Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2430
Currently Logged in: 192

Game Profile for CGiboney on the Team Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Ninth

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10035#82
Top 101#172
Best 3$44,967,565#142
Attack Success83.99%#347
Pop Killed298,689#520

Countries on this server

98 43 John Wick (#3) 18,997$3,728,321 D Monks
97 20 Time Machine Broke (#7) 135$26,995,700 H MONKS
96 16 AoE DE (#36) 13,659$33,041,366 H netset
95 40 Poop (#73) 4133$1,640,770 I MONKS
95 Finish this time (#55) 8306$4,092,727 I MONKS
94 60 GrizzlyWrath (#33) 100$4717 M  
92 19 MakeThemSufferXXX3 (#11) 13,175$17,849,135 H MONKS
91 28 Waylon Jennings (#5) 23,520$30,527,552 C XXXMonkX
90 28 T00L (#6) 13,963$14,283,662 T MonkZ
89 15 Rolling Heads Monk (#8) 20,402$46,114,905 HG Monks
88 9 Calm before the storm (#68) 22,157$42,413,915 H MONKS
84 61 For Honor (#52) 255$21,858 F  
82 38 Sour D (#26) 16,035$9,691,960 C Monks
81 No Fluffery (#19) 10,047$1,416,870 R MONKS
80 22 Samurai Monk (#5) 91$29,940,651 H Monks
79 12 Platinum Cookies (#7) 18,107$42,037,120 H Monks
78 18 TwoBlades Unholy Monks (#7) 1687$30,187,855 HG Monks
77 16 GrizzlyWrath HBI (#21) 23,048$38,611,105 H HBI
53 55 1998 (#60) 3978$2,711,939 C HBI
33 82 Long Shot (#113) 9522$3,796,489 C SuMonkz
32 36 CG has done syndrome (#77) 18,094$21,388,461 D Shaolin
31 38 Somebody lied (#80) 15,136$23,728,041 D Shaolin
30 15 StLouisCardinals (#16) 19,651$32,484,874 D Shaolin
29 38 Away for a week (#106) 18,031$19,013,165 R Shaolin
28 49 Black Ops II (#73) 17,742$12,302,822 C Monks
27 24 Rage Quit (#67) 20,909$31,248,848 F Shaolin
26 40 Head Busters inc (#27) 19,514$12,094,149 C Shaolin
25 49 StL (#216) 5433$743,855 T MONKS
25 Unholy Monks (#9) 13,790$4,894,574 CG MONKS
24 18 Unholy Or Die (#2) 21,814$46,373,876 H MonKEYS
23 14 Unholy Or Die (#100) 18,187$35,123,845 H UnholyM
22 18 Carp For MVP (#120) 7951$31,125,132 HG Monks
21 27 Pussy For Lunch (#88) 24,575$35,940,878 FG Shaolin
20 17 Watch this Hold my Beer (#74) 29,347$36,590,283 C Shoalin
19 40 GRIZZLYFooTBiRM (#134) 24,898$26,549,514 C Shaolin
18 76 SheGiveHEADinTheMorning (#135) 18,964$12,308,665 C Shaolin
17 21 Dont Make me BE a DICT (#92) 32,214$36,291,582 C Winning
16 39 Shaolin Unholy Monks (#27) 22,893$24,124,043 C SKYxRD
1 148 lonewolf (#340) 8621$2,192,838 C SancT

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism