
Boltar Game profile


May 31st 2013, 15:21:53

i also dropped the land before i hit.. i just dropped to much. all ur FA gave him too much NW he couldnt drop any it would be pointless, his higher then mine nw effected returns.. so did his government and his mil strat. i was a tyr with maxed mil strat

de1i Game profile


May 31st 2013, 15:23:54

Originally posted by Sov:
Maybe if Over The Hill keeps talking we might not give a pact afterall.

Then we'll watch him cry all over the forums next set about SoF bullying.

Why even pretend you're going to do anything but that? It is easier and more entertaining for you guys to do that then show a little bit of humbleness/self control.

SoF has changed! Who are you Obama ;)?

tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2013, 15:38:34

Is Over the Hill in Monsters?

Magellan Game profile


May 31st 2013, 15:57:14

I miss Helmet :(

Sov Game profile


May 31st 2013, 15:57:54

Originally posted by de1i:
Originally posted by Sov:
Maybe if Over The Hill keeps talking we might not give a pact afterall.

Then we'll watch him cry all over the forums next set about SoF bullying.

Why even pretend you're going to do anything but that? It is easier and more entertaining for you guys to do that then show a little bit of humbleness/self control.

SoF has changed! Who are you Obama ;)?

Actually SoF is more than fair to Alliances that are fair and respectful to us. It's funny how we have not had any other Alliance complain about being screwed by SoF in FA deals since I took over apart from Monsters. Why is that do you think? Maybe because we didn't like Monsters approach? Nah, we are just assholes.

We do however enjoy killing Alliances who talk crap because we get special enjoyment of it :)

Magellan Game profile


May 31st 2013, 16:38:36


You just make your own rules and then bs on AT to spin it to the others and your members.

Its old and makes this game stale.

de1i Game profile


May 31st 2013, 16:39:11

Funny, this situation started because of a massive topfeed done by SoF that you admit should not of happened to begin. A situation that was poorly handled by both parties and ended with the death of the country that was wronged in the first place (versus 19 retals LOL).

Since then Soda's restart has been topfed and RoRed by Boltar a former SoF leader, another Monster had a massive hit done on his all explore country, and a 3rd had 25 missiles sent his way for retaliating the double tap on him.

Also let us not forget whatever this situation is with #133 and self deleting rather than being retaliated. Which I believe was General Earl if he has credentials that means anything to anyone.

Most alliances are smart enough to not voice their grievances on a public forum about an alliance that would sooner kill you off than admit they made a mistake. I see 2 posts by Monster leaders concerning their opinion of the situation, posts that also admitted wrongdoing on their own part and weren't even remotely disrepctful. BUT THE NERVE OF ANYONE IN MONSTERS EVEN BEING REMOTELY UPSET ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED!

Edited By: de1i on May 31st 2013, 16:42:04. Reason: words words words
See Original Post

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

May 31st 2013, 16:54:58

There is a difference between what you might call bullying and what took place this set. Bullying is part of the game, always has been. Monsters can retal bullying.
But this was not bullying.
SoF has a blind eye to it, and that's what I find difficult to understand.

I know you don't like to hear it but April 30th was a watershed event. You had a member self delete immediately after twice grabbing Monsters, which uncovered a flaw in the game mechanics. A bug. A bug that left us unable to retal.

In what came after we've been accused by SoF of babysitting via RDP, of conspiring against SoF, there have been in fact a steady stream of odd accusations including that we've come to AT portraying ourselves as martyrs. As was relayed to one of your own by one of ours,
The only thing close to martrydom was that we kept our mouth shut publicly when the self-delete bug came to light and kept it shut until it was fixed.
You know, integrity of the game and all?
To be honest with you, if a member of Monsters hurt another alliance by manipulation of a bug - intentionally or not - we would have been jumping to the said alliance to make it more than right.
To not do so, is to enjoy the fruits of an exploited bug.
You did not, and that puts your tag into a whole 'nuther class of low.

And what did you do instead of 'making it right'?
You topfed one of the very players that was caused harm by that bug.

And after killing that country, we now see a subsequent series of 'mistakes' by members of SoF that 'didn't read your internal boards' or 'messed up with the math'. Oh, they're demoted. Into what? More countries to be used for internal farming?

Question is still out there to the owner of #133; Why did you self-delete?

tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2013, 17:07:50

If it really was Earl, then it's because he's a fluff. Not much more to it than that...maybe someday I'll post his response to our unacceptable demands when he was briefly in Evo. You know, things like update your status every other day and check in on your thread and the site in general. Yeah, real terrible...



May 31st 2013, 17:15:54

sht happens when a bunch of netters are in a warring alliance.

Flamey Game profile


May 31st 2013, 17:46:56

Sov is very fair at FA dealings and is by far our most activate leader. However, due to his far more important priorities, our whole FA and IA team has been less than efficient.

Regarding the whole grabbing and deleting thing, it should have been sorted. I remember us offering retals and the guy self-deleting in protest (Didn't even know you're not able to self-delete after grabbing). Why it wasn't sorted was probably down to our leadership inactivity and Monsters not following it up.

The topfeed after the war was a jerk move. Yet, looking back at #7's grabs over the reset, there is so much of what we'd consider 'abusive landtrading' that I'm not losing sleep over it. A whole load of miscommunication occurred afterwards, which seemed to be resolved after being told #7 would drop defence and let us have a few grabs. However, after it did the opposite, we decided to kill him and eventually did it, despite his stock and mass FA.

Understandably that left relations at an all-time low with both sides unhappy, but now we have another incident caused by us. Obviously it was done by bored members trying to provoke a war. It backfired. The members have been demoted and we will pay reps and I hear that Xyle is prepared to offer a uNAP over it.

I can understand why we are seen as bullies and how all our misdemeanours can be listed and built up into one big conspiracy; but in actual fact its a mixture of things:

1) We are a blood-thirsty alliance which negotiates hard in our and our allies' interest and have a FA policy which actively seeks vengeance against who we feel wrongs us.

2) When we mess up, it's usually members bored by lack of war. It's something we need to deal with, but it's also a lack of motivation/laziness in the leadership to resolve it (especially me) that causes a bunch of problems, rather than us intentionally being difficult.

3) We have no AT policy, our members can fluff-talk all they want. The whole RDP thing and planned 1 week KR were obviously jokes.

I've actually done a lot of work this reset in rewriting FDP/uNAPS and I'll be writing our external policy publically in the next few days and a clear internal policy, which hopefully resolve a lot of issues. But in summary, look back at my earlier post. SoF is a great ally to have and a good alliance to be pacted to; however it isn't our job to be jolly and merry to anyone outside of our circle. Just be lucky you have someone constructive like Xyle to deal with and not me, who seriously would kill an alliance for looking at me funny.

Edited By: Flamey on May 31st 2013, 17:51:15
See Original Post

gambit Game profile


May 31st 2013, 17:48:51

well i dont know what ive done to sof except retal hits on my country... and then i get missile dumped as i start to destock

basically 2 sof members decided to take it out on my finish because they are still mad at soda or this whole situation
Natural Born Killer

Grady Game profile


May 31st 2013, 17:57:16

Originally posted by Flamey:

The topfeed after the war was a jerk move. Yet, looking back at #7's grabs over the reset, there is so much of what we'd consider 'abusive landtrading' that I'm not losing sleep over it.

Here are some examples of the "non-abusive" landgrabs:

Time Attacker Defender Type Result
2013-05-31 04:02 sof op nerf sof plz (#332) (SoF) OATS CATS ARE SUPER CATS (#1073) (SoF) PS 610A (+62A)
2013-05-31 04:02 sof op nerf sof plz (#332) (SoF) OATS CATS ARE SUPER CATS (#1073) (SoF) PS 767A (+189A)
2013-05-31 04:02 sof op nerf sof plz (#332) (SoF) OATS CATS ARE SUPER CATS (#1073) (SoF) PS 780A (+284A)
2013-05-31 04:02 sof op nerf sof plz (#332) (SoF) OATS CATS ARE SUPER CATS (#1073) (SoF) PS 757A (+474A)
2013-05-30 03:45 sof op nerf sof plz (#332) (SoF) OATS CATS ARE SUPER CATS (#1073) (SoF) PS 965A (+293A)
2013-05-30 03:45 sof op nerf sof plz (#332) (SoF) OATS CATS ARE SUPER CATS (#1073) (SoF) PS 1,289A (+643A)
2013-05-30 03:45 sof op nerf sof plz (#332) (SoF) OATS CATS ARE SUPER CATS (#1073) (SoF) PS 1,429A (+891A)
2013-05-30 03:45 sof op nerf sof plz (#332) (SoF) OATS CATS ARE SUPER CATS (#1073) (SoF) PS 1,655A (+996A)
2013-05-27 03:55 Baby Noah FTW (#131) (SoF) HAN (#81) (SoF) PS 733A (+78A)
2013-05-27 03:54 Baby Noah FTW (#131) (SoF) HAN (#81) (SoF) PS 719A (+188A)
2013-05-27 03:54 Name it Zergling One (#211) (SoF) HAN (#81) (SoF) PS 798A (+620A)
2013-05-27 03:54 Baby Noah FTW (#131) (SoF) HAN (#81) (SoF) PS 1,104A (+748A)
2013-05-27 03:53 Baby Noah FTW (#131) (SoF) HAN (#81) (SoF) PS 1,390A (+1,235A)
2013-05-27 03:52 www norml org (#1171) (SoF) HAN (#81) (SoF) PS 1,544A (+646A)
2013-05-27 03:51 www norml org (#1171) (SoF) HAN (#81) (SoF) PS 1,624A (+680A)
2013-05-20 14:26 fluff HeaDs (#601) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) PS 1,165A (+738A)
2013-05-19 12:59 fluff HeaDs (#601) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) PS 2,141A (+998A)
2013-05-18 03:14 name him m0m0 (#38) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) PS 277A (+0A)
2013-05-18 03:14 name him m0m0 (#38) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) SS 435A (+0A)
2013-05-18 03:13 name him m0m0 (#38) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) SS 439A (+28A)
2013-05-18 03:13 name him m0m0 (#38) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) SS 636A (+93A)
2013-05-18 03:13 name him m0m0 (#38) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) SS 644A (+136A)
2013-05-18 03:13 name him m0m0 (#38) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) SS 1,048A (+353A)
2013-05-18 03:13 Name it Zergling One (#211) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) PS 1,625A (+519A)
2013-05-18 03:13 Name it Zergling One (#211) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) PS 2,483A (+1,213A)
2013-05-18 03:13 Name it Zergling One (#211) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) PS 3,190A (+1,792A)
2013-05-18 03:12 Name it Zergling One (#211) (SoF) m0m0 name it wait for it (#289) (SoF) PS 3,869A (+2,164A)

Total Land Internally Farmed
Name Clan Grabbed
1 Name it Zergling One (#211) SoF 11,965a
2 GO CANUCKS GO (#1014) 11,215a
3 sof op nerf sof plz (#332) SoF 8,252a
4 Baby Noah FTW (#131) SoF 3,946a
5 communicasher (#59) EVOosso 3,770a
6 name him m0m0 (#38) SoF 3,479a
7 100ll0000l (#423) Infernal 3,378a
8 fluff HeaDs (#601) SoF 3,306a
9 www norml org (#1171) SoF 3,168a
10 donde este y gordos (#936) LaF 2,803a



May 31st 2013, 17:59:34

we are bored

Flamey Game profile


May 31st 2013, 18:02:01

Seriously, they are just bored members hitting each other. Most of those hits are probably accompanied with missiles and special attacks. It's hardly any attempt to gain an uncompetitive networth advantage, which is what our policy is aimed at.

But if any alliance felt so strongly about it, I'm sure they could quite easily enforce our anti-landtrading clause against us.

Over The Hill Game profile


May 31st 2013, 18:08:44

Originally posted by Sov:
Maybe if Over The Hill keeps talking we might not give a pact afterall.

Then we'll watch him cry all over the forums next set about SoF bullying.

I see where the problem lies now Sov. You have no listening/reading skills. You only hear what you want to hear.

No where in my posts do I mention anything about Sof bullying and I challenge you to throw up a quote of mine where I do.

I have mentioned a couple of times that Sof is a crap alliance, and that MONSTERS wallin attempts and retals own Sof but "crying about bullying?"....naa I don't think so



May 31st 2013, 19:28:11

WOW MONSTERS feeling lucky now

gambit Game profile


May 31st 2013, 19:35:20

fyi OTH is not a member of monsters :P
Natural Born Killer

Zahc Game profile


May 31st 2013, 19:47:29

Originally posted by gambit:
well i dont know what ive done to sof except retal hits on my country... and then i get missile dumped as i start to destock

basically 2 sof members decided to take it out on my finish because they are still mad at soda or this whole situation

that blows. Next set you can make a new country but the SoF members will still be demoted! I think you won in this exchange
llort orp s`fos

Murf Game profile


May 31st 2013, 19:50:18

Tellarion I'd never net in EVO, would ruin your avg nw lol

Taveren Game profile


May 31st 2013, 19:56:38

And here comes the circle jerk!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Kalick Game profile


May 31st 2013, 20:06:26

Originally posted by Zahc:
Originally posted by gambit:
well i dont know what ive done to sof except retal hits on my country... and then i get missile dumped as i start to destock

basically 2 sof members decided to take it out on my finish because they are still mad at soda or this whole situation

that blows. Next set you can make a new country but the SoF members will still be demoted! I think you won in this exchange

Because Monsters' objective was to demote SoF members. Victory!

Flamey Game profile


May 31st 2013, 20:23:41

That was a pretty nice troll Chaz; it even had me outraged for a second.

warmaniac Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 0:16:34

Demote? From what to what? Does it even matter?

de1i Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 0:18:38

From the gray color to the blue.

Vic Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 3:09:31


Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 1st 2013, 3:24:14

It seems to me, that things could have been handled better in multiple avenues...its the past.

OTH= Not a Monster.
BUt I wish whoever it is would quit flaming.

Its time for both side to move beyond all this and get back to normal relations:)
Z is #1

Sov Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 4:09:36

He is Monsters. Just an alias ;)



Jun 1st 2013, 4:11:29

Originally posted by Murf:
Don't really give a damn how it makes anyone feel, monsters got themselves a nice shiney new pact due to the actions of those 2 idiots

A pact which will be voided as soon as Sof's bipolar meds wear off.

Edited By: RLBearcat09 on Jun 1st 2013, 4:17:41
See Original Post

Vic Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 6:42:45


Murf Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 7:33:14

Tbh if servant still ran monsters, this prob never would of happened

locket Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 7:45:12

If sof didnt make late set topfeeds for no reason it wouldnt have happened either ;)

Murf Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 9:42:49

If alliances put up a better fight and kept the members occupied all set that wouldn't be an issue



Jun 1st 2013, 17:21:29

Originally posted by Servant:
It seems to me, that things could have been handled better in multiple avenues...its the past.

OTH= Not a Monster.
BUt I wish whoever it is would quit flaming.

Its time for both side to move beyond all this and get back to normal relations:)

Bubba how un LCN like

ninong Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 17:28:14

beam me up scotty
ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 1st 2013, 18:32:41

You will find, I tend to honor the culture of the alliance I'm in.

If was in LAF, I'd be elitist.
If I was in SOL, I'd be a warmonger.
if I was in SOF, I'd be an asshole (and I mean this in the most positive sense possible.)
If was I was in Imag, I'd be a professional loser.
IF I was in ICN, I'd be a professional Mute.
IF I was in RD, I'd be colored
IF I was in wherever Fazer was runnning, I'd be a professional lousy cheater.
If I was in PDM, I'd be Rommel
If I was in MD, I'd be a bronze medalist in multiple Olympic Sports.
IF I was in LCN, I'd be a Ravissassin Basher.
IF I was in Evo, I'd be a netter.
If I was in Omega, I'd be an Alpha.

But I'm a Monster, though 've been inactive and not involved in anyway for at least 3-4 sets, and therefore, I'm a hippy, love loving, peacemonger, who generally stays off the boards, and pices the pipe while singing we are family.

Looking at the above list, no wonder it is so dysfunctional.
Z is #1

Vic Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 18:37:41

lol great post serv

locket Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 19:12:19

Originally posted by Murf:
If alliances put up a better fight and kept the members occupied all set that wouldn't be an issue

So... you are blaming MD for Sof's asshole persona? :)

Zahc Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 19:52:52

Originally posted by locket:
If sof didnt make late set topfeeds for no reason it wouldnt have happened either ;)

If servant was leader SoF/Monsters would be pacted so SoF wouldnt of topfed them.

Anyone that wants to net really should do all they can to pact one of the bigger war alliances on the server. If they dont, this sort of thing happens
llort orp s`fos

de1i Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 20:28:44

Originally posted by Zahc:
Originally posted by locket:
If sof didnt make late set topfeeds for no reason it wouldnt have happened either ;)

If servant was leader SoF/Monsters would be pacted so SoF wouldnt of topfed them.

Anyone that wants to net really should do all they can to pact one of the bigger war alliances on the server. If they dont, this sort of thing happens

Monsters leaders believed they signed not one but two pacts with SoF. How is that for doing all they could?

Servant or no servant I doubt that would of kept sof from top feeding soda. Sov was gone and the rest if the leadership doesn't garner the respect he does from their members. Probably because they are too afraid to actually punish people or do something unfavorable without asking him first. That or speaking from personal experience it was other leaders doing the hits ;)

Edited By: de1i on Jun 1st 2013, 20:32:07
See Original Post

Zahc Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 20:45:04

Thinking they signed not one, but two pacts...and they actually had 0? how the heck does that happen.

i agree with almost everything youve said on this thread de1i. just sayin thats how the cookie crumbles these days. Alliances with numbers do what they want and no body can do anything about it(or the ones that can are all allies). Im only on here to troll the other flufftards for my own amusement. I always had high respect for Monsters along with the majority of people but when the alliance leaders that Monsters FS and pwned become the leaders of the biggest war tag...this happens
llort orp s`fos

de1i Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 21:04:31

Semantics and newbie FAs happened :)

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 1st 2013, 23:29:35

OTH isn't in Monsters. So I have been told before. But sadly he keeps running his mouth to ruin things for Monsters.
You would think if one is for a certain clan he would stop screwing it up for them. Matter a fact cyref has told me before that they really don't like his comments. (not verbatim..but in that matter). So OverTheHill....maybe you should be a bit more respectful, and just drop trying to rally for them. They don't want your comments, and you are doing nothing good.

Nextly Monsters...... the owner of 133 hasn't been in #ee nor has logged into earthempires since. He is known ragequitter, and nextly I seen his ragequit, SOF was actually demoting him. So they are not at fault for his deletion/anger issues. Some people just need a chill pill. :)

I am not sure you will ever get an answer from 133 cyref than what I told you. He was gone last time from the game for about a year I think...when he last raged. Maybe a bit less..but defiantly over 6 months.

Edited By: galleri on Jun 2nd 2013, 0:48:04
See Original Post

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

locket Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 23:56:48

how is a clan not responsible for people in their tag galleri

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 2nd 2013, 0:00:45

I am not saying they aren't not responsible. I am just saying you cannot fix stupid :P I guess I should have rephrased that part?

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Mr. Iris Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 0:21:56

Originally posted by galleri:
I am not sure you will ever get an answer from 133 cyref than what I told you. He was gone last time from the game for about a year I think...when he last raged. Maybe a bit less..but defiantly over 6 months.

Love the 'defiantly' typo, it would almost work if anyone gave a fluff about GE. Also would like to confirm the STFU to OTH.

XOXO to all.
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 2nd 2013, 0:46:27

Dammit Iris! I don't pick up your faults! :P

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

iScode Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 4:29:19

Servant your a fluffwit and a backstabber, go suck a fluff.
God of War


tellarion Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 4:39:11

Originally posted by galleri:
OTH isn't in Monsters. So I have been told before. But sadly he keeps running his mouth to ruin things for Monsters.
You would think if one is for a certain clan he would stop screwing it up for them. Matter a fact cyref has told me before that they really don't like his comments. (not verbatim..but in that matter). So OverTheHill....maybe you should be a bit more respectful, and just drop trying to rally for them. They don't want your comments, and you are doing nothing good.

If someone is not a member of a particular alliance, how the hell do their statements have any bearing on relations with that alliance? If I start slamming Sof too, is that going to get Monsters in more trouble? Whether OTH is a monsters alias or not is one thing, but his statements should have absolutely no impact on relations between monsters and sof....(unless they prove that he really is a monsters member, of course).

Sov Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 4:45:47

He is a Monsters member, I know this :)

Nevertheless Servant and I are working on these issues in private so there is not much else to discuss here.