
Ershow Game profile


May 28th 2013, 21:28:16

Wow. I argued this case with various members of Rival. It looked pretty obvious to me that SoF were being unreasonable. Most were quick to jump up in support of SoF which annoyed me immensely. This has been beneficial for me two reasons. Firstly, the oil required to kill #7 helped my wallowing oiler realise a semi respectable finish, and secondly (and probably more importantly), I need to find myself a new home amoungst people who share similar views and ideologies for how I think this game should be played now.

Where do I apply to be a MONSTER?

Y-NoT Game profile


May 29th 2013, 0:52:47

and i see sof at it again. look at #52. its only a 1-2 weeks to go till set ends. most grabs should have ended before the 3rd week.

Sov, please be reasonable even when you are in power. Do remember that there are 600 other players on the server. And if you didn't know, what goes around comes around.

locket Game profile


May 29th 2013, 0:59:52

Ahh yes... the end of set grab on an all explore country... that's always pleasant... and people in war clans sometimes wonder how they get their shining reputations -_-

Kalick Game profile


May 29th 2013, 1:08:28

Well, you have to admit NM has it coming. Not submitting to their masters and all that.



May 29th 2013, 1:34:31

Originally posted by Y-NoT:
and i see sof at it again. look at #52. its only a 1-2 weeks to go till set ends. most grabs should have ended before the 3rd week.

Sov, please be reasonable even when you are in power. Do remember that there are 600 other players on the server. And if you didn't know, what goes around comes around.

Sov has not been around hardly at all this set. So do not blame him for what occured.

de1i Game profile


May 29th 2013, 1:42:11

Sov is the leader of SoF, his members actions are a reflection of him and the rest of his leadership team.



May 29th 2013, 1:57:26

It's all my fault. I had this all planned from beginning, except for the 5000 defends part..that was iScode's idea.
Xyle - SoF

Sov Game profile


May 29th 2013, 3:11:28

I don't mind accepting responsibility for SoF's actions, but it seems Monsters would rather martyr themselves on AT instead of facing up to their own FA failings. Which is fine by me, I can deal with that also.

As I have said, as far as we are concerned you did not sign the pact and hence we do not have one. This might have been an error on your part, but if you can provide a log of your FA specifically signing the pact which is not a construct then I will be happy to accept the pact and admit we are wrong. But your own FAs have not contested this point in our discussion so based on that we will consider ourselves in the right.

It was my understanding regarding #133 that land was going to be provided from someone else. I know while I was in the hospital with my wife I received a SMS asking if I would donate some land, to which I replied I don't mind but I'd need 24 hours to sell defense because my break was very very high. I received a reply not to worry about it because someone else had offered up their land. If this issue was not resolved then yes we are in error for it, but also would it have been too hard for your own FA's to follow it up? To my knowledge we did not deny you land. In fact I see discussions on our website of country numbers being offered up.

Now you keep talking about this 300% land:land issue. I challenge you to provide logs of the 300% land:land offer because there was not an offer and it was not an agreement. It was something we were going to punish our own members with for hitting Monsters when they should have been focusing their efforts elsewhere. It was not a free pass to retal SoF 300% land:land as you saw fit. Once again, I think a communication failing from your own FA department but probably more-so that they misinterpreted our words.

Regarding #7. You took it upon yourselves to retal 200% land:land without FA approval. Our FAs attempted to make contact with Monsters and spoke directly with sodawater. We gave you ample time to respond but we heard no response. We then took our land back. Now at this point rather than contacting us you decide to hit back again. At this point we could have easily of auth'd a killrun immediately BEFORE he bought up big on troops, but we didn't, we chose to speak to your FAs first. Your FA then agreed to allow us to take some land back and told us #7 would drop defens to allow this, but instead #7 decided to start buying up.

So yes, you may continue to martyr yourselves on AT in front of everyone and play victim, but the fact is your own FA department has failed in terms of communication with us on many fronts. SoF is by no means innocent either, but I think this thread is a good testament as to where relations lie and I am happy to accept that.

Sov Game profile


May 29th 2013, 3:15:23

And now I just checked up on #133. We did offer you up countries to retal but according to your FAs last week they were "too big" for you to retal. So you didn't contact us back to even ask us to drop defense or even make alternative arrangements? In fact we do not even hear about it until this next issue comes up? And then you have the nerve to play victim over it? Okay then.

So yes, it is all big bad SoF's fault bullying the poor classy Monsters.

de1i Game profile


May 29th 2013, 4:09:54

Yeah cyref quit whinging all over AT about this.

miniii Game profile


May 29th 2013, 5:24:35


locket Game profile


May 29th 2013, 5:27:13

I feel like de1i is switching sides to egg everyone on.. I like it if so :P

But yah... why grab an all explore now? That is just an asshole move.

de1i Game profile


May 29th 2013, 5:36:26

No I'm mocking the position that Monsters are throwing themselves a pity party because 1 leader made a single post about the issue. To be fair Monsters are fools for not triple checking that they have dotted all their Is and crossed their Ts when dealing with an alliance that will kill you off just for looking at them funny.

4 grabs since in the last few days, including a grab on Soda's restart (by a leader/former leader) that is a topfeed then retaliating his retals. 10101 acres vs 7984, my math may be off as I am about to go to bed and CBA to figure out the formula. Said hit is also by a leader/former leader in SoF, I would be shocked if the other 3 countries that have done grabs aren't leaders as well.

5:1 says one of them is Flamey, who has channeled his inner Alex Jones on this thread and accused Monsters of conspiring against SoF.

Edited By: de1i on May 29th 2013, 5:42:46
See Original Post

Boltar Game profile


May 29th 2013, 5:51:39

the grab on the restart was me! he shouldnt have sobered me up and committed a party foul that night!

Zahc Game profile


May 29th 2013, 6:04:54

sof needs to get more alliances on the other side. the more ppl they piss off the better competition they will have.

next set add monsters to the SoF hater squad
llort orp s`fos

MauricXe Game profile


May 29th 2013, 6:44:09

"Flamey, who has channeled his inner Alex Jones on this thread and accused Monsters of conspiring against SoF."

LOL clever

Tokyousr Game profile


May 29th 2013, 15:25:57

i challenge someone from monsters to comment on what sov said.

Over The Hill Game profile


May 29th 2013, 15:59:11

Originally posted by Tokyousr:
i challenge someone from monsters to comment on what sov said.

I'm not with MONSTERS but I'll put my 2 cents worth in again.


Do you honestly think that the EE community is still that gullible to think that after that Sof country(Einstein Lebowski #133) topfeeds and then self deletes against Sodawater#7 that a deal couldn't be reached with the MONSTERS to get them back the land that you agree they are rightly entitled to?

Thank you Schilling for enlightening us on the true situation.

Sof has always had a crap reputation in this game and this situation just goes to prove it



May 29th 2013, 16:21:02

New plan for SoF: we hit everyone until they quit, then we can finally all move on and play Candy Crush uninterrupted.

Vic Game profile


May 29th 2013, 16:52:29

i honestly can not believe the progression of events following the 1st post in this thread.

this is a tough one for me.
i love sodawater and i love monsters and i love sof.
can't we all be friends?

Tokyousr Game profile


May 29th 2013, 16:56:03

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Tokyousr:
i challenge someone from monsters to comment on what sov said.

I'm not with MONSTERS but I'll put my 2 cents worth in again.


Do you honestly think that the EE community is still that gullible to think that after that Sof country(Einstein Lebowski #133) topfeeds and then self deletes against Sodawater#7 that a deal couldn't be reached with the MONSTERS to get them back the land that you agree they are rightly entitled to?

Thank you Schilling for enlightening us on the true situation.

Sof has always had a crap reputation in this game and this situation just goes to prove it

i have no clue why #133 self deleted, but he was a short tempered person who always used caps lock.

it was bad timing that sof went to war.

monsters has the full intent on geting their land which was taken from #133 from over retelling on #131 without contacting FA for this.

if you see the land that #7 has taken from #131, it was almost 17,000 acres compared to the 11000 took.

so since there was no pact, it was a pretty much L:L deal.

where monsters messed up was the final triple tap RoR on #131 3minutes after his retel. had u taken the time to consult FA things could have been handled better.

and ur biggest mistake was lying saying that #7 was going to drop land to allow #131 to get his retels. u were just saving time so that #7 can prepare to buy up and fill up ur slots to receive massive FA.

how would u feel if u were promised retels only to have that country shoot up to 50+mil nw? duhhhh...

tellarion Game profile


May 29th 2013, 17:38:03

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

how would u feel if u were promised retels only to have that country shoot up to 50+mil nw? duhhhh...

Don't wanna sound too much like a fluff here, but isn't that the kind of thing Sof and Laf consider as all part of the game? This might be a few sets old, but I distinctly remember many leaders from both alliances scoffing at the idea of 'outrunning retals', saying that this is a competitive game. Of course, jumping up 20-30m nw is a bit different, but the principle remains the same.

Vic Game profile


May 29th 2013, 18:27:20

To be fair, Tell, let's not bring LaF into this.
Outrunning a retal is fine but I think we can all agree that if LaF fr's had agreed upon retals/reps then LaF would not be ok with a member receiving FA to outrun a retal.

LaF would simply not respond to any FR contact made and would then jump out of range.

Jumping out of range is fair and fine. From what I understand here the matter at hand seems to encompass the act of jumping out of range after retals and reps had been discussed.
That's an important difference

Schilling Game profile


May 29th 2013, 18:29:42

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

i have no clue why #133 self deleted, but he was a short tempered person who always used caps lock.

-We know who it is. We've been courteous about not outing him on AT. Notice we also kept the hit/delete bug under wraps until it was fixed.

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

it was bad timing that sof went to war.

-Crap happens.

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

monsters has the full intent on geting their land which was taken from #133 from over retelling on #131 without contacting FA for this.

-Not true. We intended on getting the land back from the individuals that offered up their countries (as has been done in Monsters many times in the past for our mistakes) when the war was over. 131 happened to hit while we still had them on war DNH. War was lifted as per their post 6 hours later. The hits on #131 were justified to Soda since he was told by me that a pact was in place. He did exactly as the pact specified, and didn't exceed. He never tried to recover the land from #133.

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

if you see the land that #7 has taken from #131, it was almost 17,000 acres compared to the 11000 took.

-If you combine this with your above logic, we would have still been owed around 8,000A over all by SoF.

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

so since there was no pact, it was a pretty much L:L deal.

-In Monsters, we mirror retal policy any alliances we aren't pacted with. See Sov's unpacted alliance retal policy for further information.

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

where monsters messed up was the final triple tap RoR on #131 3minutes after his retel. had u taken the time to consult FA things could have been handled better.

-I agree, FA contact would have helped in this case and should have taken place.

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

and ur biggest mistake was lying saying that #7 was going to drop land to allow #131 to get his retels.

-I never said he would drop land. I said he >*may*< drop defense. It was up to Soda at that point. #131 even sent us a message saying he'd rather not get the retals based on principle/respect, but Soda had made his decision before that and he stuck to it.

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

u were just saving time so that #7 can prepare to buy up and fill up ur slots to receive massive FA.

-Wrong. No FA efforts were started until he was over 800 hits. He was well stocked and prepared for what was coming all by himself. He was fully prepared and willing to go it alone, but Monsters don't leave our own hanging. Support started flowing in shortly after the second attempted kill run.

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

how would u feel if u were promised retels only to have that country shoot up to 50+mil nw? duhhhh...

-Probably the same way we felt when 133 deleted?

Edited By: Schilling on May 29th 2013, 20:14:48. Reason: eric&crest = a-holes
See Original Post

ericownsyou5 Game profile


May 29th 2013, 18:40:53

^ learn to quote o_O

Schilling Game profile


May 29th 2013, 19:00:51

I know how to quote. Didn't want to use it in this case.

crest23 Game profile


May 29th 2013, 19:18:31

Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
^ learn to quote o_O
The Nigerian Nightmare.

de1i Game profile


May 29th 2013, 21:29:45

Sodawater dropping defense was an offer not an agreement, it is internal policy only used as punishment for retaliating topfeeds from SoF, when he should of been focusing his efforts on finishing the reset alive.

Loc Game profile


May 29th 2013, 22:21:33

The IX is strong within you SoF.

Murf Game profile


May 30th 2013, 18:38:46

Hmmm who wants to how to netgain

Marshal Game profile


May 30th 2013, 19:21:03

tie, you can find us from boxcar.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

de1i Game profile


May 31st 2013, 5:21:39

#148 must not have gotten the memo, you are not allowed to retal SoF then start your jump.

Taveren Game profile


May 31st 2013, 8:12:06

Dead countries/alliances will call foul. The power will justify itself. Logic, morality, and policies in this game...

like any job you can get with a liberal arts degree,
like the police department in Columbia,
like confidentiality in FA talks,
like the points in an improv show,
like carriers in starcraft 2,

they just don't matter. Might = Right. How have people not figured this out yet? Recruit some members, train them up, get organized and make your own 'right'. Pandering on AT, while entertaining, just ends up being sad, almost as sad as when a top alliance tries to justify it's actions to a mob.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Over The Hill Game profile


May 31st 2013, 11:09:37

Sof just keeps proving me right that they're a crap alliance:

2013-05-31 05:53:35 NM Det Som Engang Var En Aske (#1178) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1152A
2013-05-31 05:53:33 NM Det Som Engang Var En Aske (#1178) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1213A
2013-05-31 05:53:32 NM Det Som Engang Var En Aske (#1178) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1276A
2013-05-31 05:53:27 EM Det Som Engang Var En Aske (#1178) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 181713MU
2013-05-31 05:53:25 EM Det Som Engang Var En Aske (#1178) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 181714MU
2013-05-31 05:53:18 CM Det Som Engang Var En Aske (#1178) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 719B 32095 C
2013-05-31 05:53:17 CM Det Som Engang Var En Aske (#1178) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 750B 32088 C
2013-05-31 05:53:16 CM Det Som Engang Var En Aske (#1178) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 781B 32077 C
2013-05-31 05:18:26 CM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 814B 42717 C
2013-05-31 04:54:47 NM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1344A
2013-05-31 04:54:47 NM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1414A
2013-05-31 04:54:47 NM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1489A
2013-05-31 04:54:46 NM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1567A
2013-05-31 04:54:46 NM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1650A
2013-05-31 04:54:46 NM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS DH
2013-05-31 04:54:45 NM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1736A
2013-05-31 04:54:44 NM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1804A
2013-05-31 04:54:43 NM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1804A
2013-05-31 04:53:08 CM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1040B 42712 C
2013-05-31 04:53:08 CM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1040B 42710 C
2013-05-31 04:53:07 CM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1040B 42706 C
2013-05-31 04:53:07 CM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1040B 42701 C
2013-05-31 04:53:06 CM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1040B 42693 C
2013-05-31 04:53:05 CM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1040B 42681 C
2013-05-31 04:53:03 CM Name it Arya or Bran Stark (#617) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1041B 42663 C
2013-05-29 01:53:45 PS Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS bus depot survival (#622) SoF 1921A (2442A)
2013-05-29 01:53:17 SS Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS bus depot survival (#622) SoF 1729A (2480A)
2013-05-29 01:51:17 SS Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS bus depot survival (#622) SoF 1875A (2886A)
2013-05-27 22:22:37 SS bus depot survival (#622) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1247A (2151A)
2013-05-27 22:21:41 SS bus depot survival (#622) SoF Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) MONSTERS 1342A (2300A)

Over The Hill Game profile


May 31st 2013, 11:24:53

having a little hissy fit are we sof?

Murf Game profile


May 31st 2013, 12:01:40

A hissy fit would see that country dead, seems we have a few dumbass members in the ranks

So who's netting next set?

Kalick Game profile


May 31st 2013, 12:15:18

I'm netting next set.



May 31st 2013, 12:20:35

#622 has been doing a great job being a tool all set

Atryn Game profile


May 31st 2013, 12:32:10

#617, #1178... endorsed by the alliance or being kicked and set to farm for the rest of the set?

Murf Game profile


May 31st 2013, 13:15:17

Well they both got demoted insite



May 31st 2013, 14:11:53

i'm sure that makes Monsters feel all warm and fuzzy Murf *smh*
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Murf Game profile


May 31st 2013, 14:17:39

Don't really give a damn how it makes anyone feel, monsters got themselves a nice shiney new pact due to the actions of those 2 idiots

Trife Game profile


May 31st 2013, 14:25:09

Originally posted by Murf:
Well they both got demoted insite


tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2013, 14:38:34

Murf, join Evo :P

Over The Hill Game profile


May 31st 2013, 14:51:46

Originally posted by Murf:
Don't really give a damn how it makes anyone feel, monsters got themselves a nice shiney new pact due to the actions of those 2 idiots

Are you sure the pact had nothing to do with the fact MONSTERS owning Sof with their 4300 attack wallin effort or MONSTERS superiority in retalling all of Sof's cheap, topfeed landgrabs on them lol

mider Game profile


May 31st 2013, 15:02:10


Boltar Game profile


May 31st 2013, 15:09:01

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Murf:
Don't really give a damn how it makes anyone feel, monsters got themselves a nice shiney new pact due to the actions of those 2 idiots

Are you sure the pact had nothing to do with the fact MONSTERS owning Sof with their 4300 attack wallin effort or MONSTERS superiority in retalling all of Sof's cheap, topfeed landgrabs on them lol

over the hill: if i had done the math right on my land.. the hit i did on #1400 i would have made out better in the exchange. so no not all of sof is being owned in retals

Kalick Game profile


May 31st 2013, 15:14:19

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Murf:
Don't really give a damn how it makes anyone feel, monsters got themselves a nice shiney new pact due to the actions of those 2 idiots

Are you sure the pact had nothing to do with the fact MONSTERS owning Sof with their 4300 attack wallin effort or MONSTERS superiority in retalling all of Sof's cheap, topfeed landgrabs on them lol

over the hill: if i had done the math right on my land.. the hit i did on #1400 i would have made out better in the exchange. so no not all of sof is being owned in retals

That jerk Sodawater had the audacity to restart. Let's grab him some more.

Sov Game profile


May 31st 2013, 15:14:57

Maybe if Over The Hill keeps talking we might not give a pact afterall.

Then we'll watch him cry all over the forums next set about SoF bullying.

Grady Game profile


May 31st 2013, 15:15:45

Boltar, you dropped land after your hit.