
SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2020, 17:30:58

archaic Game profile


Apr 26th 2020, 21:06:24

What did you do now superfly?

Edited By: archaic on Apr 26th 2020, 21:14:38
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2020, 23:22:24

Nothing just gonna offer them assistance in dispatching their suicider as I am a nice guy

archaic Game profile


Apr 27th 2020, 3:38:03

I cannot believe that has gone on for 2 days
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Hellrush Game profile


Apr 27th 2020, 4:34:54

Ebert is leader. Most of us are all X but there is one of us that likes to hit other players. If you look at the news he started it.

ebert00 Game profile


Apr 27th 2020, 11:52:13

I started it, honestly, i lost lol, first time that has happened. oh well, i was bored lol.

archaic Game profile


Apr 27th 2020, 19:10:52

Wow, yeah a 6X RoR. I'd have done the same thing to you
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


Apr 27th 2020, 20:49:35


Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 27th 2020, 22:07:54

What? we got suicided?

ebert00 Game profile


Apr 28th 2020, 0:26:16

not really. I lgd. then rored 6x. they didnt like that too much. I was the I deserved it.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 28th 2020, 0:43:02

Ohh good.. No one may kick Ebert's ballsack unless he deserves it!

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 28th 2020, 5:52:36

Come on guys get a chat set up and I’ll help you for FFS

It is embarrassing that you let him BR are you for 4 days.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Apr 28th 2020, 13:38:24

Lol he started it. Now I come here to find other peeps conspiring against me? I respected the rest of the tag for not jumping in and so didn't FS them to acknowledge that. Darkness clan did that once as well for one of their instigators on a previous set.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 28th 2020, 14:54:43

Hahaha hi Goku. Yes we all killed you because it’s cool if you AB a guy and he now has 7k unbuilt land.

But to let it go on for more than 2 days is absolute BS.

You can’t continue to wreck a guy for days over a few grabs

archaic Game profile


Apr 28th 2020, 16:29:58

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Hahaha hi Goku. Yes we all killed you because it’s cool if you AB a guy and he now has 7k unbuilt land.

But to let it go on for more than 2 days is absolute BS.

You can’t continue to wreck a guy for days over a few grabs

Check the news superfly. If somebody did that to me I would hit them with everything I had until the last day of the set. RoRs are a spit in the face anyway, but a 6X RoR is just like spitting in his mommas face and daring him to fight back.

I'm old school when it comes to escalating retals. When I was FA in MKR, ICN, PDM etc a 6X RoR would have been a kill run even if it started a war. If one of our guys did it, we'd help kill him and pay reps. Now,Goku being untagged I'm sure he expected to die - but somethings are worth dying for.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


Apr 28th 2020, 21:40:58

somebody retals me six times?
I'd make friends.

good thing you need to grab in order to be retalled. so I just retal and make friends before the ror occurs!

then I get drunk and half way racist and ruin all the progress.

braden Game profile


Apr 28th 2020, 21:42:01

(only half way racist because oirish or ital ain't races.. try telling that to the grecians)

(that's an Olympics joke)

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Apr 29th 2020, 1:56:32

Well, what am I supposed to do, SuperFly? Just stop and let him rebuild to come back at me? He's been doing harmful spy ops that you can't see in news as well. He didn't waive a white flag or reach out for peace either. Had he done so, I might have accepted. If he does now, I probably would.

In comparison to your 'let it go on for 2 days', I don't expect the farming would have stopped after 2 days or that you'd be here defending my honor had it gone that way either. So, where's the list of these unwritten rules and how many actually follow them?

archaic, I wouldn't have been surprised if I logged on and the tag killed me. When they didn't, I saw it as a respectable 1 on 1 and continued, without spilling over on them.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 29th 2020, 14:40:30

Archaic my feelings on untaggeds is that you are solo just like old 1A you are either a suicider which most of them are or you are just farmland which means that Retals for my LGs will be met wkth ROR and then death for hitting back!

Now Goku, You could single handily take them all out and see if they finally kill you just for the lawlz.

So if zigzag spit in Gokus face and his mommas with the 6 RORs has Goku now pissed and shatttttttt all over ZigZags face and burned down their mommas house while dating their sister and boning her now that he has hit them for 7 days straight?

Shizzz maybe I should just make a few LGs in ZigZag. Gerdler what’s your number homie?

Edited By: SuperFly on Apr 29th 2020, 14:43:11
See Original Post

braden Game profile


Apr 29th 2020, 15:43:49

boning without putting a label on it.

braden Game profile


Apr 29th 2020, 15:44:37

wait.. label is a condom, right?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 29th 2020, 19:33:49

ssj4goku17 is the guy ebert found or what?

Ebert has not asked us for help killing him, and ssj4goku17 has given us no reason to do so either.

They are just 2 guys sharing some hits right now. I see no harm in that.
This was exactly why I told Ebert no grabbing in the NW successful NW record attempt ZigZag made a few sets ago lol. This set I have no such intentions. I will just try not to overflow any more. :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 29th 2020, 19:40:12

Also why would it be embarrassing that we let him BR us for 6 days straight?

What would be embarrasing is wasting 500 turns on a kill run in a conflict our member provoked and which didn't bother anyone else in our tag.

*Explores 160 turns*

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 29th 2020, 21:27:17

Just shut up and have another beer

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 29th 2020, 22:36:14

Amnesty for Ebert!

braden Game profile


Apr 29th 2020, 23:44:15

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:

half of my responses in life.. I mean, wait.. what?

beerdrinker needs to be ryedrinker but men I'll meet him half way

braden Game profile


Apr 29th 2020, 23:44:59

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by beerdrinker75:

half of my responses in life.. I mean, wait.. what?

beerdrinker needs to be ryedrinker but meh I'll meet him half way

archaic Game profile


Apr 30th 2020, 4:26:21

Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
So, where's the list of these unwritten rules and how many actually follow them?

As has always been the case in this game, the rules are whatever you are badass enough to enforce, so in this case I'd say you have written a few new ones.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 30th 2020, 4:37:22

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
So, where's the list of these unwritten rules and how many actually follow them?

As has always been the case in this game, the rules are whatever you are badass enough to enforce, so in this case I'd say you have written a few new ones.

I like Gokus style. Bro u should tag up darkness you will fit right in!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 30th 2020, 15:03:47

He should join ZigZag so I dont have to play filler.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 30th 2020, 16:56:30

zigzag could just join darkness

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 30th 2020, 17:10:07

Maybe thats the ultimate act of griefing if everyone just joins you and you have no one to farm.

Hellrush Game profile


Apr 30th 2020, 19:13:50

This server is mostly an all X server so tagging 1 clan wouldn’t change much.

ebert00 Game profile


May 1st 2020, 0:19:02

at least there was fun this set. better than all explore boredom.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 1st 2020, 2:37:26

Dude you are part of the Team TNW/ANW record because I made you press the explore button one set lol. I'm glad you made a friend this set but honestly this fails 9 times out of 10 lol.

What if I just let you hit me instead? would that quell your thirst? :P

SuperFly Game profile


May 1st 2020, 2:55:55

You guys are brutal. I think I’ll just help Goku and BR you...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2020, 3:06:26

Rumor has it Taker is looking to battle, message him, SF :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 2nd 2020, 15:24:28

It's no fun hitting someone that wants to fight. Thats why I never pick a fight with men I just go home and beat my wife and children. They are always so salty about it hahaha. fluffing snowflakes.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 2nd 2020, 16:16:35

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

archaic Game profile


May 2nd 2020, 16:37:52

Originally posted by Gerdler:
It's no fun hitting someone that wants to fight. Thats why I never pick a fight with men I just go home and beat my wife and children. They are always so salty about it hahaha. fluffing snowflakes.

Can confirm, he even wrote a detailed how-to guide with calculations and a cost/benefit analysis.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 2nd 2020, 16:48:08

LOL hahahahaha
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 2nd 2020, 17:50:59

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
It's no fun hitting someone that wants to fight. Thats why I never pick a fight with men I just go home and beat my wife and children. They are always so salty about it hahaha. fluffing snowflakes.

Can confirm, he even wrote a detailed how-to guide with calculations and a cost/benefit analysis.

Yes, it is clearly negative for myself. I get bruised hands, short term incarcerations, fines etc, but its just so fun to watch/hear them cry.

And I ask them every time; why would we have hands if not to punch with?

SuperFly Game profile


May 2nd 2020, 20:00:11

I don’t like your post Gerdler. Makes me want to FS your team for harboring a weak ass fluff that enjoys hitting women and kids.

If I muster up the necessary missiles to wreck all y’all in 72 hours you know that it is because I do not appreciate your actions and thoughts. Also, if you are trolling or joking about domestic violence than maybe you should joke instead about how much you enjoy male on male activities instead....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 2nd 2020, 20:22:26

What a snowflake.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 2nd 2020, 20:28:03

Are you a homophobe too superflu? I bet you are one of those insecure types who turn off movies/TV-series whenever theres some male kissing or whatever. What a sensitive little flower you are lol.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 2nd 2020, 22:34:48

Either way it's apparent to anyone without some serious deficiencies that what I did was making a very sharp analogy between domestic abuse and whats happening in this game.

I would never hit a woman, a child or a netter, unlike some "weak ass fluffs" as you so aptly put it. :)

Edited By: Gerdler on May 2nd 2020, 22:38:57

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

May 2nd 2020, 22:48:55

I am confused now. Is it still ok to drown kittens?
Just shut up and have another beer

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 2nd 2020, 22:55:18



Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 2nd 2020, 22:56:11

I love it when they look into my eyes like begging that I let them breathe as the life slowly exits them. That moment when they realize I'm not going to let them up is just so beautiful. The saltiness. :)

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 2nd 2020, 23:16:13

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
I am confused now. Is it still ok to drown kittens?

No but it is ok to save a tortoise from certain death then chuck it from 10' up into a drainage ditch full of water to certain death (a tortoise can't swim).

- Premium Patron Member