douche move rather than trying to blame the people you are killing for allowing it to happen.