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Either way it's apparent to anyone without some serious deficiencies that what I did was making a very sharp analogy between domestic abuse and whats happening in this game.
I would never hit a woman, a child or a netter, unlike some "weak ass fluffs" as you so aptly put it. :)
Ah dude wtf, first of all I am serious on the domestic abuse thing as I volunteer/support/contribute when I can towards an organization that helps families with abuse which is why I am not a fan of analogy as I have seen the results of your “joke” first hand.
Secondly I actually spelt f l u f f s, I didn’t actually swear and have the board censor my post.
Third, yes I am one of those guys that skips or changes the channel when two dudes are making out or going at it. If you enjoy it and you replay the scenes that is totally cool. It’s a personal preference which I choose too not enjoy so no judgement from me to you. I hope that you aren’t a snowflake that will get mad at me because I choose to skip the “gay” scenes. Again it’s a preference thing like me choosing not to smoke weed or do coke...
fourth, are you saying that this game is full of snowflakes because of everyone playing all-x and getting upset when someone land grabs?
If that is the case let me remind you that you are one of the guys that so valiantly championed the LaF crusade of let’s not interact with other players unless it’s some BS boring arranged war and I have first hand knowledge of that seeing how I played for LaF for 15 years lol. How many times did your snow flake ass give me fluff for using my turns for anything other than explore, SS or PS bots? If I sent out a few nukes or chems at a bot you would lose your mind over me purposely putting your precious bots in DR....
If I am wrong on my assumption that you are calling all the “don’t touch me” players snow flakes let me know so that I can change my reply.