Active countries: 2511
Currently Logged in: 197
Currently Logged in: 197
Game Profile for snawdog on the Primary Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Twelfth
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $244,404,026 | #172 |
Land | 237,792 | #161 |
Top 100 | 8 | #211 |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $32,815,300 | #214 |
Attack Success | 91.62% | #187 |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
24 | ShoShoneJew (#148) | 160 | $7417 | M | |
23 | 663 | YEYEYEYE (#898) | 100 | $4717 | M |
23 | Return of Sun Tsu (#139) | 13,430 | $6,266,762 | DG | |
22 | 693 | Return Of Sun Tsu (#1064) | 100 | $4717 | M |
22 | 570 | Return of Sun Tsu (#1048) | 120 | $5617 | M |
20 | 263 | Rim Graper (#262) | 4160 | $1,337,449 | TG |
19 | 205 | Capigula (#42) | 8723 | $3,248,602 | TG |
18 | 62 | Silliness (#141) | 22,498 | $20,856,682 | IG |
17 | 146 | RoundMoundOfBrown (#333) | 10,449 | $7,284,887 | DG |
16 | 237 | Unchained Reaction (#309) | 5235 | $2,886,172 | TG |
15 | 187 | Sonny Drysdale (#259) | 11,545 | $5,221,500 | FG |
14 | 105 | Nite Fryer (#127) | 7695 | $11,192,419 | DG |
13 | 152 | JigglyPoo (#29) | 12,181 | $6,307,104 | DG |
12 | 33 | I WILL AB U AS RETAL (#11) | 16,125 | $36,005,954 | FG |
11 | 158 | PoopyPlatter (#17) | 11,693 | $7,507,792 | RG |
10 | 239 | 01110011011011100110000101110111 (#782) | 11,530 | $3,288,604 | FG |
9 | 141 | SeedsOfRevenge (#123) | 16,306 | $8,049,348 | HG |
8 | 191 | AngelinaHolie (#22) | 9084 | $5,590,647 | D |
7 | 88 | 2TFr00T (#9) | 16,991 | $11,813,085 | T |
6 | 23 | OMGWTFBBQLOLROFL (#4) | 13,133 | $31,155,186 | DG |
5 | 12 | DontDoMe (#14) | 18,228 | $31,284,759 | DG |
4 | 56 | Godwans (#14) | 914 | $10,891,440 | HG |
3 | 21 | WowWowWubbzy (#13) | 22,605 | $25,711,519 | RG |
2 | 58 | Purple Nipples (#2) | 10,906 | $12,007,138 | D |
1 | 128 | AngelinaHolie (#2) | 7471 | $2,748,688 | T |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |